With 14" wide faces, 12' stalks 4 inches thick, Skyscraper Sunflowers command a show-stopping presence! Pick their location wisely where you, the neighbors, and passing birds can enjoy. You will be checking your garden daily just to see how much more they have grown since the day before!
Plant for the pure, genuine and awesome joy it will bring all who witness this colossal giant! Heat and drought tolerant, may require staking. 75 days.
LET725 Evening Sun
Blazing with color in your garden, as brilliant and bold as a summer sunset, Evening Sun Sunflower Seeds are a must have for any sunflower enthusiast! Growing up to 80" tall, sunflowers are not only a joy while in bloom, but their seedy heads can be harvested for kernels, or left on the stalk as a tasty autumn treat for migrating birds!
Each stem is branched and produces multiple blooms, making Evening Sun the perfect backdrop for your garden. And the flowers attract a mix of birds, butterflies, and loads of beneficial insects, so they're a great companion for vegetable gardens, too. 75 days.
TGL043 Paquito
One of the best for cut flowers, nice dwarf size and a wide range of color patterns. This branching variety produces numerous flowers that form a compact, ball shape plant. Produces a range of golden yellow, lemon, red and bicolor flowers.
With this mix you can harvest bouquets in early morning or late afternoon hours. Collect flowers that are the almost completely open. Remove leaves below water line. The cut flowers have a vase life of 6 to 10 days. Sequential plantings every 2 - 4 weeks apart will provide continuous color and bouquets. Overhead watering is not recommended. Grows about 20 inches tall. 90 days.
SF347 Tithonia Fiesta del Sol
2000 AAS Flower Winner. Butterflies, bees and hummingbirds love these plants! The first dwarf Mexican sunflower, Fiesta Del Sol thrives on summer heat and humidity, attaining a mature height of 2-3 feet. The single, orange daisy flowers are 2-3 inches across, excellent cut flowers and may attract butterflies. There is an abundance of daisy flowers so that you can cut many for informal bouquets and numerous flowers will remain on the plant for the wildlife. Basically, pest-free, not even deer find the hairy leaves of Tithonia rotundifolia worth eating. Easy-to-grow from seed or plants, Fiesta Del Sol is carefree in the garden or in patio containers. You’ll find the best performance in full sun. 70 days.
FA39 Zohar Sunflower (
Helianthus )
The seed of this brand new Sunflower is
organically produced. Crisp, clean orange-gold petals and dark
disk. Closest comparisons are Sunrich Orange and Pro Cut
Orange. It is pollenless, and single stemmed. Perfect for
commercial cut flower production. Flower diameter is
approximately 4-6”, can get to 7-8” if plants are
spaced further apart. Plant height is 3-4 ft. Average Maturity:
40-50 days for cutting when 1-2 petals start to show. 50-55
days for full maturation.
TPF272 Chocolate Cherry
A multi headed sunflower that produces flowers with deep burgundy color petals radiating out from a dark-chocolate colored center. Excellent for cutflower bouquets. Attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. You can’t help but gaze as the velvety petals entice with their dark good looks. Grows 48-60" tall. 75-85 days.
SF345 Suntastic Yellow-Black Eye
2014 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. Suntastic is a new dwarf sunflower perfect as a cheery long-blooming potted plant or window box accent or maybe to add a burst of color to a sunny garden bed. Gardeners will love the number of flowers each plant produces up to twenty 5-6 inch flowers per plant in three successive blooming periods. Suntastic will bloom in less than 65 days after sowing so by starting indoors, sunflower lovers can get their favorite bloom fix early in the summer.
The new reference of dwarf sunflower. The smallest on the market. The plant is very floriferous. Several waves of flowers: after the first flower, up to 3 waves of 5-8 flowers. Up to 20 flowers per plant! Naturally dwarf and compact. Early flowering dwarf sunflower for pot, window boxes, low bedding. Foliage quality. Grows about 16" tall. 65 days.
LET519 Junior Dwarf
Junior is a miniature sunflower ideally suited for pots or as a front row flower in the garden. This sunflower rarely gets over knee high. Grow three plants in an 8 inch pot for a profusion of yellow sunflower color on these branching plants. Since its flowers are pollenless Junior is ideal for the coffee or dining table. They flower fast and easy. Flower are yellow with brown centers. 55 days.
TWT295 Black Russian
Now you can grow your own black oil sunflower seeds that are frequently used in wild bird mixes! Its seeds' high oil content is highly prized by squirrels, chipmunks, and birds so leaving the stalks to dry will provide these smaller critters a nice food source. Or harvest the seeds earlier for sowing in next year's garden! With its bright yellow petals and a face full of pollen, bees are much attracted to this beauty as well.
Very tall plants reachin 12 feet produce huge flowers with gorgeous black seeds. Multi-use plant as leaves can be cattle food and stem fiber can be used for paper or dried for a firewood substitute. 70-100 days. 75-100 days.
SF366 Choco Sun Sunflower ( Helianthus )
Possibly the smallest and quickest flowering sunflower available. The dwarf multi-flowering plants of Sunflower Choco Sun produce their first blooms in eleven to twelve weeks from sowing. Ideal for adding interest to containers and fun for children to grow.
The perfect sunflower for pots and patios! Compact for pot culture, well branched, large golden yellow flowers with dark center, grows about 12" tall. 65 days.
Image: Park Seed
TPF240 Velvet Queen Sunflower
Has there ever been a Sunflower as lovely as Velvet Queen, with its shades of yellow, orange, and red ringed around a large, glittering black center? Measuring up to 8 inches across and very, very freely borne all summer long, these flowers are unforgettable in the garden or vase.
Velvet Queen really does look like a setting sun, with its play of warm colors and huge size. These flowers arise on 4 to 5 foot stalks, this is a manageable size for the bed, border, or even vegetable garden, and just right for lining up along a fence or wall! The bloom is heaviest in midsummer, but you will find both early and late comers among Velvet Queen's blooms, keeping your vases full and your garden ablaze for many weeks. 90-110 days.
1A034 Autumn Beauty
Would you like to grow the most cheerful of all flowers in your summer garden? Grow from seeds and enjoy these tall stately annuals that brighten up any location. This Autumn Beauty mix produces blooms ranging in colors: gold, yellow, rusty red, burgundy and bi-colors. The blooms range in size from 5 - 10 inches in diameter.
Autumn Beauty Sunflower seeds create a stunning combination of bright warm colored flowers. Sunflower Uses: The strong stemmed blooms grow on tall branching plants producing an abundance of cut flowers for bouquets. Use as a backdrop for shorter flower varieties, as a temporary hedge, or for color in the vegetable garden. 60-72 inchest tall. 60 days.
3734 Black Magic Hybrid
F1, Pollen-free, Almost black, deep mahogany red 4" flowers, makes a powerful statement. Bees and butterflies love this nectar rich sunflower, and they make wonderful cutflowers. They normally grow about 42-46" tall. 60-90 days.
JB126 Giant Teddy Bear
One of our favorite sunflowers that produces cuttings for vases, and attracts bees, birds and butterflies. These plants bloom heavily with large 8 inches wide, fluffy fully double blooms, resembling golden-yellow pompoms. Borne in clusters on stiff, course stems, the unusual flower heads continue over a long season and last a long time in a vase.
Although much taller than other garden plants, this multi-branching plant is not too tall to add to the back of a bed or border in a cottage, informal, cutting, or wildlife garden, where the flowers beckon to bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects, and the tasty seeds bring the birds flocking.
A favorite of florists for their unique texture, Tall Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a big hit with gardeners as well! Easy to grow, these fluffy headed beauties will reach nearly 6 feet tall! Be sure to cut sunflowers in the early morning to encourage longer-lasting blooms. 70 days.
IP030 Teddy Bear
Soft, fluffy, cushion-like flowers on shorter bushy plants. Fully double flower, petals completely cover center, golden, great dwarf novelty for pots, blooms 9 weeks from seed.
Versatile sunflower for field or container. Like our other dwarfs, the final height depends on the size of the container. Expect 8-12" plants from seeds directly sown in a 4" pot. 35-42" in the garden; 14-25" long stems. Earliest of the teddy types in trial, this branching variety will host 3-5" sunny, shaggy blooms. Popular with children. Minimal pollen. Ht. 8–12" in containers; 35–42" in the garden. 65-75 days.
IP095 Earthwalker Sunflower ( Helianthus )
Mix of hot terracotta colors with red/orange/mahogany tones, dark eyes, grows about 60" tall, blooms 11 weeks from seed.
IP270 Sunrich Orange
Highly uniform sunflowers. Ideal for cut flower production. Back after long absence, pollenless, medium size orange flowers, dark brown center. Ht. 36". 45 days.
JB280 Sunrich Gold Summer
Wide golden flowers, green eye, the perfect vase flower. The Sunrich Summer Series varieties make excellent cut flowers and are a reliable choice for commercial growers who are succession planting and harvesting. These pollenless varieties display vibrant petals in a range of yellows and oranges. The blooms average 4–6" in diameter, and height averages 36". The number of days to bloom for the Sunrich Summer Series is 50–60 days.
LET542 Sunrich Provence Summer
The earliest sunflower in the Sunrich series. Sturdy plants produce upward-facing, uniform blooms that are packed with petals. Classic sunflower colors—rich orange ray petals surround a black disk. 2–3 days earlier to bloom than Sunrich Orange Summer and 1–2 weeks earlier than Sunrich Orange. 4–6" bloom size. Pollenless. Single Stem. Ht. 65–75". 60-65 days.
FA16 Titan Sunflower
One of the tallest-growing, biggest-headed and largest seeded
varieties available to gardeners. This is the one for
impressing your neighbors and winning awards at county fairs. A
very uniform and much improved strain of "Uniflorus Giganteus".
Grow your own backyard giant this year; plants can grow 12'
tall with large yellow heads reaching 18-24" across! Excellent
bird and wildlife feed. Large seeds. 75 days
LET263 Red Mexican Torch Sunflower ( Tithonia Speciosa )
The incredible 3-4 inch red flowers are excellent for cutting. They also are butterfly magnets, particularly the Monarch butterfly. Red Torch will begin blooming in July or August and continues until frost. Place the Mexican Sunflower plant behind beds or borders where their coarse texture, rangy habit and vivid flowers will stand above less boisterous plantings. Tithonia may grow as a perennial in USDA Zones 10-11. The plant does well in hot sunny settings and will benefit from deadheading the spent blooms. Grows about 40 inches tall. 75 days.
LET264 Mexican Torch Sunflower Goldfinger ( Tithonia Speciosa )
Mexican Sunflower Goldfinger can be easily grown from seeds. The incredible 3-4 inch orange flowers are excellent for cutting. They also are butterfly magnets, particularly the Monarch butterfly. The plants begin blooming in July or August and continues until frost. Grow these flowers behind beds or borders where their coarse texture, rangy habit and vivid flowers will stand above less boisterous plantings. Orange Tithonia plants may grow as a perennial in USDA Zones 10 - 11. Grows about 28 inches tall. 70 days.
Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator
Please note that this is not a plant food or fertilize, this is a combination of natural ingredients intended to improve plant growth. Many greenhouse growers and commercial farms use a combination of these ingredients in their growing process. We have been using this formula in our gardens, fields and greenhouses since 1992, and we use it on everything we grow. We would not make this available to our customers if we did not firmly believe that it does enhance the growth and health of plants that it is applied to.
To see the results for yourself, we advise using it on some plants and not on others and see the difference.
Note: We only ship this product to addresses inside the USA.
The following ingredients are used in making Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator:
Gibberellic Acid
Gibberellic Acid is a member of a type of plant hormone called Gibberellins, which regulate the growth rate of plants. It was first discovered in Japan, in 1935 as a result of the study of a condition
common in rice plants called "foolish seedling" disease, which caused the plants to grow much taller than normal. The effects of gibberellins weren't widely understood until years later.
Gibberellic Acid is EPA approved, and is commercially used to grow most fruits and vegetables we eat.
B1 Vitamins and Plant Hormones
We add a blend of plant vitamins and hormones to stimulate plant growth and allow the plant to absorb food
from the soil quicker and also assimilate micronutrients that they may not normally be able to absorb due to various soil conditions.
All plants benefit from micronutrients, so we've added a humic acid base with Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Sulfur (S) and Zinc (Zn) in our solution.
Other ingredients
We also add a natural detergent additive that causes the sprayed on solution to "stick" to the plant leaves until the solution is absorbed by the plant, this detergent also discourages insects from feeding on the leaves for a short time after the solution is applied.
Each 8 ounce bottle of JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator makes 16 gallons spray-on solution, you can also use a drench and pour it around the base of the plant if you prefer. The bottle comes with a 1/2 ounce measuring spoon, simply mix a half ounce of plant growth stimulator with a gallon of water and spray onto the plants, or drench the soil around the plant. :
Spray plants weekly, best to apply in early morning/late evening. Start spraying when plants are young. Can be sprayed onto vegetable plants upto harvest. Mix 1/2 ounce stimulator with one gallon of water.
JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator