Garden Novelty Plants

Want to grow unique and ususual plants in your garden? Then this page is for you! Here are a few of the interesting garden plants we grow in our gardens.

TPF297 Japonica Striped Maize ( Ornamental Corn )
Stunning as an ornamental plant. This is an heirloom from Japan which was first listed in the 1890's as Striped-Leafed Japanese Maize. The unusual variegated leaves are striped with green, white, yellow, and pink. The tassels are dark purple and the kernels are burgundy red. The colors develop best when the plants are widely spaced 12-18 inches apart.
Growing 4-6 feet tall, this beauty has deep purple, almost black popcorn kernels. It makes a magnificent and edible Halloween or Thanksgiving decoration. The multi-colored, striped plants can be grown in containers and are especially striking when paired with brightly colored petunias or sweet potato vines. The leaves are hot pink, green, yellow and white. Each plant is uniquely colored. 85 days after planting, purple tassels appear followed by burgundy ears of corn.
 4g pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
 100 seeds $11.95
Chairmaker's Rush
3727 Chairmaker's Rush ( Scirpus pungens )
The stems of this native rush were actually used for weaving sturdy chair seats in years gone by. This perennial is a widespread species and is used extensively in wetland restoration projects.
The strong triangular blades of this plant provided ribs for basket weaving, while the softer circular stems were often used for thatch or for finer weaving purposes. Though not a true rush, this member of the sedge family provides forage for water birds and small rodents. Occasionally, even the regal trumpeter swan and the Canada goose eat its foliage. A tough plant, it survives many types of hardship and is often used for erosion control or wetland restoration. The genus name "Scirpus" is the Latin term for bulrush.
Direct sow either in late fall or early spring. Press the seed into the surface of the soil, compacting the soil very firmly. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. Keep the soil saturated until germination.
Growing: Water seedlings regularly until they become established. This plant prefers soil that is constantly moist and saturated, and thrives in shallow water or mud. It adapts to many soil types, including sand and gravel with adequate moisture. It will spread by rhizomes and self-seeding; mature plants can be divided. This plant makes an excellent choice for erosion control or wetland restoration, and provides forage and cover for birds and other wildlife. It also performs well in water gardens or on stream banks. For zones 2-11.
  75mg ( about 30 seeds ) $2.95
  100 seeds $7.95
Image:3dyottabyte [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
IP353 Peruvian Black Mint/Huacatay ( Tagetes minuta )
A member of the marigold family, but growing 6 feet tall, Black Mint/Huacatay ( pronounced "wah-ka-tay" ) is an internationally beloved herb for flavoring sauces, teas, risotto, potatoes, chicken and fish. It is a key ingredient in the ethereal Peruvian aji verde sauce.
A French heirloom plant, it is also the source of the essential oil marketed as "marigold oil". It can best be described as a flavor combination of basil, mint and citrus and tastes like nothing else. The leaves are used fresh, dried, in paste form or frozen.
Hang bundles of the dried stems to repel insects from your house and porch. As a bonus, the roots will kill some perennial weeds. The delicious but somewhat mysterious green sauce that is often served with pollo a la brasa - Peruvian roast chicken is typically made with huacatay (and aji amarillo chile peppers).
Peruvians use this herb to make a green sauce called Black Mint Paste, which is an essential ingredient in the Potato, Aji Amarillo, Peanut, Cheese, and Egg dish called Ocopa.
A very easy to grow annual plant.
 150mg Package ( about 100 seeds ) $3.95
 1.5g Bulk Pack ( about 1,000 seeds ) $12.95
Wasabi Radish
3620 Wasabi Radish
New to North America, this Japanese heirloom is a medium sized, oblong daikon type. The wasabi-green skin and flesh is crisp and succulent, with a strong heat reminiscent of the much loved Japanese horseradish paste.
The flavor is sharp and tear-inducing for lovers of spice. Wasabi radish seeds also make excellent micro-greens, with the spiciness developing early on in its tiny leaves.
 725mg Package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
LET889 German Giant Radish
If you are looking for volume and falvor, German Giant is a very nice radish to grow in your garden. It is larger than other spring radishes without getting woody or spongy. Can be harvested anywhere from marble to baseball size. Bright pink/red skin, crisp white flesh with a distinct sweet flavor followed with a nicely pungent kick.
These whoppers are known for reaching baseball size; however, at any size, they remain sweet, tender, and free from cracks. These giant red radishes take about 30 days to grow to full size but can be harvested earlier when they are smaller as well.
825mg pack ( about 80 seeds ) $2.95
Image: cultivar413, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET944 Pumpkin on a Stick ( Solanum integrifolium )
Pumpkin on a Stick has been delighting gardeners for more than 125 years, and goes by many names. Some call it Pumpkin Tree or Pumpkin Bush, because of the sturdy, long-lasting branches set with large purple thorns.
You should grow it for indoor bouquets and arrangements all autumn long! The Pumpkin on a Stick will have you asking "is it a pumpkin, a gourd or a tomato?" but it's actually an ornamental eggplant! This unique delight has been baffling gardeners for over 125 years! These ribbed fruits will resemble a tomato and then a pumpkin once it dries out. This beautiful plant will need to be staked as it can reach 4 feet tall. This prolific plant will yield dozens of little orange fruits. Pumpkin on a Stick is perfect for any indoor decorations or arrangements as it is an autumn staple!
 10 seeds $3.95
Catalogna Special Italian Dandelion
1A050 Catalogna Special Italian Dandelion ( Cichorium intybus )
A new type of green that is taking green lovers by storm. The large leaves are more tasty and nutritious than any green you've ever tried. For salad mix or bunching. Uniform strain. At baby-leaf stage, leaves are narrow with subtle spikes along the margins and a thin petiole. At full size, leaves are long, deep green, slender, and deeply cut with white midribs.
 2.8g pack ( several hundred seeds ) $2.95
LET928 Habanada ( Heat-less Jalapeno Pepper )
A truly remarkable pepper, Habanada is the world's first heat-less habanero pepper. Instead of heat, it delivers a blast of sweet tropical flavors. Excellent seared, braised, roasted, or raw, this is a versatile culinary pepper. Extremely productive and early. Can be used at the green stage, but reaches the pinnacle of flavor and texture when it turns a beautiful orange hue.
Bred by well-known organic plant breeder Michael Mazourek, Habanada is the product of natural breeding techniques. These exceptional snacking peppers have all of the fruity and floral notes of the habanero without any spice.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
TRZ179 American Black Elderberry ( Sambucus canadensis )
This native shrub has been known for its delicious fruit used in jellies, pies or wine since native American times. It has more recently been used in landscapes for its spectacular blossoms and dramatically colored berries. It is probably best known for it's medicinal uses over many generations.
According to WebMD, the berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms. It’s also been used as a treatment for: Constipation, joint and muscle pain, infections that affect how you breathe, headaches, fever, kidney problems, epilepsy, minor skin conditions, stress, HIV and AIDS
It is closely related to the European Sambucus nigra. Some authors treat it as conspecific, under the name Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis. The primary difference is the European variety is more tree like, where the American variety is more shrublike, the flowers, fruits and uses are almost identical. Some authorities consider this plant to be a subspecies or variety of Sambucus nigra instead of a separate species.
Elderberry erupts with large, lacey sprays of white blossom clusters in June. As the flowers continue to bloom, they fill in to create large umbels and exude a delicate citrusy fragrance, inviting myriads of little pollinators to come visit. Flowers are replaced by succulent, burgundy berries that darken to a rich black-purple once they are ripe. Bowed branches drape and 'water fountain' from the center, providing dense shelter for nesting birds. The foliage turns a lovely burnished yellow in the fall. Various studies reported in food and horticulture scientific journals report that American elderberry as well as the European elder contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. According to the USDA, raw elderberry juice is a good source of iron and potassium and vitamins A, B6 and C.
Elderberry plants are easy to grow and can be grown from cuttings or potted plants. They prefer moist, fertile soil and full sun, but can tolerate partial shade and some drought. They can be grown in zones 3-9.
Seeds need 60 days cold stratification before sowing.
 318mg package ( about 150 clean seeds ) $4.95
LET284 Peppi Red ( Sweet Seedless Pepper )
Seedless sweet peppers. The Peppi pepper collection will grow seedless fruit under the right conditions! Grow plants in isolation from other, non-seedless peppers to produce seedless fruit that makes chopping quick and easy for recipes. These small, pointed fruits offer incredible sweetness and rich flavour.
The fruit are often seedless and are great for snacking fresh off the plant. To produce seedless fruit, it is required to grow it in isolation from other (non-seedless) pepper varieties. If it is not isolated, it will produce larger, great-tasting fruit with just a few seeds. Best grown in-ground with support of stakes or a cage. It is a large plant in the ground, growing 36-48 inches tall and a spread of 24-36 inches or so. 50-55 days.
10 seeds $5.95
Peter Pepper
3309 Peter Pepper
( A medium Hot Pepper 5000-30000 SU )
It is absolutely the novelty of the garden. Special heirloom red 'anatomical' hot peppers. Thought to originate out of the Appalachian region. In addition to the novel shape, this is actually a fine tasting pepper with plenty of heat. Besides being a real conversation piece, it is a good cooking pepper that has a thick fleshy pod that is fairly hot with a unique spicy flavor. It makes a wonderful pot of chili.
A slow germinator, can take up to 2-4 weeks to germinate. It is easy to grow in containers or gardens.
 5 seeds $2.50
 25 seeds $7.95
 100 seeds $17.95
Pardon Pepper
PEP390 Pardon Pepper ( Warm to hot Pepper )
Famous Spanish heirloom. Named after the town where they originated. Harvest Padron peppers when they are 1–1 1/2" long. About 1 out of 20 fruits will be hot, and the rest mild. All the fruits become hot if allowed to grow 2–3" long. Typically sautéed in olive oil with a little sea salt and eaten as tapas (appetizers) in Spain. 60 days.
Package of 10 seeds $2.95
Giant Poha Berry
3491 Giant Poha Berry ( Physalis peruviana )
This is a popular berry in Hawaii, the fuzzy-leaved bush (aka Poha Berry) produces about 1" berries with smooth, waxy orange skin. This tangy sweet fruit tastes like a mixture of pineapple and strawberry and is covered with a lantern-shaped husk. It grows well in containers. 75 days.
 5mg Package ( about 10 seeds ) $2.95
Mosquito Plant
      ( Agastache cana )
GO72 Mosquito Plant ( Agastache cana )
This hardy perennial will provide you with sweetly scented foliage and large 1" rosy- purple flowers. It attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The crushed foliage rubbed on the skin is said to repel mosquitoes. Will flower first year if grown as an annual, but best flowering is in second year in zones 7-10.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
 60mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $12.95
Coffee Chickory
G018 Coffee Chickory ( Chichorium intybus )
Chicory has been in cultivation since the days of ancient Egypt. The oldest publication about herbs in existence, authored by Greek physician Dioscorides, includes information about chicory.
Thomas Jefferson planted chicory in his gardens, recommending it in a letter to his friend George Washington as "one of the greatest acquisitions a farmer can have." Chicory's most well known culinary use is the use of the root as a coffee substitute or additive, since it has a soothing and relaxing effect that balances out the stimulation of coffee.
As a wildflower, this plant springs up everywhere with its bright blue dandelion-like flowers that open and close with the sun.
To use Chicory: Cut young, tender leaves for fresh greens; do not freeze or dry them, since this deprives them of all flavor. They can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The root can be harvested any time after four months of growth, but before the ground freezes. How to make chicory coffee. Cannot ship to CO or SD.
  600mg Package ( over 100 seeds ) $2.50
  6g Package ( over 1,000 seeds ) $12.95
Peppermint Stick Celery
IP099 Peppermint Stick Celery
Striped, candy-pink stalks shade to green leaves. A lovely plant in the garden or on a dipping tray, has a nice spicy flavor. Tends to keep its color when cooked. Use leaves and stalks for fresh seasoning, 80 days, slow to bolt.
50mg pack ( over 100 seeds ) $2.95
Loofah Sponge
RGS031 Common Luffa Sponge
Everyone who has a garden, fence or backyard space should grow this amazing plant. The ever popular dishcloth, bath sponge gourd. Should be grown on trellis, fence or allow even to climb small trees.
The Loofah Gourd is a member of the Cucurbitaceae ( Gourd ) family. The Loofah is spelled several different ways, i.e., Lofah, Luffa or Lufa. It's commonly known as the Washrag Gourd. It is the only plant known that can be raised and used as a sponge. The sponges are very versatile in that they can be used for bathing, washing dishes or scrubbing. The Loofah is widely used for bathing to invigorate the skin as well as gift giving and crafts. It is a very fast growing annual that produce vines up to twelve feet or more. I have seen them grow over 20 ft. high in trees and produce dozens of gourds per plant. When fully matured, you can peel off the dried and crisp outer shell to expose the fibrous sponge. To clean your Loofah you wash it in clean water and then soak it in a solution of bleach and water and allow to dry in the sun. Loofah sponges will last a long time if washed and allowed to dry after each use. Here are some helpful links on growing and harvesting the loofa sponge:
How to grow natural loofa sponges.
How to harvest your luffa and turn them into sponges.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
 100 Seeds $9.95
Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower
FT04 Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower
A very unique cauliflower! Contains 7.57 ppm beta carotene. If you grow this new cauliflower, it will likely be the topic of conversation at your dinner table the first time you serve it. The orange curds have great taste whether cooked or raw. Brightens up a relish tray, and does not lose it's orange color when cooked. For maximum color intensity, do not tie- up the leaves. Suggest it be transplanted to the garden in August for fall harvest in areas where summers are hot. Limited seeds, we can only sell 10 per customer at this time.
  Package of 10 seeds $3.95
IP122 Caigua Exploding Cucumber ( Cyclanthera pedata )
This is one of the most interesting plants we have found. It is a climbing member of the cucumber family that can be used as a vegetable in salads, or steamed, it has a nice sweet flavor. It is also an herbal plant, the fruit has anti-inflammatory, weight reducing ( it is often sold in capsule form as a natural weight loss product ), lipid-absorbing, cholesterol and blood sugar regulating affects.
Can easily be grown in the garden, on a fence or trellis. It is an annual plant. One of the most interesting aspects of the plants is that when ripe, the fruits become spring-loaded missile devices, splitting and turning themselves inside-out to launch their seeds up to 5-6 feet away into the garden. This is quite the conversation plant.
  5 seeds $2.95
  25 seeds $9.95
LET937 Corn Cob Pumpkin
Add a new twist to your fall decor. This variety has warts and lots of 'em! Upright fruit are covered with large popcorn like warts on a semi-bushy plant. Unique golden caramel color, these are great for decorating the mantle, front porch and any outdoor areas. Also can be eaten like other pumpkins, has great flavor for making soups, pies, and any recipe calling for pumpkin. Averages 10-13 lbs, 95 days
 Package of 5 seeds $3.95
Bright Red French Pumpkin
G150 Bright Red French Pumpkin
This classic Heirloom Pumpkin is as traditional as they come! With its lovely, smooth orange skin and flattened "old fashioned" shape, this pumpkin is just as suited to be decoration as it is to be a delicious pie!
Also known as Cinderella Pumpkin. Most unusual! A reddish orange pumpkin that is shaped flat and resembles a bright red cheese wheel more than a pumpkin. The 12-16 lb. fruits produce a sweet orange flesh that is great for pumpkin pies. A definite must for fall decorations.
Excellent Variety for Canning, Baking Pies and Bread. Favored by French chefs for rich soup stock. 95 days.
 Package of 5 seeds $2.95
 Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Tours Pumpkin
3728 Tours ( French Heirloom )
Most unusual looking pumpkin weighing up to 16-18 pounds. Tours is a beautiful, upright, oval pumpkin that adds height and a different shape to fall displays. It is dark green with pale green striping and has pale yellow flesh. Tours has a long history of use in France for pickling, soups, jam and animal feed. The extremely large seeds (about 80 per ounce) have medicinal properties for people and animal and produce a tremendous amount of oil when pressed. The fruit will store for 5 months. 95 days. A French heirloom field pumpkin, named for its place of origin, and listed by Vilmorin as early as 1856. The large-fruited pumpkin has distinctive large oil seeds with wide margins which were once used in the manufacture of sugar-coated pills and as a remedy for tapeworm. Great for displays and carving. 90-100 days.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
Plum Granny ( Queen Anne Pocket Melon )
D9921 Plum Granny ( Queen Anne Pocket Melon )
A unique melon grown for it's fragrance and appearance rather than for eating. Small tennis ball sized fruit are so fragrant that 2 or 3 can make a whole room smell like delicious melons, however taste is bland. Very prolific, best grown with trellising or support, fruit is yellow with maroon stripes. 75 days.
Although possibly named for Queen Anne of England (1702-14), this melon is native to Persia and Linnaeus attributed it to Egypt and Arabia. Legend has it that the ladies of the Queen's court carried the fragrant melon as a perfumed sachet. While edible, this melon is valued more for its scent than its rather flavorless white flesh. It ripens to orange with lemon-yellow stripes. This unique melon has been grown for over 1,000 years.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Jelly Melon (Cucumis metuliferus) (aka Kiwano, African Horned Cucumber)
3508 Jelly Melon
(Cucumis metuliferus) (aka Kiwano, African Horned Cucumber) Originated in semi arid Africa near the Kalahari desert. Thorny oval fruits are filled with greenish-gold gel and lots of seeds; very high in vitamin C. The flavor is reminiscent of pomegranate and citrus. The primary market niche is for garnishes and decorative fruits. 120 days.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
Banana Cantaloupe
GO55 Banana Cantaloupe
It is a very old variety predating 1880.The banana melon is so-called because it looks more like a large banana than a cantaloupe. It’s a fascinating and unusual melon, with a hint of banana taste and a very delicioius, spicy aroma. The banana-shaped fruit has smooth, yellow skin; and sweet, spicy, salmon-colored flesh. 16-24 inches long, 5-8 lbs. 90 days.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.50
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
Spacemaster 80 Cucumber
BM61 Spacemaster 80 Cucumber
Monoecious. A great container grown cucumber and good for small garden spaces. 60 days. 7 1/2 to 9 inch blocky fruits on dwarf 18 to 24 inch vines. Good flavor. Never bitter. Adapted to a wide range of climates. CMV, Sc. The Spacemaster 80 cucumber is a large variety of cucumber that is sweet and tender. The Spacemaster 80 is green and smooth, and grows to be seven to nine inches long. Since this variety is mature in sixty days, a steady harvest can be achieved by planting regularly throughout the season
  1.10g pack contains at least 25 seeds $2.50
TPF293 Vegetable Spaghetti
90 days. Fruits average 9" long, and turn from buff to pale yellow when mature. Keeps well. Flesh is pale yellow and breaks up into spaghetti-like strands. Boil fruit for 20 to 30 minutes and remove flesh with a fork. Flesh is tasty and may be used like spaghetti, topped with your favorite sauce.
 3.5g pack ( about 30 seeds )$2.95
VH562 Giant Pink Banana Squash
Amaze your friends with this giant winter squash tha is also delicious! Produces huge pink colored banana shaped fruits up to 30" long, shaped like a banana. Flesh is bright orange and sweet. Very flavorful.
Squash have a delicious yellow-orange flesh that can be substituted in recipes that call for acorn or butternut squash or as the pumpkin in pies. Pink Banana Squash should be planted as soon as the last spring frost is over. This will allow the squash its required 100-105 days to reach maturity before the first frost of fall.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Mini Spaghetti Hybrid
SF278 Mini Spaghetti Hybrid
F1, Unique personal size, much quicker and easier to cook than full size. 1.5 lb. sweet, nutty, deep orange flesh, orange rind, semi-bush, high producer, 85 days.
  5 seeds $2.95
 25 seeds $9.95
Strawberry Spinach ( Chenopodium foliosum )
BM74 Strawberry Spinach ( Chenopodium foliosum )
Also known as Strawberry Sticks. Highly novel, easy to grow plant, ideal for the border or patio containers or in the garden. Base branching with spiky foliage and stems which bear many edible, bright-red strawberry-like fruits through to early autumn.
A green that is grown and eaten like spinach before the small strawberry like fruits appear on the stems of the plant. This plant has been around for over 400 years and was a favorite of English Monks long ago. Smaller,thinner leaves than ordinary spinach, with abundance of thumbnail size fruits which are tasty.
Useful cut material, grows 15" tall, ready in 12 weeks from seed. Annual.
 28mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
 280mg pack ( about 500 seeds ) $9.95
Valentine Radish ( Watermelon Radish )
2294 Valentine Radish ( Watermelon Radish )
A large, round, Japanese, white-skinned radish with dark green shoulders and bright pink/red flesh. Valentine/Watermelon radish grows to be 3º" in diameter and is best harvested in Fall or Winter. When cut top to bottom, each slice resembles a Valentine.
 $2.95 per 5cc pack ( 100+ seeds per pack )