Gomphrena Seed ( Annual )

In northern areas, Gomphrena should be started indoors by April 15 for July blooms. Transplant l0 inches apart. It responds to very warm soil conditions for proper germination (80°F), so you could not sow it outside until June.
This would be too late, as they need about 10 weeks to produce flowers. Gomphrena is a good cut flower, and lasts for days. It is also a fine Everlasting.
Flowers dry quickly and easily for winter arrangements, retaining their shape and color.
JB206 Very Purple ( Gomphrena globosa )
What a great addition to your flower garden! Globe Amaranth seeds readily produce these bright little golf ball-like blooms. They look so attractive on the bushy, well-branched plant that they're the perfect complement to everything else in the sunny garden. Butterflies will flock to the Gomphrena flowers, and they make an excellent cut flower for either fresh or dried arrangements.
The flower heads are quite popular for use in dried arrangements and will hold their shape and color indefinitely. Cut them early, just as the heads are opening, and hang them upside down in a warm, dark place to dry. Ht. 18–24".
 250mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
JB203 Dwarf Buddy Mix ( Gomphrena nana )
This compact mix thrives in hot conditions and will bloom throughout summer with interesting pom-pom type flowers on 8 inch tall stems that are great for cutting and drying. Attractive to bees and butterflies, this dwarf, compact variety is ideal for beds, borders, and containers and will provide beauty until frost with carefree long lasting color.
 75mg pack ( about 30-35 seeds ) $2.95
LET612 Dwarf Gnome Mix ( Gomphrena globosa )
Gnome is an ideal garden plant in areas that have hot, humid summers as well as being well-suited to dry conditions. Gnome’s ball-shaped plants are 6-10 inches in height and are appropriate for packs to 4 inch pots. This extra-dwarf, compact plant is an excellent component plant in mixed containers and is ideal in beds.
 72mg pack ( about 30 seeds ) $2.95
LET588 Salmon ( Gomphrena globosa )
Delightful soft salmon color. Gomphrena is an old-fashioned bedding plant that readily establishes from flower seeds and has many positive features. Gomphrena plants tolerate poor soils, heat and drought, and it was once a favorite in British gardens. They are well suited for edging around taller plantings and for containers for the porch or deck. Globe Amaranth flowers are a favorite of butterflies, and they also makes a great cut flower. To grow Gomphrena flowers for cutting or dried arrangements, plant closely together to force longer stems. For drying, cut the stems just as the heads are beginning to open and hang the flowers upside down in a warm, dark place to dry. Height 24".
 300mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
LET896 Rose ( Gomphrena globosa )
This rose colored Globe Amaranth has a brilliantly colored bloom about an inch wide and shaped something like a very fat strawberry. It grows on stiff stems which make it an ideal cutting flower.
Gophrena plants are used in annual beds and borders. In mass plantings, the round flower heads produce an interesting texture, and their bright colors last late into the season. Their low stature makes them well suited for edging around taller plantings. Globe Amaranth is often grown in containers on the porch or deck. Height 24".
 315mg pack ( about 125 seeds ) $2.95
LET477 Very White ( Gomphrena globosa )
Globe Amaranth is easy-to-grow in the sun-drenched garden when starting from Gomphrena seed. This plant is wonderfully resistant to both heat and drought, keeping its blooms and its fresh foliage looking neat and colorful through the worst heat of summer. A mass planting is a fabulous sight especially when mixed with the other color varieties that come from Gomphrena seeds! Ht. 18–24".
 350mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
SF388 QIS Mix ( Gomphrena globosa )
Productive accent flower for fresh and dried arrangements. 1-1/2" blooms in shades of purple, pink, and white. We have found the QIS™ (Quality in Seed) series to be the best choice for cut-flower production for its stem quality, length, and uniformity. Grows 18-22" tall, annual blooming in about 12 weeks after sowing.
 50mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
LET337 Raspberry Cream ( Gomphrena globosa )
A new Gomphrena in a glowing, creamy raspberry color. Uniform, productive plants. Very similar to QIS™ Pink but with a darker, richer color. 1 1/2" blooms. Also known as globe amaranth and common globe amaranth. Ht. 18–20".
 25mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95