Giant Vegetable List

Everyone seems to want to grow giant and unusual plants in their garden, we think that this is great, but should also be functional. We’ve put together a list of vegetables that not only produce huge fruits, but are practical as well.

JB024 Mammoth ( Ocimum basilicum )
Huge, palm size crinkled light green leaf, excellent for culinary use, grows about 15" tall.
 50mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $5.95
JM207 Skyscraper
With 14" wide faces, 12' stalks 4 inches thick, Skyscraper Sunflowers command a show-stopping presence! Pick their location wisely where you, the neighbors, and passing birds can enjoy. You will be checking your garden daily just to see how much more they have grown since the day before!
Plant for the pure, genuine and awesome joy it will bring all who witness this colossal giant! Heat and drought tolerant, may require staking. 75 days.
  1.4g package ( about 18-20 seeds ) $2.95
3491 Giant Poha Berry ( Physalis peruviana )
This is a popular berry in Hawaii, the fuzzy-leaved bush (aka Poha Berry) produces about 1" berries with smooth, waxy orange skin. This tangy sweet fruit tastes like a mixture of pineapple and strawberry and is covered with a lantern-shaped husk. It grows well in containers. 75 days.
 5mg Package ( about 10 seeds ) $2.95
LET889 German Giant Radish
If you are looking for volume and falvor, German Giant is a very nice radish to grow in your garden. It is larger than other spring radishes without getting woody or spongy. Can be harvested anywhere from marble to baseball size. Bright pink/red skin, crisp white flesh with a distinct sweet flavor followed with a nicely pungent kick.
These whoppers are known for reaching baseball size; however, at any size, they remain sweet, tender, and free from cracks. These giant red radishes take about 30 days to grow to full size but can be harvested earlier when they are smaller as well.
825mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
FB120 Tropic Giant Cabbage
F1, Huge 10-12 lb flat mid green head, slow bursting, heat tolerant, great taste, fresh market favorite, 80 days.
 100mg Package ( about 30 seeds ) $2.95
 150 seeds $11.95
JB132 OS Cross
This high-quality, bolt-resistant hybrid produces exhibition-size heads. Space at least 3 feet apart for room to grow!
The OS Cross cabbage is a sweet-flavored variety that can grow quite large, with some heads weighing up to 50 pounds. Summer-harvested cabbages take between 80 and 90 days to mature, while winter-harvested ones take between 100 and 115 days for maturity.
  400mg Package ( about 100 seeds ) $5.95
3539 Giant Tendercrisp
Almost no calories and chock-full of nutrition! Tendercrisp yields large, 2-foot tall leafstalks that are crunchy and full of flavor. Perfect for soups and salads. 100 days from transplant.
 60mg Package ( about 200 seeds to a pack ) $2.95
AW09 Giant Silo
Grow incredible corn stalks 12-15 ft. tall with huge ears of corn. People will slow down as they pass by to marvel at this giant corn! This is a silo type corn used for livestock feed, it also is a wonderful wildlife food. Will grow 5 times the amount of normal corn, there have been reports of 40-50 tons per acre! Great fodder producer.
  10 gram pack ( about 35 seeds ) $2.95
  1 ounce pack $5.95
JB283 Purple Haze F1 Hybrid
Beauty and bigness! Interesting novelty purple carrot has smooth roots averaging 10-12 inches, but can easily reach 16", with bright orange centre and very sweet flavor. Upright tops average 14-16 in/36-42 cm in height. Cooking dissolves the purple color. All America Selections Winner. 70 days.
  .050mg package ( 25+ seeds ) $2.95
TPF206 Armenian Yard Long
Amazing 2-3 ft. long cucumbers with crisp white flesh and a mild sweet flavor.
 800mg pack ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $12.95
Kohl Rabi
SF198 Giant Kossak
Huge 8" flat round bulbs ( and larger ), no woody insides, sweet, dense white flesh, 85 days. One of our favorite vegetables.
The flesh is white on this giant, with a firm texture and tender succulent flavor. Each mammoth bulb makes several meals! Direct-sow in early spring for late-spring harvest, or in midsummer for fall harvest. Space the plants about 6 inches apart. Unlike most vegetables, Kohlrabi can take a little shade without damage.
 110mg Package ( about 25 seeds to a pack ) $3.95

IP258 Musselburg Giant

One of the best winter-hardy leeks you can grow. This Scottish heirloom has provided families with hearty soups and stews since the 1830s. An old dependable leek that produces thick white stalks 2-3 inches in diameter. The mild flavor and smooth, tender stalks explain why this variety has been passed from one generation to the next. The largest leek in our trials and one of the last to bolt. 105 days.
  585mg pack ( about 200 seeds ) $2.95
  1,000 seeds $8.95
3504 El Gordo Hybrid Melon
Huge 15 to 20 pound melons not unusual! This giant Tuscan type melon can be for juicing or bragging rights for the largest melon. Can weigh up to 30 lbs. with a very small seed cavity.
Outstanding flavor and foliage canopy. El Gordo F1 exhibits a large, oval shape with medium, ropey netting and naked sutures with medium orange, slightly musky flesh. Excellent resistance to Powdery Mildew and Watermelon Mosaic Virus.
Harvest at 3/4 slip when the skin changes from bluish to yellowish/tan and the stem develops a little drying or corking. If you wait until the melon slips from the vine it will be over ripe. 75 days.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
JB129 SloBolt
Slobolt is true to its name as the slowest lettuce variety to bolt. This frilly, bright green heirloom lettuce grows in thick clusters and has a pleasant flavor that is never bitter. A great choice for summer planting and Southern gardens, this old favorite has been grown since 1946. Looseleaf and cut-and-come again.
Introduced in the mid 1940s by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, MD. Large thick clusters of light green frilled leaves are produced all summer. As its name suggests, this variety is very slow to bolt. Pleasing flavor, never bitter. Looseleaf, 45-55 days.
  275mg Package ( about 250 seeds ) $4.95
NB21 Giant Japanese Red Mustard
Brassica juncea. 45 days. Large, tender Purple/Red Japanese mustard leaves are thick, savoy type and pungent with white mid-rib. Leaves turn purple at low temps and plants are tolerant to cool fall weather. Sow early spring or late summer.
 0.6g Pack ( 200+ seeds ) $2.95
PEP792 Yellow Bountiful ( Sweet Pepper )
This is one big bell pepper! Gigantic, colossal yellow bell, 8 x 4", wonderfully sweet and meaty, 90 days
Package of 10 seeds $3.95
PEP787 Jalafuego F1 ( A pepper with a good bit of heat )
Big, smooth, dark green fruits. Here it is, the jalapeño lover's dream come true: an extra-fiery, extra-large, extra-prolific pepper that is easy to grow and absolutely delicious to eat. Jalafuego is the hottest jalapeño on the market today, and it's going to make all your spicy dishes that much more delicious.
This pepper gets its big yields from the superior disease resistance of its plant. High resistance to bacterial leaf spot races 1-3, 7, 8 and potato virus Y, and pepper mottle. What this means for you is dozens more healthy, big fruit on well-branched plants.
Such fruit it is. Jalafuego reaches 4 inches or more in length, with smooth skin and thick walls. This gives you an extra bite or two in every pepper. The skin eventually turns red if allowed to reach full maturity, but it can be picked green for full spicy kick, too. Great for canning and pickling, freezing and drying, and of course stuffing and eating fresh off the plant.
Vigorous plants consistently produce very high yields of 3 1/2 to 4" fruits that are resistant to checking (small cracks in skin). 70 days.
10 seeds $3.95
PEP079 Big Chile Hybrid ( Chile Type Mild Hot Pepper 1500 Scoville Units )
More Chile in every sense! Tremendous yields of mild green chiles in the Anaheim variety, but much larger than Anaheims, up to 40% larger.
10 seeds $3.95
PEP400 Super Heavyweight Bell Pepper
F1, Huge, 8-9", blocky, thick wall, green to yellow, sweet and crunchy, eat fresh or stuffed, 77 days.
Package of 5 seeds $3.95
PEP019 Chinese Giant
One of the most popular large, midseason mild peppers perfect for home garden. Bell-shaped fruits are large and blocky, with thick walls. ' Sweet-flavored peppers ripen to brilliant cherry red, averaging a huge six inches across and four to five inches deep. 90 days.
10 seeds $2.75
50 seeds $6.95
JM110 Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin
120 Days Grow for giant pumpkins. The present day record, for this variety is an amazing 2009 lbs. Fruits more than 500 pounds not uncommon. Fruit is round to flattened round, ribbed, with striking bright orange color. Seed cavity is small. Flesh is meaty, makes great pies.
 10 Seeds $2.95
 50 Seeds $9.95
VH562 Giant Pink Banana Squash
Amaze your friends with this giant winter squash tha is also delicious! Produces huge pink colored banana shaped fruits up to 30" long, shaped like a banana. Flesh is bright orange and sweet. Very flavorful.
Squash have a delicious yellow-orange flesh that can be substituted in recipes that call for acorn or butternut squash or as the pumpkin in pies. Pink Banana Squash should be planted as soon as the last spring frost is over. This will allow the squash its required 100-105 days to reach maturity before the first frost of fall.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
1A211 Marina di Chioggia Squash
The heirloom sea pumpkin of Chioggia, on the coast of Italy, The large turban shaped fruit are deep blue-green. It is one of the most beautiful and unique of all squash. A perfect variety for market gardeners. The rich, sweet flesh is a deep yellow-orange and of good quality, delicious baked or in pies. The fruit weigh about 10 lbs. each and are produced on vigorous vines. Stunning!
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
GO55 Banana
Old heirloom, plants will produce melons with smooth yellow skin and sweet spicy, salmon flesh, resists sunburn, 90 days.
A vining warm season vegetable, the banana melon yields sweet, fruits with an aroma that hints at the tropics. The melons average 5 to 8 pounds and are typically 16 to 24 inches long. Harvest banana melons after about 90 days, when the fruit pulls off the vine easily. Enjoy the salmon-colored flesh of this melon as a dessert or snack, but also use it to perk up salads, salsas, entrees and drinks.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
TWT294 Giant Strawberry
Now you can grow your own huge strawberries at home! Very large fruits with juicy flesh! These large growing strawberries are the largest on the market. Great flavor. Perfect for making chocolate covered strawberries, the kind you pay 30 bucks a dozen for online!
 6mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $4.95
RTP429 Big Zac
This prize winner was bred by Minnie Zaccaria, a New Jersey gardener who tirelessly sought the perfect cross-pollination of two heirlooms, finally creating this enormous tomato with fruits that repeatedly tip the scales at an amazing 4 to 6 lbs. We know that you'll love it for its quality and its size. An excellent tomato in every respect - meaty and delicious, very disease resistant, and true-growing each time it's planted. Furthermore, it has impeccable ancestors....a beautiful, red heirloom beefsteak-type, and a large, pink open-pollinated beefsteak heirloom.
Package of 5 seeds $2.95
RTP018 Beefmaster Hybrid
One of the most popular beefsteak types. 60-72"H plants produce incredible yields of solid, meaty, 1-pound mouth-watering bright red tomatoes and some as large as 2 lb! Their delicious intense flavor surpasses their size! Good solids-to-gel ratio. Requires staking or cages. Widely adaptable. Good tolerance to cracking and splitting. One of the most disease resistant tomato varieties. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Package of 10 seeds $2.95
Package of 50 seeds $7.95
RTP034 Brandywine
Amish variety dating back to 1885. Excellent fine flavored rose pink fruits to 1½ pounds on potato like vines. Days to Harvest: 100.
Package of 10 seeds $2.75
Package of 50 seeds $5.95
RTP192 Old German
An old heirloom variety producing huge boat shaped fruits weighing 2 pounds or so. Color is golden yellow with pink to red stripes that varies from fruit to fruit. Excellent for slicing.
The plant produces good yields of 1-1/2 to 2 lb bi-colored yellow beefsteak tomatoes with red and pink stripes. It is one of the best slicing tomatoes on the market. They are delicious, beautiful, very sweet, meaty, juicy, and flavorful. Perfect for salads, garnishes, or culinary creations. The plant requires support, either staking or cages. A potato leaf variety. An excellent choice for home gardens. A Mennonite heirloom from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, USA. Indeterminate, 75 days.
Package of 10 seeds $2.75
Package of 50 seeds $5.95
IP130 Gigante
Wow! Giant 4" green globe tomatillos, useful in salsas combined with peppers, indeterminate, 99 days.
 18mg Package ( about 20 seeds to a pack ) $2.95