Winter Squash Seeds
Useful gardening
Winter squash is a warm-season vegetable that can be
grown in most of the country. It differs from summer squash in
that it is harvested and eaten in the mature fruit stage, when
the seeds within have matured fully and the skin has hardened
into a tough rind. When ripened to this stage, fruits of most
varieties can be stored for use throughout the winter.
Winter Squash is a tender vegetable. The seeds do not
germinate in cold soil, and the seedlings are injured by frost.
Do not plant until all danger of frost is past and soil is
thoroughly warmed.
Spacing and Depth
The vining types of squash require at least 50 to 100 square
feet per hill. Plant seeds one inch deep (four or five seeds
per hill). Allow 5 to 6 feet between hills. When the young
plants are well-established, thin each hill to the best two or
three plants. Allow 7 to 12 feet between rows.
Plant semi-vining varieties one inch deep (four or five
seeds per hill) and thin to the best two plants per hill. Allow
8 feet between rows.
Plant bush varieties one inch deep (1 or 2 seeds per foot of
row) and thin to a single plant every three feet. Allow five
feet between rows.
Informative articles found on the
Winter Squash Recipes
D9928 Angel Hair Personal Sized Spaghetti Squash
(1.5-2 lbs.) This is a personal size Spaghetti Squash weighing only 1-1/2 to 2 pounds and making only 1-2 servings. It is sweet and flavorful. The fruit are egg shaped with a sunshine yellow color when ripe. Produces prolific yields of fruits, tolerates powdery mildew race 2, and has a long storage life. 88 days.
LET829 Honeybear ( Winter Squash )
Honeybaby is a very productive variety of winter squash producing numerous fruits on a compact plant. These shorter vines grow 2-3 feet in a semi-bush habit showing great garden vigor. Short, wide fruits are slightly larger, sweet and nutty and meatier than similar comparison varieties. Honeybaby is delicious steamed, baked or made into soups and stews. 90-100 days.
SF412 Triamble Pumpkin ( Winter Squash )
What a beautiful heirloom to grow in your garden! Also known as Shamrock Squash, this is an heirloom variety originally grown in Australia that produces wonderful slate blue, 8 to 10 pound pumpkins that with excellent eating quality.
Excellent flavor and a novelty for fall decoration makes for a great addition to any garden. 105 days.
D9920 Sweet Mama
This Japanese kabocha squash is an All American Selections Winner. It has a distinct growing habit and produces a vine with almost no side branches. The 3-4 lb fruits have dark green skin and are borne close to the root end making it possible to interplant these vines quite closely. The flesh is dark yellow, dry, sweet and nutty. This variety is great for home garden and market growers. Stores well. 85 days.
3690 Butterscotch
Unusually rich and sweet flavor due to higher sugar content than other butternut types. Small 1-2 lb. fruits mature early and can be consumed at maturity. This AAS F1 Mini butternut with it's rich sweet flavor and compact space saving vines also features resistance to mildew, 100 days.
VH562 Giant Pink Banana
Amaze your friends with this giant winter squash tha is also delicious! Produces huge pink colored banana shaped fruits up to 30" long, shaped like a banana. Flesh is bright orange and sweet. Very flavorful.
Squash have a delicious yellow-orange flesh that can be substituted in recipes that call for acorn or butternut squash or as the pumpkin in pies. Pink Banana Squash should be planted as soon as the last spring frost is over. This will allow the squash its required 100-105 days to reach maturity before the first frost of fall.
1A364 Waltham Butternut
Butternut, uniform large 5 lb, productive, very long storage potential, tan skin, 100 days.
TPF293 Vegetable Spaghetti
90 days. Fruits average 9" long, and turn from buff to pale yellow when mature. Keeps well. Flesh is pale yellow and breaks up into spaghetti-like strands. Boil fruit for 20 to 30 minutes and remove flesh with a fork. Flesh is tasty and may be used like spaghetti, topped with your favorite sauce.
SF278 Mini Spaghetti Hybrid
F1, Unique personal size, much quicker and easier to cook than full size. 1.5 lb. sweet, nutty, deep orange flesh, orange rind, semi-bush, high producer, 85 days.