Lavatera Seed ( Perennial )

LET890 Loveliness Rose Mallow ( Lavatera Trimestris Loveliness )
This Rose Mallow has extra large 4 to 5 inch bright rose colored flowers with lighter veining. It literally glows pink! This shrub-like plant grows quickly and blooms heavily. The flowers will bloom for many weeks if the faded blooms are removed and where the summers are not too hot. The plant can re-grow the following spring if seed falls on bare ground. Rose Mallow attracts butterflies, beneficial insects and hummingbirds. Grows about 36 inches tall and is considered an annual.
 430mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
LET891 Tanagra Rose Mallow ( Lavatera Trimestris Tanagra )
This tropical looking flower is a joy to grow from seeds! This shrub-like annual grows quickly and blooms heavily with large, deep rose colored blooms. Rose Mallow is related to Hibiscus and Hollyhocks, and it is a prolific bloomer, like a Hollyhock on steroids!
It is also known as Annual Mallow. It is highly prized for its exceptional blooms. The plant does well in soils that do not drain well and in marshy areas or near ponds.
Rose Mallow (also known as Tree Mallow and Annual Mallow) is an annual plant that grows in USDA zones 4 through 9. It prefers areas with moist soil and full sun, and will attract a variety of pollinators to the garden.
 401mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
LET892 Mont Blanc Rose Mallow ( Lavatera Trimestris Mont Blanc )
Stunning the garden, these snowy white mallows make excellent cut flowers. Gleaming white, and massive four inch wide flowers glow in the moonlight and are a great Moongarden plant.
The bushy plants produce lots of large, pure white blooms that attract bees and butterflies.
This is a dwarf version of Rose Mallow only growing 24 inches tall, great in containers. It is an annual plant that grows in USDA zones 4 through 9. It prefers areas with moist soil and full sun, and will attract a variety of pollinators to the garden.
 401mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
LET899 Trimestris Mix ( Lavatera Trimestris )
This heavy bloomer is a must have for the flower garden! Lavatera Trimestris Rose Mallow, easily grown from flower seeds, has extra large 4 - 5 inch flowers in a mix of colors: white, pink and rose. The blooms grow on top robust 36 inch tall shrub-like plants.
It is an annual plant that grows in USDA zones 4 through 9. It prefers areas with moist soil and full sun, and will attract a variety of pollinators to the garden.
 425mg pack ( about 70 seeds ) $2.95