Cantaloupes and Melon Seeds
Useful gardening
Choose a sunny well drained location.
Plant later in the Spring when soil is warm and ALL danger of
frost has past. Cover when a threat of 40 degrees or cooler is
present during Spring. For earlier crop start inside 4-5 weeks
before setting out. Pick when blossom end is slightly springy
and when the stem separates with a slight pull. Best when vine
Seed Depth 1"
Seeds Per Hill 6-8
Space Hills 36-42" apart
Seed Spacing 3"
Days to germination 10-20
Thin To 2-3 Plants Per Hill
Informative articles found on the
How to Grow
Cantaloupes and Melons
in Cantaloupe/Melons and Nutrition Facts
SF197 Sugar Cube Hybrid Melon
A small melon with a whopping big taste! Coarsely netted, round, 2 pound fruit have juicy, deep orange flesh with a tremendous 14% sugar content. Add an extended shelf life and you can keep these sweet, rich morsels close at hand for a personal-sized treat anytime. Expect to have a plentiful supply, as Sugar Cube's unprecedented disease resistance keeps the reliable plants consistently productive, 80 days.
TWT258 Hales Best Jumbo
This heirloom muskmelon became widely popular because it combined excellent flavor with earliness.
Hales Best Jumbo was developed by a Japanese market gardener in California around 1920. It became widely popular because it combined excellent flavor with earliness. It's a beautiful oval melon with deep green skin and golden netting.
The flesh is an appealing salmon color, aromatic and sweet. Special uniform selection, 4 plus pounds, deep salmon flesh, finest sweet eating quality, 82 days.
A delicious variety that contains coarse netting with a light rib. Its flesh is salmon color and includes a good flavor. Hales Best 45 PMR is drought resistant and does well even with less watering. The fruit is 6 inches by 5 inches in diameter and weighs 4 pounds.
TWT259 Iroquois
Fine netting, tough exterior, meltingly delicious sweet orange flesh, early yields. This variety is fairly easy to grow. Its tough rind repels rot and insect attacks, and its early production makes it a good choice for northern growers.
Taking about 80 days to mature, Iroquois melons are sweet-flavored and weigh up to 7 pounds. They offer some resistance to Fusarium Wilt, as well as some other diseases. It is easy to grow a good crop with Iroquois!
Iroquis was developed by horticultural expert Dr. Henry Munger of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. This melon, released in 1944, was part of Dr. Munger's doctoral work and rapidly became well known for being the first melon resistant to fusarium wilt.
JB172 Aspire F1
Aspire is an extra sweet and extremely early French Charentais. Aspire is perfect for small gardens as the plant is a semi-Compact vine and measures only 28-30 inches long. Charentais type melons are the definitive French melon. Originating in the Poitou-Charentes region around 1920, Charentais is considered the best melon ever developed because of its high sugar content, smooth texture and ambrosial fragrance. Perfect for two servings, the small round melons weigh just 2 pounds. Gray in color with slight ribs, the melons have rich salmon-orange flesh. Aspire sets fruit all at once, so succession plant to get fruit all summer.
1A468 Honey Rock
Introduced in 1920, 'Honey Rock' was an All-American Selection in 1933. The luscious result of crossing 'Champlain' and 'Irondequoit', the 3-4 lb., 6 x 6" melons have firm grey-green ribbed skin, a coarse, open net and thick, sweet, firm deep salmon-toned flesh. Vigorous, wilt-resistant vines yield 5-7 melons per plant. 74-88 days.
TWT041 Honey Dew Orange Flesh
The Honeydew Orange Flesh is a delicious muskmelon with smooth skin and a juicy flesh! The smooth outside skin is a creamy light green. This great quality honeydew's flesh turns pale yellow with orange hues when it is ready to harvest. Honeydew Orange Flesh produces high yielding 5 lb. fruits that are great for transporting to markets.
A very tasty melon—sweet and refreshing— with gorgeous orange flesh with flavor between honeydew and crenshaw. Eat alone or add to fruit salads or tropical drinks. 110 days.
SF298 Delice De La Table
This is a French heirloom that has almost become extinct. Dating back to Vilmorin in 1885, its name translates to "Delight of the Table". Absolutely beautiful ribbed fruits have sweet orange flesh and weigh about 1-2 pounds. 85-90 days
3720 Israel
This is a very sweet melon with light green flesh that is fragrant and delicious with a slight taste of honey. The early fruits are produced in abundance and weighing up to 3 pounds. It is easy to pick. Just watch for the green skins to turn amber. The crack-resistant fruits are perfect for the farmer's market. 80 days.
2031 Ambrosia
In taste tests, Ambrosia is recognized as the melon people
prefer most. It simply has a very inviting, luscious, sweet
flavor that is distinct -- different than any other melon. One
bite and you're usually hooked.
Ambrosia melons weigh 4 to 5 lbs., have a heavy net with light
sutures, are round in shape, mature in about 86 days, and have
sweet peach-colored flesh.
LET971 Sweet America F1
A delicious breakfast melon. This is an early variety with vigorous plants and good production. The 2-4 pound fruits are round and netted, with a really sweet, perfumed and consistent flesh. High sugar content, good resistances, prolific producer. Sweet and crunchy reaching 13-14% brix.
3504 El Gordo Hybrid Melon
Huge 15 to 20 pound melons not unusual! This giant Tuscan type melon can be for juicing or bragging rights for the largest melon. Can weigh up to 30 lbs. with a very small seed cavity.
Outstanding flavor and foliage canopy. El Gordo F1 exhibits a large, oval shape with medium, ropey netting and naked sutures with medium orange, slightly musky flesh. Excellent resistance to Powdery Mildew and Watermelon Mosaic Virus.
Harvest at 3/4 slip when the skin changes from bluish to yellowish/tan and the stem develops a little drying or corking. If you wait until the melon slips from the vine it will be over ripe. 75 days.
2030 Jenny Lind
80 days This fine melon dates back to the 1840’s, was
sold by many of the 1800’s Seed Company’s, it was
named after the Famous Singer, Jenny Lind, “The Swedish
Nightingale”. This wonderful 1-2 lb turban shaped melon
is very sweet and has light green, delicious flesh.
3674 Charentais
The definitive Frenchmelon! This heirloom is considered one of the best melons ever developed because of its super-sweet tropical taste, smooth texture and exotic fragrance. Light gray-green slightly ribbed skin with dark green sutures when ripe. Rich salmon-orange flesh with small seed cavity. Grapefruit size 2-3 lb. melons are perfect for 2! Slip easily from stems. 85 days.
GO55 Banana Cantaloupe
It is a very old variety predating 1880.The banana melon is so-called because it looks more like a large banana than a cantaloupe. It’s a fascinating and unusual melon, with a hint of banana taste and a very delicioius, spicy aroma. The banana-shaped fruit has smooth, yellow skin; and sweet, spicy, salmon-colored flesh. 16-24 inches long, 5-8 lbs.
W121 Minnesota Midget
Small early, 4" melons with sweet flavorful flesh. Large crops
on compact 3' vines, good quality, a true midget! A favorite
small melon introduced in 1948.
Oriental Melons
3508 Jelly Melon
(Cucumis metuliferus) (aka Kiwano, African Horned Cucumber) Originated in semi arid Africa near the Kalahari desert. Thorny oval fruits are filled with greenish-gold gel and lots of seeds; very high in vitamin C. The flavor is reminiscent of pomegranate and citrus. The primary market niche is for garnishes and decorative fruits. 120 days.
D9921 Plum Granny ( Queen Anne Pocket Melon )
A unique melon grown for it's fragrance and appearance rather than for eating. Small tennis ball sized fruit are so fragrant that 2 or 3 can make a whole room smell like delicious melons, however taste is bland. Very prolific, best grown with trellising or support, fruit is yellow with maroon stripes. 75 days.
Although possibly named for Queen Anne of England (1702-14), this melon is native to Persia and Linnaeus attributed it to Egypt and Arabia. Legend has it that the ladies of the Queen's court carried the fragrant melon as a perfumed sachet. While edible, this melon is valued more for its scent than its rather flavorless white flesh. It ripens to orange with lemon-yellow stripes. This unique melon has been grown for over 1,000 years.
LET729 Tigger Melon
A wonderful desert melon with a heavenly fragrance, it is so beautiful it can even be use for decoration!
Tigger melons smooth rind has vertical variegations of rust orange and yellow. The melon's creamy, off-white flesh is juicy and sweet with a flavor that has been compared to that of Asian pear and cantaloupe.
Like most muskmelon types, it offers a highly aromatic scent and has been known to perfume the entire room they are in when at their peak of ripeness. Tigger melons will grow to be approximately the size of a softball and weigh a modest one pound when fully mature.