The Buena Mulata Pepper is beautiful ornamental hot pepper that ripens from a vivid violet to zesty orange, then to deep red! Beyond their ornamental beauty, the Buena Mulata is a surprising culinary pepper too. This old heirloom variety traces back to Horace Pippin, an African-American folk artist. When ripe, the pepper will get to around 6 inches in length and will have a heat level that is similar to a cayenne pepper. The Buena Mulata can be used fresh or dried to give any dish a slight kick! 75 days.
TPF264 California Wonder Sweet Bell
A delicious heirloom. The standard bell pepper for many decades, this 1928 introduction is still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell you can grow, and a big improvement over the earlier bells. Consistently produces 3" X 4", 4-lobed fruit.
LET833 Cambuchi Hot ( Mildly Hot Pepper )
Open-pollinated, heirloom, hot-type pepper with medium 4000 to 6000 Scoville Heat Units. Suitable for growing in garden plots, raised beds, and greenhouses.This unique, flying saucer-shaped pepper is originally from Brazil and can often be confused with the Bishop Crown pepper. However, it is not as spicy as the bishop crown pepper and has a different fruity flavor. It is perfect for salads, salsas, jams, stuffings, and more!
Cambuci peppers are named after the Cambuci fruit, which they also resemble, which in turn is named for being shaped like an indigenous style of earthen jar.
PEP762 Candy Cane ( Sweet Pepper )
Unique green-yellow striped snack pepper, turns red, variegated leaf to boot, thin walls for desired crunchiness, greate taste, 70 days.
PEP084 Caribbean Red ( Very Hot Pepper!
300,000 Scoville Units )
What's the hottest pepper you can name? Red Habenero? Red
Savina? Not even close! It's our personal belief that none of
these scorchers can hold a candle to the heat generated by Red
Caribbean's wrinkled little fruits. Officially, the jury still
may be out on the world's hottest pepper, but we've seen
Caribbean Red come out on top test after test, against scores
of other peppers around the world. Blunt, tapered, 1-1/2"
fruits rate twice as hot as a typical commercial variety and
can be used green, although they will be a little less sweet if
harvested early. Plants grow to 30". 110 days. We've seen many
different tests, and some have indicated these can go over
300,000 Scoville units, seriously, handle these fruits with
gloves, you don't want to rub your eyes after handling
LET442 Caribbean Yellow Habanero ( Very Hot Pepper )
Super hot, even hotter than the red! This is a favorite of the super hot growers for its flavor, it has a smokey-citrus profile and is excellent in any dish that uses hot peppers such as chili or salsa. 1 inch thin wall fruits, a pure yellow Habanero, 400,000 scoville, 90 days.
PEP700 Carolina Reaper ( Super Hot Pepper! )
Guinness Book of World Records 2013 World's Hottest Pepper.
This is the most requested seed lately, we are happy to have found a grower that can provide true seeds.
With levels of over 1,400,000 Scoville Heat Units, this is about the hottest pepper you can buy.
It surprisingly has a somewhat sweet taste, if you can survive the heat long enough to enjoy it!
LET645 Cascaduro ( Sweet Pepper )
Sweet Ancho type, Brazilian heirloom, 3-4" long, highly productive, sweet taste, 75 days. These are perfect fried, stuffed, roasted, in soups, or adding to sauces. The pepper ripens to red but is usually used when it is green.
PEP086 Cayenne Large Red Thick ( Hot
Pepper 15000 - 30000 Scoville Units )
Quite, hot, thick-fleshed fruits, 6 inches by 3/4-inch. Used
dried, pickled, or in sauces. Concentrated sets of fruits -
wrinkled and tapered in curve - are pendantly born on upright
plants, ripening from dark green to a brilliant bright color.
75 days.
PEP087 Cayenne Long Red Slim ( Hot
Pepper 20000 - 30000 Scoville Units )
These long, slender, wrinkled, very hot peppers are especially
good for pickles, canning and drying. Brilliant red peppers are
no thicker than a pencil. Fiery red, makes excellent chili and
home salsa. Two-celled fruits start out dark green, and then
ripen to a bright red color. 72 days.
LET174 Cayenne Purple ( Medium hot heat with good flavor 30-50 thousand su )
This exceptionally ornamental pepper is also has great flavor with quite a bit of heat. Two foot plants are covered with dozens and dozens of light purple blossoms which turn into dark purple, thin peppers about 3 inches long, a bit smaller than a regular cayenne.
Beautiful Cayenne Purple Peppers are impressive not only for their appearance but also for their delicious taste. Plants produce good yields of green peppers that turn purple, then red in the last stage of maturity. Great used fresh, pickled, dried, or ornamentally.
90-120 days.
PEP783 Cayenetta F1 ( Mildly hot pepper )
2012 AAS Winner! This chili pepper will be a favorite both as a culinary pepper and as an ornamental. The elongated, 3 to 4 inch fruits of green maturing to glossy red have an excellent, mildly spicy flavor that outshone all comparison varieties in the AAS trials. The well-branched, upright, 24 inch tall plants have good heat and cold tolerance and are incredibly easy to grow, requiring no staking. They are very attractive grown in containers or patio gardens with their prolific display of colorful, cascading fruits that are protected from sun scorch by the dense canopy of foliage. An all-around good choice for both market growers and home gardeners.
Scoville Rating: 20,000. 69 Days
PEP415 Chablis ( Sweet Frying and Salad Pepper )
No, it's not a seed mix, Chablis is a single pepper plant with delicious fruit that matures from gleaming ivory to golden-orange to brightest red!
Thick-walled and ultra-sweet, these bells look great and taste terrific. So now you can have a mix of colors from a single plant!
These blocky bells measure 3 inches across and 4 inches long, with thick walls, glossy skins, and beautiful shapes. They begin green, but turn white quite quickly, and are ready to harvest at any stage after that. Pick some pure white, let others mature to citrus shades of gold and orange, and reserve a few for ultra-nutritious ripeness and beauty at pure red.
Chablis is a very vigorous pepper, as its early maturity suggests. It stands up to tobacco mosaic virus and bacterial leaf spot effortlessly, which makes for healthier growth and bigger crops. This plant reaches about 18 to 24 inches high, very well-branched and productive. Give it some support to hold up its big crops!
Chablis peppers are good for slicing, stuffing, and cooking. They keep their color nicely, and the supersweet flavor just gets better with a little heat. 65 days.
PEP384 Chervena Chushka ( Sweet Roasting
Pepper )
Bulgarian heirloom traditionally used for roasting; also delicious eaten fresh. Flesh is sugary sweet. Robust plants produce large tapered fruits measuring 2" wide by 6" long. Fruits ripen from green to brown to vivid red. 85 days from transplant.
LET179 Chinese 5 Color ( Mildly hot pepper )
Compact and easy to grow, these peppers mature like a rainbow in five colors and gains in heat as they change color, turning from cream, purple, yellow, orange, and finally red.
Screaming-hot little peppers turn a rainbow of vibrant colors, from purple, cream, yellow, orange to red as they ripen. But unlike most ornamentals, these little peppers are tasty, too, with a spicy 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units. 75 Days
PEP750 Chilaca Mexican ( Negro ) ( Mildly Hot Pepper )
Also known as Pasilla Bajio, this pepper has a little heat and also a slightly sweet, mild, rich-flavor, the pods start off green and ripen to a wrinkled chocolate brown. They contain only 1,000 to 1,500 Scoville units.
The name Pasilla actually refers to the chile in its dried form, Pasilla meaning raisin in Spanish, a reference to the colour of a fully ripe pasilla. Fresh pasillas are called Chilaca, they are also simply referred to as 'chile negro', meaning black chile. Other Spanish names for Pasilla Bajio include Quernillo, Pasa And Prieto.
The plants grow from 24 to 36 inches tall and the fruits mature in 80 to 85 days. The fresh narrow chilaca can measure up to 9 inches long and often has a twisted shape, which is seldom apparent after drying. It turns from dark green to dark brown as it matures and ripens.
Pasilla bajios are commonly toasted and crumbled for use in numerous Mexican sauces including mole, the holiday sauce famous in the Oaxaca region of Mexico and the red sauce of enchiladas.
PEP794 Corbaci ( Sweet pepper )
Slender, sweet, 10 to 12 inch fruits change from light green to yellow and finally to bright red. A perfect choice for fresh eating, pickling or frying, this rare heirloom is from Turkey and has a very rich, sweet flavor. Harvest edible green fruits in as little as 55 days or allow to fully mature at 75 days. Plant should be staked as very heavy yields will cause the plants to fall over.
PEP061 Corno Di Toro Red ( Spicy,
Warm to Mildly Hot Pepper 20000 - 35000 Scoville Units
"Horn of the Bull" peppers are imported from Italy and feature
fruits 8 to 10" long, curved much like a bull's horn. Ripens to
a gorgeous red cone at maturity, perfect fresh or cooked.
Excellent size and taste. Tall, vigorous plants. 72 days.
LET792 Costa Rico ( Sweet Pepper )
Ruby red 1-1/2" x 6", sweet fruity flavor, perfect in salad, sliced for dip, or grilled, 70 days.
A truly tasty pepper, its a large Marconi type but shorter in length and wider through the shoulder. Pick when the skin turns deep ruby red to experience its unique fruity sweetness. Delicious in salads and sliced in strips for dip because it provides more flavor than a sweet bell. Also tasty when roasted or grilled.
LET180 Cowhorn ( Mildly hot chile pepper )
The cowhorn pepper is truly one of the largest chilies around. It typically rows from eight to ten inches in length which dwarfs most other chilies.
These large, thick-walled cayenne peppers are named for their shape. The fruit turns bright red when mature and are a little hot. The wrinkled fruit are excellent for sauces and drying. These large thick-walled Cayenne peppers are also perfect for making our favorite hot sauce and drying for pepper flakes. An excellent choice for home gardens, farmer’s markets, and market growers. Scoville Heat Units: 5,000.
75 Days
PEP063 Cubanelle ( Sweet
Frying/Roasting Pepper )
Sweet Italian frying type with delicious taste. Long, green, 2
to 3 lobed, thick-skinned fruits turn to yellow, then bright
red at maturity. Peppers, 5-1/2 inches by 2-1/2 inches, are
tastiest fried in oil. 65 days.
PEP784 Demon Gold Drop ( Hot Pepper 500,000 Scoville Units )
Hundreds of tasty hot, 1" round fruits, green turning gold, up to 500,000 sco, wonderful novelty, great for making very hot ( and attractive ) pepper vinegar. 90 days.
PEP760 Devils Tongue ( Extremely hot, over 300,000 shu )
The pepper has a long curved shape that is reminiscent of a tongue and very hot, hence the name Devils Tongue. The pepper is yellow in color and closely related to the Habanero Pepper with a slightly sweet taste.
The pepper is a member of the Habanero family and possibly was developed from other Habanero strains and Fataliis. It has a fruity and citrus like composition and a nutty flavor with very thick walls ( if you survive the heat ).
PEP091 Early Jalapeno ( Hot Pepper
25000 - 30000 Scoville Units )
Very hot, ideal for Mexican dishes. Deep green fruits mature to
red. Sausage- shaped fruits, 3-1/2 inches by 1-1/2 inches, are
also perfect for pickling. Just- like Jalapeno, except earlier
and better adapted to cool, coastal conditions. Compact,
non-brittle bushes. 60-65 days.
PEP023 Fat-N-Sassy Hybrid ( Sweet
Bell Pepper )
Huge and it doesn't take long to produce! Ten days less wait
and as huge as the best selling whopper improved! No sweet bell
pepper beats this in early maturity and huge size! Sweet and
crunchy, about 4-1/2" x 4-1/2", it's thick walled and blocky.
Upright plants reach about 22" in height, and perform well
under a variety of conditions. Tolerant to TMV and PVY. 61
LET695 Feher Ozon Paprika ( Paprika Pepper
Hungarian heirloom, 5" long tapered, white to orange to red, sweet flesh. These paprikas grow upward and out through foliage; starting out ivory-white, then orange and finally into a beautiful mature red, perfect for making homemade paprika powder. Dry them by hanging or in a dehydrator and then crush and grind them with mortar and pestle or food processor. The Feher Ozon Paprika Pepper is also good eaten fresh, with a mildly pungent, sweet flavor. Compact plants. 80 days.
PEP315 Fish Pepper ( Medium Hot Pepper )
A medium hot pepper. Beautiful green and white variegated
foliage on 18-24" plants. Pendant fruits 2-3" long, ripen from
cream with green stripes to orange with brown stripes to all
red. Traditionally used in oyster and crab houses around the
Chesapeake Bay. Perfect for salsa. 80 days from transplant.
LET197 Garden Salsa ( Mildly hot pepper )
Developed just for salsa, this medium-hot chile pepper turns out to be heavy bearing and delicious, too! Boasting just the right amount of heat, it can be picked green for salsa or allowed to turn red for full nutritional kick and use in salads, sauces, and more!
Garden Salsa Hybrid scores 3,000 Scovilles on the heat index, which gives it a nice little bite in salsa but doesn't produce so much heat that diners have to be warned before they try it! It's a great all-purpose pepper, because it does offer a nicely nuanced flavor that works in a variety of dishes. Great for adding a zesty kick to homemade salsas, but also chili and other dishes. Fruits are 8" long by 1" across, usually picked green for salsa (they mature red), and classed as mildly-hot. Peppers get hotter in dry weather. 75 Days
PEP770 Greek Golden Pepperoncini
Pepper ( Very mild, about 2000 SU )
Classic garnish for sandwiches, pickling, or Greek salads. Golden color before maturing, 1-1/2 x 4" peppers change from golden yellow to red. 75 days
PEP773 Gypsy ( Sweet Pepper )
Winner. Very prolific frying and roasting pepper with great taste! The unique colors of the maturing peppers make them an attractive landscape plant as well. This All-America Selections winner is a very prolific frying pepper that is also recommended fresh in salads. Tapered fruits grow 4 1/2" long by 2 1/2" wide and matures from yellow to orange to red. 62 days.
LET928 Habanada ( Heat-less Jalapeno Pepper )
A truly remarkable pepper, Habanada is the world's first heat-less habanero pepper. Instead of heat, it delivers a blast of sweet tropical flavors. Excellent seared, braised, roasted, or raw, this is a versatile culinary pepper. Extremely productive and early. Can be used at the green stage, but reaches the pinnacle of flavor and texture when it turns a beautiful orange hue.
Bred by well-known organic plant breeder Michael Mazourek, Habanada is the product of natural breeding techniques. These exceptional snacking peppers have all of the fruity and floral notes of the habanero without any spice.
PEP098 Habanero ( Very Hot Pepper!
300000 SU )
This family is the hottest of the hot, Capsicum Chinese,
reportedly 1,000 times hotter than Jalapeno. Native to the
Yucatan, 1" by 1-1/2" lantern shaped pods, with thin, wrinkled,
light green flesh, ripen to a golden-orange. Slow to germinate,
must be grown in warm, moist conditions. A Caribbean favorite.
Plants grow 36" tall. 95 days.
PEP385 Habanero Magnum Orange ( Very Hot
Pepper! 210000 SU )
Brilliant orange, large bonnet shape, uniform, highly productive, loads of perfect peppers, very hot! 93 days.
LET199 Habanero Mayan Red( Very hot pepper, about 250,000 scoville units )
"HOT" new look for the Habanero, elongated, glossy bright red! 30-36" tall plant produces high yields of 3-4 inch glossy bright red hot peppers. Peppers are lantern shaped, longer and more slender than a typical Habanero. Ready to eat when they are still green (70 days) but are more succulent and nutritious if allowed to ripen to red (90 days). Early maturity variety that is good for cooler climes. 90 days.
LET200 White Habanero ( Very Hot
Pepper! 100000-300000 SU)
A wonderful new addition to an old favorite. Small bushy plants
yield loads of these 1"-2" creamy-white, top-shaped fruit. This
Caribbean variety is a favorite for its smoky taste and extreme
heat. Ornamental and unique.
LET201 Yellow Habanero ( Very Hot Pepper! In the 300,000 range SU)
This yellow version has the full flavor of a true Habanero pepper, a complexed but balanced fruity and floral flavor. Like all Habanero variations, these yellow babies are extremely hot.
PEP412 Chocolate Habanero ( Very Hot
Pepper! 220000 SU )
An outstanding hot chile pepper made superior in every way through quality breeding. Expect very high yields of crunchy, 2 1/2" fruits, velvety brown inside and out, and packing some serious heat. Who knew that a pepper this hot could be so flavorful? But it is. Supersized fruits are extra versatile in the kitchen, adding just the right kick to stir-fries, salsas and sauces. 93 days.
LET926 Halaby ( Aleppo ) ( Mild Spice Pepper )
Specialty Syrian spice, 3-5" blunt tip, medium heat, sweet and tangy, coveted by food gurus for exquisite chili flakes/powder. It has a mild sweet flavor of sun dried tomatoes but heat building slowly with a substantial kick behind it. Popular in Turkish and Middle Eastern/Mediterranean cooking.
It's pods are ripened to a burgundy color, then semi-dried, de-seeded, and crushed or coarsely ground. The pepper flakes are known in Turkey as pul biber (pul = flake, biber = pepper), and in Armenia as Halebi bibar. In Turkey, pul biber is the third most commonly used spice, after salt and black pepper. In Arabic, the pepper is named after Aleppo, a long-inhabited city along the Silk Road in northern Syria, and is grown in Syria and Turkey. Chiles originated in South America and were among the New World crops, like potatoes and tomatoes.
Although it is a common condiment, its use in Europe and the United States outside Armenian, Syrian and Turkish immigrant communities was rare until the 21st century, with Los Angeles magazine dating its rise in use among the broader U.S. population to the 1994 edition of The Cooking of the Eastern Mediterranean by Paula Wolfert.
68 days.
PEP791 Holy Mole ( Tangy, Spicy Pepper )
Holy Mole is the pasilla-type pepper you must grow for the famous mole sauce and other Mexican cuisine. It is mildly hot at 700 Scovilles with a nutty, tangy flavor.
F1 Hybrid. Plant produces good yields of 9" long by 1 ½" wide chocolate brown hot peppers. Peppers are mildly hot, have thick walls, and turn from glossy dark green to chocolate brown when mature.
Plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers. Used to make the Mexican Mole Sauce. Also can be dried and ground. 85 days.
LET203 Hot and Happy Mix ( Mix of Mildly Hot to Hot Pepper 5000-20000 SU )
Mix of range of hot peppers, all colors and shapes, varying heat, for the bold and adventurous.
LET346 Hot Burrito ( A pepper with a little heat )
This is just a great all around pepper for the kitchen or patio! It is very ornamental, easy to grow inside in containers in bright light or on the patio, in a basket on the porch, balcony, etc. It offers a profusion of peppers that has so many culinary uses. The compact plant will only grow about 12 inches tall in most situations and can fit in about anywhere.
1" x 4" pointed fruits slowly turning from pale green to red.
Add a fully ripe Hot Burrito pepper to a bottle of your favorite oil or vinegar to infuse it with flavor. They’re delicious fresh or in recipes, or add them to skewers for grilling. Peppers become hotter as they mature, with a Scoville rating of 3,000-6,000.
LET666 Hungarian Hot Wax ( Mildly hot pepper )
The Hungarian Yellow Hot Wax Pepper is a medium-hot pepper that also provides a sweet flavor similar to the banana pepper. A very versatile and food-friendly pepper that can be used in just about any dish. The Hungarian Wax is also excellent for pickling.
Medium Hot - 5,000 - 15,000 Scoville Units
Excellent for short seasons, as it produces in only 60 days. Excellent container pepper, dress up your patio with this yummy addition.
PEP748 Italian Sweet Roaster ( Mild roasting pepper )
These plants produce lots of 7-8" long x 1", curved peppers with a wondeful mild, but a bit warm flavor. Peppers grow green to red, great grilled or in salad, good yield, 85 days.
To cook on the grill: brush the skin of each pepper with olive oil, place the peppers on the grill, cover and cook until tender, about 10 minutes, yummy!
PEP787 Jalafuego F1 ( A pepper with a good bit of heat )
Big, smooth, dark green fruits. Here it is, the jalapeño lover's dream come true: an extra-fiery, extra-large, extra-prolific pepper that is easy to grow and absolutely delicious to eat. Jalafuego is the hottest jalapeño on the market today, and it's going to make all your spicy dishes that much more delicious.
This pepper gets its big yields from the superior disease resistance of its plant. High resistance to bacterial leaf spot races 1-3, 7, 8 and potato virus Y, and pepper mottle. What this means for you is dozens more healthy, big fruit on well-branched plants.
Such fruit it is. Jalafuego reaches 4 inches or more in length, with smooth skin and thick walls. This gives you an extra bite or two in every pepper. The skin eventually turns red if allowed to reach full maturity, but it can be picked green for full spicy kick, too. Great for canning and pickling, freezing and drying, and of course stuffing and eating fresh off the plant.
Vigorous plants consistently produce very high yields of 3 1/2 to 4" fruits that are resistant to checking (small cracks in skin). 70 days.
PEP411 Jalapeno Gigantia ( Mildly hot pepper, 5000 or more shu )
Plant produces good yields of 5" long hot peppers. Peppers are mildy hot, have thick walls, and turn from glossy dark green to scarlet red when mature. Plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers.
Usually used when green. Favorite type for slicing, stuffing, grilling, or pickling. Good for making salsa. Ideal for cutting in half and filling with cheese. 70 days.
LET593 Jalapeno Popper NuMex Jalmundo ( A pepper with a good bit of heat, about 17,000 shu )
A new market category within jalapeños are the "poppers" or jumbo fruits. Poppers are jalapeno fruits that have been hollowed out; stuffed with a cheddar, Monterey Jack, or cream cheese mix; then breaded with a milk–egg–breadcrumb mixture and deep-fried. They are usually served with a dip as hors d'oeuvres. Fruits of NuMex Jalmundo are perfect for use as poppers. In addition, NuMex Jalmundo is adapted to regions similar in climate to the southern New Mexico production area where it can be expected to produce excellent yields under commercial production practices.
These jumbo 2½-5" peppers make the perfect Poppers, hotter than other jalapenos, heavy yield, NuMex bred, 17000 shu, 78 days
PEP793 Jalapeno Orange Spice ( A pepper with a good bit of heat )
Also known as Numex Orange Spice. This pepper originates from the USA and was created by the New Mexico State University’s Chile Pepper Institute often referred to as NuMex. It is a cross between a early jalapeno and a permagreen bell pepper. These are early producers that produced throughout the entire summer. This is about half the size of a standard jalapeno.
The wonderful thing about these peppers other than the ornamental appeal is the flavor of the peppers, these have a wonderful fruity-citrus taste and are packed with nutrition, and distinct spicy/fruit flavor.
Grows about 2 feet tall, SCU estimated at 2000-8000.
PEP777 Jalapeno M
73 days. This is the pungent little dark green pepper found in rings atop nachos and chopped in Mexican sauces both sweet and hot, with an addictive flavor that has made it one of the most popular seasonings in American dishes!
Just 3 1/2 inches long and about 1 1/2 inches wide, these rounded, thick-walled fruits are borne in great numbers on very vigorous 26-inch plants. They are ready to pick when dark green, delivering 4,750 Scovilles of heat!
PEP355 Jamaica Scotch Bonnet Red ( Very Hot
Pepper! 100000-350000 SU)
Super hot, oblong 2" bonnet shape, for hot Caribbean dishes, tastes like Habanero, 90 days.
LET228 Joe E Parker ( Mildly Hot Pepper )
Named after Mr. Joe E. Parker, a graduate of NMSU’s College of Agriculture and Home Economics, who helped to evaluate this selection of chile. The ideal pepper for roasting, stuffing, or canning, in addition to using fresh. This pepper has thick walls, uniform, 6 to 8" long peppers, with few seeds and big yields! Very productive plants. Peppers turn red when mature. 500-2,500 Scoville heat units.
PEP379 Jumbo Sweet Bell ( Sweet
Bell Pepper )
F1 Giant 4 x 7", green to crimson red, 3-4 lobe, -1/2 lb+, thick wall, crispy sweet flavor, resists TMV, 72 days.
PEP795 Lemon Chile ( Medium Hot Pepper )
Peruvian seasoning pepper, very popular, featurs 3/4 x 2", bright yellow, lemon flavor with zest, few seeds, great dried, 100 days.
LET972 Lumbre Hatch XX( Mildly hot pepper, 10-18 thousand shu )
Twice as hot as most other Hatch types. Elongated with a slight curve and taper to a blunt end. The chiles are not as large as other New Mexico types usually averaging about 5 to 6 inches in length. Hatch green chile refers to varieties of New Mexican chile grown in Hatch Valley, NM. Only chiles grown in Hatch, New Mexico, and the surrounding Hatch Valley is actually considered a "Hatch Chile". There are many different varieties of green and red chile grown, meaning "hatch chile" is a catchall phrase for chile grown in the Valley. These are seeds from peppers grown in that valley.
LET817 Mammoth Jalapeno ( Mildly hot pepper, 5000 or more shu )
Large uniform 5 x 2 pendant pods with thick flesh. Excellent for stuffing whole as poppers or cutting in half lengthwise! Adaptability and superior yields complement its excellent fruit quality.
Produces high quality, uniform, dark green fruit making it ideal for fresh and processing. Truly "mammoth" in size, this jumbo jalapeño is very adaptable for the most discerning markets. Superior yields complement its excellent fruit quality. Continuous set provides for extended harvest window. 72 days. Disease Resistance: Potato Virus Y, Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
PEP767 Mad Hatter Hybrid ( Sweet pepper with a slight bit of heat )
2017 AAS Edible Vegetable Winner
This exotic pepper wins on uniqueness alone! However, the plant's vigor, earliness, high yields, large size and awesome taste all contribute to its high score among AAS judges. Mad Hatter is a member of the Capsicum baccatum pepper species from South America commonly used in Bolivian and Peruvian cuisine.
You can impress your friends by growing this pepper and showing off the novel three-sided shape and deliciously sweet taste. The taste has a refreshing, citrusy floral flavor that remains sweet, only occasionally expressing mild heat near the seeds.
Be prepared for vigorous and robust plants that are easy to grow because they were bred for North America"s many growing conditions. Use your abundant harvest raw in salads, pickled or stuffed with cheese, a new favorite!
PEP066 Marconi ( Sweet Pepper
A giant pepper with giant flavor! Awarded All-America Selections recognition in 2001 for its adaptability, earliness, smoky-sweet flavor, and yield, this pepper is a sure winner in the garden. It is one of the biggest Italian- type sweet peppers, with a long profile and a slightly lobed end. Peppers ripen from green to red and are sweetest when red.
Traditional long red sweet peppers, imported from Italy. Large plants bear tasty, 3-lobed fruits which grow up to 12" inches long and 3" across at shoulders. Good green or mature red for salads and for frying. 70-72 days.
PEP779 Mariachi Pepper( Mildly hot Pepper
Big on color and flavor but small on heat!
2006 All-America Selections winner. It's the perfect pepper when you want a blast of color but just a hint of heat. The compact 18-24" plants yield loads of 4", coned shaped fruits that change brilliantly from creamy yellow to bright red all summer. The taste is spicy but only mildly hot. Freeze to provide fresh spicy peppers all winter. Early and continuously productive. Compact plants for patio, 66 days.
LET927 Megatron ( Mild Jalapeno Pepper 4500 Scovilles )
A great stuffing Japapeno! Megatron is a very early, extra-large jalapeno with thick walls and deep green color. The smooth cylindrical fruit are 4½" long, ripen from green to red, and have good shelf life. Strong compact plants offer high yield potential and high resistance to Tobamovirus and BLS. 66 days.
PEP273 Miniature Chocolate Bell (
Sweet Bell Pepper )
An amazing little miniature bell pepper producing 70 or more
fruits a plant. The fruits average 2 1/2 inches wide by 1 1/4
inches long. Peppers ripen from green to chocolate brown.
Produces in only 55 days.
PEP271 Miniature Red Bell ( Sweet
Bell Pepper )
An amazing little miniature bell pepper producing 70 or more
fruits a plant. The fruits average 2 1/2 inches wide by 1 1/4
inches long. Peppers ripen from green to red. Produces in only
55 days.
PEP272 Miniature Yellow Bell ( Sweet
Bell Pepper )
An amazing little miniature bell pepper producing 70 or more
fruits a plant. The fruits average 2 1/2 inches wide by 1 1/4
inches long. Peppers ripen from green to yellow. Produces in
only 55 days.
TWT287 Mini Bell Mix ( Bell Pepper )
Just when you thought you had to decide which color of bell pepper to plant, we offer our Mini Bell Blend of various pepper seeds. Mini red, yellow, and brown thick-skinned bell peppers 1 inch in size ready to be stuffed, fried, barbecued or eaten raw. Plants set many tiny peppers on 24" plants. This blend is a summer garden must-have!
LET226 Mucho Nacho ( Mildly Hot Pepper 4000-8000 SU )
F1, Jumbo jalapeno, 4", heavier, milder than others, green to red, virus resistant, fine for patio, 4000 scoville units, 69 days.
This jalapeno is fatter and longer than the standard jalapeno and hotter, too! Vigorous plants yield lots of hot peppers that ripen to red when fully mature. Use some green and leave some to ripen for a pretty addition to your favorite dish.
PEP338 Orange Sun ( Sweet Bell Pepper
Solar orange, 4 x 4", 3-4 lobe, very tasty fresh or fried, 75
LET791 Ozark Giant ( Sweet Bell
Pepper )
An heirloom variety. Ozark Giant produces huge, long bell peppers that have delicious, thick flesh. They start out green and turn bright red when mature. Red flesh is sweet and tangy. Very productive plants and great flavor will make this old Ozarks variety a favorite.
The plant produces heavy yields of 6" to 8" long giant red sweet bell peppers. Peppers turn from dark green to bright red when mature. Peppers have thick walls, are sweet, and juicy. Great in salads, salsa, and stuffed. Should be staked to support the heavy yields of giant peppers. 72 days.
PEP068 Pepperoncino ( Spicy, Warm to
Mildly Hot Pepper 250-500 SU )
The little Italian peppers found pickled in gourmet produce
departments. Our strain is imported directly from Milan, Italy,
and is unsurpassed for purity and for productivity. Abundant
yields of thin, yellowish green fruits turing red when mature, most often used in the young golden stage, 2 to 4 inches long, sweet
until late maturity. Perfect for canning. Plants are vigorous, reaching a
height of about 30 in. 72 days.
LET284 Peppi Red ( Sweet Seedless Pepper )
Seedless sweet peppers. The Peppi pepper collection will grow seedless fruit under the right conditions! Grow plants in isolation from other, non-seedless peppers to produce seedless fruit that makes chopping quick and easy for recipes.
These small, pointed fruits offer incredible sweetness and rich flavour.
The fruit are often seedless and are great for snacking fresh off the plant.
To produce seedless fruit, it is required to grow it in isolation from other (non-seedless) pepper varieties.
If it is not isolated, it will produce larger, great-tasting fruit with just a few seeds.
Best grown in-ground with support of stakes or a cage. It is a large plant in the ground, growing 36-48 inches tall and a spread of 24-36 inches or so. 50-55 days.
3309 Peter Pepper
( A medium Hot Pepper 5000-30000 SU )
It is absolutely the novelty of the garden. Special heirloom red 'anatomical' hot peppers. Thought to originate out of the Appalachian region. In addition to the novel shape, this is actually a fine tasting pepper with plenty of heat. Besides being a real conversation piece, it is a good cooking pepper that has a thick fleshy pod that is fairly hot with a unique spicy flavor. It makes a wonderful pot of chili.
A slow germinator, can take up to 2-4 weeks to germinate. It is easy to grow in containers or gardens.
PEP340 Pimento L ( Sweet Pimento
Pepper )
Large heart-shaped fruit is 4½ inches long and borne on 1½ ft. tall, strong, upright plants. Dark red, heart shape, delicious sweet fruits that are great fresh, and any extra are often canned or pickled, this variety is one of the mildest pimento-type peppers.
thick wall, 75 days.
PEP125 Poblano ( Spicy, Warm to
Mildly Hot Pepper 2500-3000 SU )
75 days. Slightly hot with a sweet flavor. Dark green 6" x 3" fruits mature to a chocolate-green color. Thick-walled fruits are ideal for fresh use, stuffed, roasted, and used in rellanos or dried as an "Ancho".
JB127 Pot-a-Peno ( Mildly Hot Jalapeno Pepper )
2021 AAS Edible Vegetable Winner. Pot-a-peno is a fun new jalapeno pepper with a compact habit perfect for growing in containers and hanging baskets. Plentiful small, green jalapeño fruits have a traditional spicy zip that is great in any dish where you want a little punch of spice. Simply leave the fruit on the vine a few extra weeks and they will ripen to red for a sweet, spicy flavor.
This variety is earlier to mature than other jalapenos giving you a head start on your garden’s harvest. A unique trait of Pot-a-peno is how the fruit hangs down beneath the plant making it very easy to harvest without damaging the appearance or productivity of the plant. A dense foliage canopy makes for an attractive addition to your patio or balcony garden.
With Pot-a-Peno, it is easy to grow Jalapeños in a basket! Early-fruiting Pot-a-peño has a unique cascading habit that’s perfect for a hanging basket or premium container. It’s a great addition to any vegetable garden!
Pot-a-peño’s unique cascading habit is perfect for a hanging basket or container – an ideal addition to any patio or small-space garden.
Early maturing means this will be one of the first peppers to fruit in the garden.
Tons of jalapeño fruit grow under a dense canopy of small, dark green leaves.
Harvest fruit green for a traditional spicy zip in any dish or allow to ripen to red for a sweet, spicy flavour. 60-65 days.
LET512 Pretty Colorific ( Sweet Pepper )
A great ornamental with great sweet flavor, an excellent way to dress up a salad! Ornamental edible, 2" conical fruits are very sweet and range in orange, yellow, purple, red, colors. Grows about 15" tall plant, perfect in patio pot, 67 days.
LET644 Prik Chi Faa ( Mild Heat )
Prik Chi Faa pepper seeds originated in Thailand. These chilis were used in the original recipe for Sriracha. Thai peppers growing 5-7 inches long by about one half inch wide maturing from green to a deep red. Compact plants grow about 24 inches tall. Once ripe and red, Prik Chi Faa also dries well, making a delicious chili powder.
When picked early, the green Prik Chi Faa Peppers are popular to use in stir-fries. The longer Prik Chi Faa stays on the plant, the more heat these peppers offer. Then, they are dried up and ground into spices or thrown into popular Thai dishes such as Pad Thai. Depending on time of harvest, heat can range from 5,000 SHU to 30,000 SHU. 75 days.
LET230 Red Cherry Large Hot ( Mildly Hot Pepper 5000-10000 SU )
Named for its cherry-like shape, Red Hot Cherry Peppers produce medium-heat peppers with a slightly sweet taste. Peppers mature from green to red when they have developed their full flavor. Frequent harvesting through summer will improve the plant's yield.
Red cherry-sized peppers perfect for pickling. Sturdy, upright plants, 18 to 24 inches, produce warm to medium hot, round fruits, up to 2 inches in diameter. 78 days.
LET233 Ring of Fire Cayenne ( Very Hot!
Pepper 70000-85000 SU )
Classic cayenne shape with fiery flavor. Hot, straight and
tapered fruits turn red when ripe. Plant produces abundantly.
Good dried or fresh. Sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the
last spring frost. Transplant when soils are warm, spacing
seedlings 12-18 inches apart. Enrich soil with mature compost.
Needs warm conditions day and night to germinate and fruit
well. Harvesting tips. Red when ripe, pick at the peak of
LET236 Giant Sahuaro ( Mildly Warm to Hot Pepper 500 Scoville Units
Huge, flavorful mild peppers. F1, Improvement on Big Chile II, large 9" long, strong plant, resists sunburn, for salads or roasted, mild 500 scoville, 68 days.
Giant 9-inch fruits mature from bold green to deep red, packing nutrition into every bite. And although it's classified as a hot pepper, Sahuaro has such a mild bite that you can eat it raw as well as use it for stuffing, grilling, and baking!
LET511 Sedona Sun Ornamental Pepper ( Slightly Hot
Pepper )
Great ornamental and tasty too! Masses of distinctive lemon yellow and carrot orange fruit put a brilliant, multicolour display on every plant.
Indeterminate habit like Sangria, with similar timing.
A beautiful ornamental pepper with colorful fruits that start pale yellow and turn a orange color. Great for cooking, drying, seasoning, and sauce.
Sedona Sun is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor containers and hanging baskets. Plants grow 12 " tall. 75 days.
PEP118 Serrano Chili ( Very Hot Pepper!
10000-25000 SU )
Very hot, whether green or mature red, this flavorful pepper is
perfect for chili sauce, salsa, hot pepper and vinegar and
pickles. Vigorous 30" plants are laden with these 2" medium
thick walls. 85 days.
PEP218 Serrano Tampiqueno ( Very Hot
Pepper! 10000-15000 SU )
The most popular serrano in Mexico. The very hot, candle flame
shaped fruits are 2½" x ½", light green maturing to
orange red with medium thick walls and their own unique flavor.
2-3 ft. tall plants are vigorous and ever bearing, thick wall, spicy citrus flavor, great sauce component. Good for the home and market gardens.
PEP382 Shishito ( Japanese Pepper for Tempura, Shish Kabob )
These glossy green peppers with the crinkly thin skin are petite like jalapenos, but with a mild, sweet flavor all their own. Grilled or pan-roasted and lightly salted, shishitos may make the easiest, most mouth-poppable snack you've ever had. Beware: one in every ten packs a spicy punch.
This medium early, small, sweet, thin-walled glossy green pepper is popular in Japan. The fruits grow up to 3-4" long. Plant has a spreading habit and produces prolifically. Good for garden, greenhouse and open field growing.
Also known as Wrinkled Old Man Pepper. 1/4 ounce peppers are crisp, thin skinned, for tempura, shish kabob, very productive, 70 days.
PEP790 Snick Snack ( Sweet
Snacking Pepper )
Sneak in to the latest Pepper craze, Snackers! These deliciously sweet, snack-size red peppers taste so good right off the plant that they might never see the inside of your kitchen. Kids love them for snacks and lunches, and they also taste great in salads and stir-fries. Wonderfully tasty and crunchy, 3½ " long, yellow to orange to red, 60 days. Compact plants make wonderful patio plants or will thrive in garden.
PEP782 Sriracha Hybrid Jalapeno ( Mildly Hot Pepper )
You can easily make your own Sriracha Sauce at home using these peppers. Sriracha Pepper is a hybrid Jalapeno. It produces large, uniform dark green peppers that mature to a dark red color. Mature peppers are around 5″ long and 1.25″ wide with thick walls.
Sriracha Pepper is mildly hot and ranges 2,300-2,500 Scoville. It is a great choice for roasting, pickling or slicing. Huy Fong Foods makes the extremely popular Sriracha brand sauce. They use red-hybrid Jalapeno peppers for their sauce along with other ingredients. Homemade Sriracha sauces will vary in taste but the two main components that resonate with Sriracha sauces are heat and garlic. 80 days.
PEP400 Super Heavyweight Bell Pepper
( Sweet Bell Pepper )
F1, Huge, 8-9", blocky, thick wall, green to yellow, sweet and crunchy, eat fresh or stuffed, 77 days.
LET642 Sweet Banana ( Sweet Pepper
1941 AAS Edible/Vegetable Winner.
Named for its banana-like shape, this variety bears sweet, mild banana peppers that mature from yellow, to orange, and then to crimson red. Plants fruit prolifically, easily producing up to 25 to 30 pods per plant.
An extremely popular sweet & mild heirloom pepper, the Sweet Banana is the antidote to the hot and spicy pepper. Sweet Banana is versatile and flavorful and can be used successfully in a wide range of dishes. This one gets better with age! 67 days.
IP280 Sweet Pickle( Sweet pickling pepper )
The perfect pickling pepper, Sweet Pickle looks as good as it tastes with colorful "Christmas tree light" fruits of yellow, orange, red, and even purple. This little pepper is so charming that you should plant an extra bush or two in containers just for the eye appeal.
When fully ripened to a scarlet red, they are very sweet- not hot or bitter. Excellent fresh as well as pickled! Perfect for containers! Enormously popular as a mixed-color pickling pepper, as its name suggests, but equally enjoyable when eaten raw.
These peppers are about 2 inches long, tapering to a blunt end. Thick-walled and very sweet, they hold up beautifully on the plant, and keep their color, shape, and texture nicely when pickled. So appealing as they ripen into warm shades in the sunny garden.
Easy to grow and very heavy-yielding, Sweet Pickle plants reach 12 to 15 inches high and wide -- perfect for containers or a low edging around the veggie garden! Or dot them among your sun-loving flowering annuals -- they'll keep some pests at bay, and they look terrific! 65 days.
For more than 100 other pepper varieties, all in stock and ready to ship, visit our
Pepper Seed seed page.
TWT288 Sweet Rainbow Mix ( Bell Pepper )
Rather than having to decide which color bell pepper to plant, we created our Organic Rainbow Bell Blend so you could have the best of both worlds - the ability to plant several different colored organic sweet bells at just one price! This mix contains big, blocky bells in red, green, yellow, orange, purple and chocolate. Get ready to add some fun color to your garden and dinner table!
PEP120 Tabasco ( Very Hot Pepper!
30000-50000 SU )
81 days. Exceptionally hot - one of the hottest peppers ever
developed. Bred for the famous extra-hot Tabasco sauce. Fruits
ripen from yellow-green to red, and are easily harvested.
Vigorous, high-yielding.
LET256 Tam Jalapeno ( Mild heat, 2000 SU )
1,000-1,500 Scovilles. As its name suggests, the Jalapeno TAM is of the same family as Jalapeno Early or M; however, the creators at Texas A&M University developed this jalapeno to be way milder than its relatives. In short, if you like the taste of the Jalapeno but can't take its heat, this one is for you! TAM Jalapeno is also a very productive variety that is resistant to disease. Great for stuffing or grinding to make chili powder!
LET310 Trinidad Scorpion (Incredibly Hot Pepper!
over 1,460,000 SU! )
One of the hottest peppers in the world! Trinidad Scorpion pepper is hotter than the Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich. Feels like a Scorpion is stinging your mouth! These peppers are plump and sometimes have a little tail resembling a Scorpion. Fruit has a slight fruit and citrus flavor. High yielding producer of hot peppers. The Scorpions come in at over 1,460,000 Scoville units.
PEP780 Valencia( Bell Pepper )
Very unique, sweet pepper. Very large size for a bell pepper, with blocky 4.5 long and wide size. A beautiful pepper changing from deep green to a bright, sparkling red-orange color as it ripens. Very sweet flavor, it maintains it's firm shape in the fridge for days. Excellent for eating fresh or adding color to salads. Ideal for stuffing. Try serving them grilled, roasted, or stir-fried. Resists TMV, 90 days.
PEP792 Yellow Bountiful ( Sweet Pepper )
This is one big bell pepper! Gigantic, colossal yellow bell, 8 x 4", wonderfully sweet and meaty, 90 days