Watermelon Seeds

Informative articles found on the web:

How to grow Watermelons
How to grow a square Watermelon
Watermelon Recipes

Watermelon Fruit Blotch Disease

Watermelon Fruit Blotch Disease continues to be one of the risks of watermelon cultivation. We will sell you watermelon seed only if you are willing to take the total risk and full responsibility for any damages caused by Watermelon Fruit Blotch Disease.

The causal organism of Bacterial Fruit Blotch is Acidovorax Avenae Subs Citrulli. This bacteria may be seed borne, but infection may also occur from many types of secondary sources before or after planting. The most pronounced spread of Bacterial Fruit Blotch occurs in greenhouses, where optimal conditions for the spread of the disease occur.
In young seedlings, the disease can cause water soaked lesions to appear on the leaves of the plant, and in some cases on the stem as well. They will change, turn nektonic with yellow halos around the necrosis, possibly appearing on the leaves during any stage of plant growth. However, the real damage from this disease occurs after fruit set, when these lesions appear on the fruit. The fruit will begin to decay and make it unmarketable.
While Bacterial Fruit Blotch can be a devastating disease, early detection can help minimize losses. Research has shown that the early detection of the disease, followed with timely applications of copper based fungicides, can greatly reduce the spread and subsequent damage caused by the disease.

Too date, their is no way to prove if this disease is present in seeds, and their are many other possible sources for contamination.
Our seeds are from growers who have tested for this disease by growing isolation lots from seeds and inspecting for the disease, which is the only known way to test seeds for the disease at this time.

We have talked to many watermelon seed producers and it appears that this disease is almost always found from transplants grown in warm, humid greenhouses. If you can direct seed into the garden, rather than starting seedlings in the greenhouse, you should.

By purchasing our watermelon seed, you hereby release us from any and all liability for Watermelon Fruit Blotch Disease , under any and all legal theories. If giving us this release is unacceptable to you, then you must not purchase watermelon seeds from us.

JM203 Charleston Gray
The Charleston Grey (Or Charleston Gray) is a classic heirloom watermelon that dates back to the 1950's. The flesh is pink, firm, and sweet, it is absolutely delicious! An excellent choice for the home gardener or market grower.
Watermelons grow best in warm weather and sandy soils. Make sure their trailing vines have plenty of space and let your melons enjoy the warm summer sun for delicious, sweet harvests!
 4.4g pack ( about 50 seeds ) $4.95
TWT305 Mountain Sweet Yellow
Mountain Sweet Yellow performs very well in the North. It has a deep, rich yellow flesh with a pleasingly firm texture and delightfully sweet flavor. Productive and reliable vines produce lots of 20-35 lb. oblong fruits with dark green rinds striped with light green. Attractive and mouthwatering, it's a top choice for fresh markets. This is the yellow fleshed strain of Mountain Sweet which was so popular in the 1840s in markets throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. 95-100 days.
 10 Seeds $3.95
TWT237 Dixie Queen
The Dixie Queen Watermelon is a fast growing, very popular, large watermelon that is perfect for taking to summer picnics! This variety is an old-time variety that has been a garden staple since 1935. This watermelon flesh is bright red in color and is very solid and juicy. The Dixie Queen's smooth skin is a greenish ivory color with dark green stripes.
A round to oblong variety, Dixie Queen is an excellent choice for an early season watermelon. The plant produces good yields of 40 lb watermelons. It has exceptionally sweet crisp red flesh. Want an early harvest, then you have to try this variety. An excellent choice for home gardens and Farmer’s Markets. 75 days.
 1.75g pack ( about 20 seeds ) $3.95
JM223 Georgia Rattlesnake
This heirloom melon gets the name from the pale green "snakeskin" stripes of the skin.
The large, oval fruits average 25-45 lbs. and some can grow as large as 75 lbs. The fruits are as beautiful inside as they are on the outside. They have a sweet, firm, bright rose flesh and beautifully patterned light and dark green rattlesnake markings on their skins. The skins are thick, so they hold up well for shipping, storage or taking to a picnic The rind is thin but very tough, which made it a favorite of market gardeners. 90 days.
 1.8g pack ( about 15-18 seeds ) $3.95
LET816 Golden Honey
Golden Honey is a sweet and sugary treat. This 10 by 12 inch in diameter watermelon is the perfect yellow flesh watermelon. It weighs 20 to 30 pounds and contains a dark-green rind with stripes. If you are a yellow flesh watermelon lover, then this variety is for you. 85 days.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET966 Yellow Petite
A great tasting and aromatic beauty at just 6-10 pounds, Yellow Petite Watermelon is the perfect size for small gardens. Referred to as an "Icebox" watermelon, it fits nicely into your fridge for summertime snacking. Best suited for shorter growing seasons, Yellow Petite matures in just over 2 months!
 10 seeds $2.95
LET967 Allsweet
Has a firm, crisp flesh that is, just like in its name, very sweet! This is a great watermelon for warmer areas. The All Sweet is the perfect addition to any garden if you are looking for a sweet flavor with a great texture.
An heirloom, heat tolerant, seeded, picnic watermelon. Suitable for growing in garden plots. Resistant to Anthracnose (1), Fusarium Wilt (Race 0). All Sweet is a descendant of Crimson Sweet Watermelon and has been around for a long time. Is a high-quality heirloom seed. 30 pound melons.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET968 Jubilee II
An improved version of Jubilee, developed by the University of Florida, for sweetness and uniform dark red color. Jubilee II provides an attractive alternate to those currently growing or marketing any other version of a Jubilee type. Black seeded. Fruit can weigh up to 30 lbs., however size can vary due to plant population.
These large, oblong melons thrive in heat and humidity, making this variety an excellent choice for warmer climates; they also adapt well to various climates, and have become one of the most popular watermelons in the United States.
Available only in Treated Seed.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET500 Legacy
The bright rind color and the firm flesh holds well, allowing a longer harvest window and a longer shelf life. It has a very uniform oblong shape thus reducing the tapering ends which usually contributes to a high percentage of culls. The fruit averages 22-25 pounds, however, with reduced plant populations it has the ability to exceed 25 pounds if conditions are favorable. Legacy has an attractive, deep red, firm flesh with a very good taste.
Available only in Treated Seed.
 10 Seeds $3.95
LET459 Lemon Krush F1
Lemon Krush is a great tasting hybrid watermelon producing 16-20 pound melons. This fantastic watermelon features a dark Crimson Sweet rind pattern and firm yellow flesh with a high brix. Tolerant to Fusarium Wilt, Anthracnoce and Powdery Mildew. 85 days.
 5 Seeds $3.95
LET969 Crispy Critter Hybrid
80-83 days. This new hybrid is uniquely different as it averages 7-10 lbs. Extremely firm red flesh and crunchy inside. This melon has a long shelf life and small seeds. Excellent shipper. Tolerant to fusarium wilt.
Available only in Treated Seed.
 5 Seeds $3.95
TWT300 Orangeglo
Very sweet almost tropical flavor. One of the best orange-flesh watermelons. Very crisp, sweet, and flavorful deep orange flesh. Vigorous plant produces heavy yields of 25 lb. melons with light and dark green stripes.
The story of Orangeglo watermelon goes back to the 1960s in Poolville, Texas, where it was developed by the Willhite Seed Company, which is well-known for its many varieties of watermelon. Over the years, Orangeglo has proved itself through its huge popularity with small growers, and remains, hands down, one of the best-tasting of all the orange-yellow varieties. With rich, pumpkin-colored flesh, this orange watermelon possesses one of the fruitiest of aromas and a sorbetlike texture that makes it excellent for frozen desserts. Many watermelons turn bland and insipid when frozen, but not Orangeglo! 85 days.
 1.1g pack ( about 12-15 seeds ) $3.95
JM197 California Sweet Bush Hybrid
2019 AAS Edible-Vegetable Winner. From ancient wild watermelons in the African desert to today's new selections, watermelons have come a long way! Cal Sweet Bush is another example of how ongoing breeding efforts result in a new and better product. This is a true short internode (the sections between the stem joints) watermelon. These watermelons have compact, bushy vines that grow only 14-18" long and still provide enough foliage cover to protect the fruits. Each plant yields 2-3 fruits weighing 10 -12 pounds. Like all AAS Winners, this newbie delivers exceptional taste and texture. Cal Sweet Bush is a great watermelon choice for gardeners with limited space or those wanting a container melon. Cal Sweet Bush will produce at least one fruit per vine if grown in a container. 90 days.
 5 Seeds $2.95
IM108 Golden Midget
70 days. A beautiful miniature watermelon that weighs around 3 lbs. It's easy to tell when they are ripe as the rind turns a lovely golden yellow when ready for harvest, a very beautiful contrast with the salmon-pink colored flesh. The taste is sweet and refreshing. Very early, matures in just 70 days. Developed by the late Dr. Elwyn Meader, UNH in 1959. Unique.
 10 Seeds $2.95
 50 Seeds $9.95
1A249 Congo
1950 All-America Selections Winner! 95 days. Citrullus lanatus. Plant produces good yields of 35 lb watermelons. It has very tough rind that will resist bruising. This variety has very delicious sweet red flesh. Suitable for home garden and market growers. Disease Resistant. 95 days.
 10 seeds $2.95
3732 Mini Love Hybrid
2017 AAS Edible – Vegetable Winner.
This personal-sized Asian watermelon is perfect for smaller families and smaller gardens. Shorter vines (3-4 feet) still produce up to six fruits per plant and can be grown in smaller spaces. Several judges commented on the crack and split resistant rinds, important for reducing crop loss.
For culinary purposes, this deep red fleshed watermelon has a thin but strong rind that can be carved into attractive shapes for fruit salad presentations. Mini Love has a high sugar content resulting in sweet and crisp, juicy flesh that will be a true summer delight for watermelon lovers.
Matures in 70 days.
  Package of 5 seeds $4.95
JM190 Sweet Siberian ( Russian Heirloom Watermelon )
Another very old watermelon that originates from Russia. The medium sized dark green fruit average 9-10 lbs and are oblong in shape. The flesh is a beautiful yellow color and is extremely sweet and juicy.
The 1937 McFayden Seed catalogue wrote "Largest of the Early Strains. A very early yellow fleshed variety extensively grown by Russians. It is supposed to have come from Siberia.
The melons are oblong, dark green, borne abundantly on vigorous vines. The flesh is a golden yellow, sweet and delicious. Grown extensively by Hutterite Colonies, who find ready sale for them in many districts of Manitoba. (80 days).
Package of 5 seeds $2.95
JM172 Yellow Doll
Probably the earliest of all watermelons, only 68 days to maturity. Can be grown on a trellis where space is limited. Yellow Doll produces small, oval, striped melons with thin rinds and few seeds borne on semi-compact vines. The flesh from Yellow Doll watermelon seeds is bright lemon-yellow, very sweet, with a pleasing, dense, crisp texture. Fruits average 5-7 lbs. F1, really early, icebox type with sweet yellow flesh, 3-5 lb, round, green striped, compact plant, 68 days.
 5 seeds $3.95
JM199 Florida Giant
Don't let the name fool you – the Florida Giant Watermelon will grow outside of the sunshine state! An abundant producer of generally round watermelons in the 50-pound range. Sweet and juicy red flesh make this watermelon an excellent choice for your garden. Introduced by famed Florida watermelon pioneer Melville Dillon in the 1940's. 90 days.
 Bulk 6g pack ( about 45 seeds ) $3.95
TWT251 All Sweet
This watermelon was developed from a sister line of Crimson Sweet. All Sweet is an excellent open-pollinated fresh market variety. The elongated watermelons are about 18" long x 7" wide and average about 30 pounds. The flesh is bright red with relatively few seeds. Resistant to FW, AN1, and AN3, and is a good shipper. It matures in 95 days. All Sweet, a high quality heirloom, is descended from Crimson Sweet. Because of its many excellent qualities, this variety of watermelon seed for sale has been used in the breeding of many other hybrid types of watermelon.
 2.2g pack ( about 50-55 seeds ) $3.95
TWT252 Yellow Crimson
Similar to Crimson Sweet in appearance, Yellow Crimson has great tasting yellow flesh. This early watermelon produces good yields in just 80 days! These are a smaller watermelon and weigh in at about 10 pounds.
The heirloom watermelon Yellow Crimson is nearly identical to the red-fleshed Crimson Sweet. Rather than being the result of hybrids, yellow and white varieties of watermelon are actually more ancient than their pink and red counterparts. Historians believe that the yellow versions grew wild in South Africa originally.
 3.5g pack ( about 40 seeds ) $4.95
TWT253 Tendersweet Orange
Its name doesn't lie. Tendersweet Orange Watermelons produce lovely oblong fruit with stunningly beautiful and incredibly delicious orange flesh. But, Tendersweet Orange is more than a novelty; in our opinion we feel it can hold its own in a taste test with any more conventional watermelon.
These oblong watermelons are both lovely and delicious. The strong rinds and sweet orange flesh with high sugar content make these a favorite for many. They grow about 18" long and weigh about 35 pounds when they reach maturity after 95 days of growing. These seeds are so popular that they are often sold out!
Tendersweet Orange, an extremely sweet watermelon of the orange fleshed type, is distinguished from other orange varieties because of its unusually strong rind; this makes it a good shipping melon. Rather than being the result of hybrids, yellow and orange varieties of watermelon are actually more ancient than their pink and red counterparts.
 3.5g pack ( about 40 seeds ) $4.95
IP285 Shiny Boy Hybrid
2010 AAS Winner! Shiny Boy beat out the taste test competition in AAS trials, favored for the sweet, tropical flavor and crisp texture of its deep red flesh. Globe-shaped melons are ready to harvest just 90 days after sowing, having an average weight of 20 pounds or more. Dark green rinds have wide stripes. Vines up to 12 feet long can be grown vertically if space is limited. Grow successfully in any region with warm growing conditions. Plants exhibit good health, weather tolerance and generous yields. 75 days.
 10 Seeds $2.95
JM191 Gold in Gold Hybrid
2017 AAS Winner! Excellent tasting, bright yellow fruits have gold stripes and a lovely golden-orange flesh that is crisp with a high sugar content. Melons, 11 to 16 lbs., have a strong rind that resists cracking or bursting. The oblong shape makes it a perfect "icebox" watermelon. Early, high yielding with improved disease resistance.70 days.
 5 Seeds $2.95
JM198 Black Diamond
Plant produces good yields of large 40 to 75 lb watermelons. It has very flavorful bright red flesh. Tough black-green rind helps fruit from bruising. Plant has large leaves which help prevent sunburning of watermelons. This is the Blue Ribbon Winner strain! An excellent mid-season variety for home gardeners and market growers. Good shipper variety! 85 days.
  $2.95 per 2g pack ( about 15-20 seeds )
SF078 Klondike Blue Ribbon
Since 1908 this prize-winning heirloom is often included in debates for the best tasting heirloom watermelon. Hard to find, produces oblong striped fruit. Averages 9 to 11 lbs, can reach 25 lbs. Perfect for home or gourmet market gardening. 85 days.
 10 Seeds $2.95
TCB090 Sugar Baby
80 days. The standard of the icebox melons, Sugar Baby has been a staple at picnics for years. Vines grow to 6 feet and set 4-6 melons roughly 10 inches across. Has that unmistakable crisp, mouthwatering, sweet rich flavor. Terrific for home gardens.
Available only in Treated Seed.
  $2.95 per 2g pack ( about 40 seeds )
1A461 Sugar Baby Bush
An ideal plant for gardeners with limited space, the vines of sugar baby bush only reach around 3 feet in length. Sweet, scarlet (icebox) watermelons grow on space-saving vines. This is an early producer; the juicy and sweet little 6-12 pound fruit should be ready harvest in 75 days.
  10 seeds $3.95
JM171 Moons and Stars Red
Dark green oval heirloom, sweet pink-red flesh, bright yellow spots on rind, 7-8" dia., 10-15 lbs, 89 days.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET832 Citron Melon ( Citrullus lanatus )
Not your typical watermelon, white flesh is hard and tasteless when raw. Citron has been grown for centuries and used to make preserves, pickles, and "sweetmeats."
This variety has vivid red seeds and a light green rind with dark green stripes. Fruits can be stored for up to a year. Extremely productive, drought tolerant, and resilient. 90-100 days.
Click here for Citron Melon Recipes
 5 seeds $2.95

Seedless Watermelons

This article is excerpted from "Seedless Watermelon Production" by Jerry Parsons, Larry Stein, Tom Longbrake, Sam Cotner, and Jerral Johnson, published by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

The seedless watermelon is now a reality. Seedless watermelons--sweet inside but without the numerous seeds found in conventional watermelons--are the ultimate in convenience foods.

Seed Production. The obvious question asked about growing seedless watermelons is: "How does one obtain seed of a seedless watermelon?" Obviously, you cannot save seed from a seedless watermelon. So, where do the seeds come from? Simply stated, the number of chromosomes (the threadlike bodies within cells that contain the inheritance units called genes) in a normal watermelon plant is doubled by the use of the chemical colchicine. Doubling a normal (diploid) watermelon results in a tetraploid plant (one having four sets of chromosomes).
When the tetraploid plant is bred back, or pollinated, by a diploid or normal plant, the resulting seed produces a triploid plant that is basically a "mule" of the plant kingdom, and it produces seedless watermelons. Seed of seedless varieties are available from most major seed companies. General Climatic Requirements. Seedless watermelons are a warm-season crop, preferring relatively high temperatures for optimum growth. Daytime temperatures of 80 to 95 degrees F. and night temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees F. are best. When temperatures are lower, plant growth is slowed considerably. With favorable weather, seeded fields can produce ripe fruit in 85 to 100 days.

Planting: Poor seed germination is the main problem with growing seedless watermelons. When direct seeding, the soil temperature should be minimum of 70 degrees F. at a depth of 4 inches. Soil temperatures below 70 degree F. will reduce germination and emergence. When growing transplants, use 12- to 2-inch seedling cells or peat pellets. Soak the planting medium thoroughly, and let drain 4 to 6 hours before sowing. Plant 1 or 2 seeds per cell or pellet. The greenhouse temperature should be 75 to 85 degrees F. during the germination period. Do not allow the growing medium to become dry, but do not over water during initial germination. Begin watering, as needed, after 10 to 15 percent of the seedlings have emerged. Plants should be ready for transplanting in 3 to 4 weeks. Transplants should have not more than 3 true leaves when set in the field. Use of older, larger transplants can cause slow, stunted growth and poor yields. In-row and between-row spacing is generally 48 X 80 inches.

Pollination. The male and female flowers are born separately on the watermelon plant. Female flowers must be pollinated for fruit to set. Also, cross pollination must occur between a seedless and a regular type watermelon for seedless fruit to be produced. This is best accomplished by planting a standard watermelon variety in the garden. Approximately one-third of the plants in the garden should be of the standard or 'pollinator' variety. Honey bees are the principal insects that pollinate watermelons. Pollination is a must, and poor or partial pollination may result in misshapen fruit and no seedless melons.

Harvesting. The lower side or 'ground spot' of the fruit should be cream-colored or yellowish. Thump fruit to check for ripeness. The result will vary. Generally, a solid sound indicates ripeness, while a sharp echoing sound indicates a greener fruit. The tendril or 'tail' which occurs in the axils of leaves (where the leaf attaches to the vine) along the stem can be used as an indicator of ripeness. Experienced harvesters say that if the 2 tendrils nearest the fruit are dry, the seedless watermelon is ripe. It is important to note that the first few mature melons in the garden may frequently contain small seeds. This condition is most prevalent under stressed conditions, such as low soil moisture, insufficient fertilizer, temperature extremes, or disease pressure, which affect normal plant development. Each planting of seedless watermelons actually produces 3 different types of watermelons -- the regular seeded watermelons (from pollinator plants), the true seedless melons, and a light-green tetraploid melon that produces a very limited number of seeds, from which next year's planting can be made.