We provide this list of plants for those of you who have
requested that we separate our more fragrant plants from our many
different lists. We have chosen some of our favorite fragrant
plants and listed them below.
AW85 Camellia Tea Plant ( Camellia sinensis )
The tea plant is a small shrub about 3 to 8 feet in height when mature outside, though it will grow taller if you don't prune it. In the fall, your tea shrub will flower with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent. These plants are often grown as ornamentals.
This is the tea produced commercially around the world. The tender, young leaves are used in the process of tea production.
Can be grown in tubs inside, or in cool greenhouses, outdoors in warm climates. Prefers moist, well drained, humus rich,
slightly acidic ( 5.5-6.5 )soil. We recommend maintaining a 2-3 inch deep mulch of shredded bark or leaves around base of plant.
Hardy to zone 8, can be grown in zone 7 with protection. To make green tea, pick only the top 3 leaves from new growing tips, spread and dry in the shade for 6-8
hours, then in an open pot, heat ( simmer ) the leaves, stirring frequently for about an hour.
Click here for an informative site on growing and making your own tea.
For black tea, you must ferment the leaves. USDA Zones 8 to 11.
JB279 Chocolate Scented Daisy ( Berlandiera Lyrata )
A wonderful perennial plant with a sweet chocolate fragrance. Also known as Chocolate flower, this is a night bloomer, the flowers offer up their rich cocoa scent in the morning. As the temperature rises the petals close or drop and the fragrance recedes.
The Chocolate Flower plant starts out small, but each spring the crown grows larger and the plant can eventually spread to about 24 inches across. Chocolate Daisies have a rather airy growth, and they make a nice informal edging plant. Berlandiera is most impressive and most fragrant when planted in groups. Chocolate Flowers are night time bloomers, and their cocoa scent is strongest in the morning hours.
For zones 4-10, grows about 12-18" tall.
Start seeds directly outdoors once frost danger has passed. Prepare a seedbed by loosening the soil to a depth of about 8 inches and removing all weeds. Lightly cover the seeds with soil and keep the flower seeds moist until germination occurs. Thin the seedlings to about 18 inches apart when they are several inches in height. Care of the plant includes removing spent flowers to encourage continued blooming, and cutting the entire plant back in the fall after blooming is finished.
JB262 Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens )
This is a must have annual plant. It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and pollinators. It is easy to grow and maintain and is fragrant. It can used in container gardening, fragrant gardens, and landscaping. It has gorgeous silvery blue-green leaves and pretty bell-shaped purple flowers, which are a magnet for bees. It makes a wonderful cut flower and self-seeds readily and is deer resistant. Grows about 24" tall and spreads 12-24 inches wide. From seed to bloom in about 14 weeks.
Honeywort produce beautiful plants with purple-blue flowers that bloom in the summer. The flowers have a unique shape and texture, with a tubular structure that flares out into five petals. One of the most striking features of honeywort's flowers is the color. The purple-blue hue is rich and vibrant and can vary in intensity depending on the light and growing conditions. The color is also enhanced by the glossy surface of the petals, which reflects light and creates a luminous effect.
JB188 Sweet Alyssum ( Lobularia benthamii )
What wonderful, honey-scented lacy white flowers that bloom quickly from flower seeds sown outside in early spring. The dense clusters of tiny snow-white flowers bloom continuously throughout the growing season if the spent blossoms are trimmed back. A compact, rapid growing variety which is drought tolerant and heat resistant and is excellent in containers or along the front of the flower bed. Sweet Alyssum can be used in a flower bed, container, hanging basket, or a window box and will attract many beneficial insects. Lobularia Maritima has been used medicinally to treat colds, coughs, abdominal pain, and rabies. Grows 6-8" tall.
With its sweet fragrance, Sweet Alyssum attracts bees, butterflies and many other beneficial insects such as lady bugs.
LET845 Sweet Goldenrod ( Solidago odora )
A stately plant for the fragrant garden. Sweet Goldenrod, part of the Aster (Asteraceae) family, is native to the North and South Eastern areas of the US. It is clump-forming and makes a nice fall addition to any dry, even sandy, garden because it does not spread aggressively as some other Goldenrods may. Also called Anise Scented Goldenrod, the nice-smelling leaves and dried flowers have been used to make tea. It is deer-resistant and attracts butterflies.
his species is primarily clump-forming and does not spread aggressively as do some of the other goldenrod species and hybrids.
Interesting goldenrod for native plant gardens. Also appropriate for borders, cottage gardens or butterfly gardens. May be grown in herb gardens.
Grows 2-4 feet tall, hardy for zones 4-9.
3584 Fragrant Passionflower ( Passiflora maliformus )
Also known as Sweet Calebash, it is grown for its beautiful fragrant flowers and delicious fruit.
Flowers are greenish-white and purple, huge, up to 4-6 inches in diameter. The sepals are greenish-white, heavily speckled with purple spots inside, green outside. The petals are green white and heavily spotted with purple. The crown consists of four rows of filaments, white with purple stripes. The flowers are pendulous and very fragrant.
The fruits are oval or spherical, about 2 inches long and 2-3 inches wide. They are greenish yellow to light orange and the external shell is extremely hard. They are edible and taste of grapes.
The name maliformis name means "apple-shaped".
Vines are self-fertile, and should be grown on fences or trellises.
LET880 Evening Scent ( M. longipetala ssp. bicornis )
Unique, tiny lilac blooms open at night, release one of Nature's sweetest scents, long-blooming, garden charmer.
Also known as evening stock plants, night scented stock is an old-fashioned annual that reaches its peak fragrance at twilight. The flowers have a blowy elegance in faded pastel hues and make excellent cut flowers. Grows18" tall.
LET879 Column Yellow Miracle ( matthiola icana )
A Florist favorite for their color and fragrance. The delightful yellow flowers are so fragrant, that you can smell them from across the room in a vase and will fill an area with fragrance outside.
Dense, showy spikes of scented, large, double flowers closely spaced on the single stems. Produces approximately 50% dobule-flowering plants. Grows 24 to 36" tall.
LET945 Column Apricot ( matthiola icana )
These delightfully fragrant, airy apricot blooms are sure to leave a significant impression in both gardens and flower arrangements. With a distinctive and spicy scent, the seeds are likely to yield both single and double-flowered plants. Each plant produces a singular flower spike, reaching a height of 24 to 30 inches. The plant boasts dense, impressive spikes adorned with scented, large, and closely spaced double flowers on individual stems. Hardy down to 32°F, it blooms in late spring, summer, and late summer. Best suited for field cultivation, it takes approximately twenty weeks to reach maturity.
IP110 Goldcut Yellow Stocks ( matthiola icana )
Clear yellow color. One of the taller stocks, making for a premium cutflower, selectable for doubles, for outdoor or all-season greenhouse production, likes short days. Very large flowers on strong spikes and sturdy non-branching stems. Grows about 30" tall.
IP295 Perfume Tree ( Fagraea berteriana )
A large tropical plant outside in warm zones, can be container grown inside. Terminal clusters of white flowers that age to orange are laden with a heavy yet pleasing perfumed scent. Fagraeas are often used in leis in Hawaii; the fragrance will hold even after the blooms have dried. Give this slow grower plenty of warmth and direct sunlight and it will be a steady grower and reliable bloomer. Grow in a porous potting mix for its semi-epiphytic nature. In the north, blooms from spring to fall. In the south it is a year-round bloomer.
It is a popular ornamental in tropical Asia as it is adaptable and can be cut into nearly any shape. It is also popular for its very hard, high quality wood.
Fagraea is one of the most fragrant plants to grow in containers. Plants flower intermittently throughout the years with blooms arising on the flush of the new growth. As they are semiepiphytic, they do best in an open well-drained potting mix and be sure there is some dryness to the mix between waterings. They can be grown in sphagnum moss if moisture is checked regularly. Very small seeds.
Zone 10 and higher outside, container grown in cooler zones.
IP150 Joy Perfume Tree ( Michelia champaca )
Syn. Magnolia champaca. Excellent houseplant for colder zones or garden plant for warmer zones ( 10 and above ). The fragrance of the flower is simply amazing.
Also known as Champa, Yellow Champa, Golden Campa or Fragrant Champa is highly revered by the followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. They use Michelia flowers during religious ceremonies. Tibetans believe that the Buddha of the next era will find enlightenment under the flower canopy of the champaca tree.
Michelia has several ornamental, commercial and medicinal uses too. For gardeners, it is an excellent choice as a houseplant or as companion plant in landscapes. Commercially, the timber of Michelia is used for almost anything from cabinet-making to firewood and flowers are grown to sell at cut flower shops. The extract from the flowers of Michelia Alba is used in preparation of the famous 'Joy' perfume. Medicinally, the tree has wide applications; the bark is used to prepare tonic, the oil extracted from flowers is used to cure toughs and rheumatism, and for relieving eye troubles and gout.
Michelias are easy to grow and maintain. They love a lot of light and warmth but filtered sunlight. The best location for Michelia is the place where it receives direct and ample sunlight in early morning but partial light for the rest of the day. Suitable for containers, Michelias has shallow and brittle root system. It likes moderate watering in acidic and well-drained soil. As a general rule, water lavishly when the plant is young to allow it to develop good root system. Water mature trees moderately and feed with a general purpose fertilizer during spring. Prune in winter when plant goes dormant.
Outdoors in zone 10 or higher, Michelia can gain a height of 75 feet or more in suitable conditions. The tree bears large leaves that resemble the leaves of Mango tree. The tree booms from May to October and produces abundance of star-shaped flowers that fill the entire surrounding with mesmerizing scent. Flowers are usually golden-yellow, golden-orange and creamy-white.
IP310 Ylang Ylang Tree ( Cananga odorata )
A fast growing tropical tree. The fragrant flowers will perfume a large area around the plant. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. The evergreen leaves are smooth and glossy, oval, pointed and with wavy margins. The flower is drooping, long-stalked, with six narrow, greenish-yellow (rarely pink) petals, rather like a sea star in appearance, and yields a highly fragrant essential oil.
It is believed to relieve high blood pressure and normalize sebum secretion for skin problems, and is considered to be an aphrodisiac. The oil from ylang-ylang is widely used in perfumery for oriental- or floral-themed perfumes (such as Chanel No. 5). Ylang-ylang blends well with most floral, fruit and wood scents.
In Indonesia, ylang-ylang flowers are spread on the bed of newlywed couples. In the Philippines, its flowers, together with the flowers of the sampaguita, are strung into a necklace (lei) and worn by women and used to adorn religious images. Will flower in a container. Great tropical flowering tree! Zone 10 and higher outside or grow as a patio plant in cooler zones.
JB229 Scotch Gypsy Broom ( Cytisus )
This makes an ideal hedge for poor soils. Very fragrant shrublike plant, teeming with small flowers, yellow to pink shades. Bees and butterflies love these plants! A very quick and easy plant to raise from seed in a beautiful mixture of colors. Wonderful as specimen plants or for covering large areas quickly and inexpensively. Grows 2-3 feet tall. Hardy in zones 5-9. Prefers full sun.
LET369 Fragrant Dhaincha ( Sesbania javanica )
A short lived perennial or annual shrub growing 10-12 feet tall with a wispy habit, finely pinnate leaves and masses of fragrant yellow flowers. Makes a wonderful tub plant. Sesbania javanica is widespread in tropical Asia and widely cultivated as an for its edible flowers and young shoots that are popular as a vegetable. The flowers also serve as a yellow food coloring.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. The flowers are commonly harvested and sold as a food crop in local markets in Thailand. It is cultivated as a green manure and shade plant, and is also often grown as a hedge and an ornamental.
Bring in a vase full of flowers to for their delightful fragrance. Grow as a tub plant in cooler zones or as an annual. If growing as an annual, start seeds inside in winter for flowers the following season.
Zone 9-10 outside.
SF165 Miss Aroma ( Dianthus caryophyllus )
A fragrant carnation that is compact, and the beautiful double flowers have an absolutely exquisite scent, spread out 6" pots of these in bloom and create a fragrant sensation, grows only 8" tall, annual or perennial to zone 4.
TWT232 Spring Beauty Cottage Pinks ( Dianthus Plumarius )
Sweetly clove-scented flowers have a velvety or satiny sheen. Loosely mounding perennial for edging the borders, rock gardens or in Container. Narrow blue gray foliage and white, pink or red spicy fragranced flowers from spring to summer.
Fragrant, fringed double and semi-double blooms in a range of pinks, reds and white, are wonderful reminders of old-fashioned English "cottage pinks or grass pinks". Cottage Pinks establish easily from seeds, and they work well for edging, in the front of the border, used as a ground cover plant, for rock gardens and to interplant in rock walls. Does very well in pots and baskets. Grows about 12 inches tall.
TWT233 Fragrant Mignonette ( Reseda Odorata Ameliorata )
Grow Mignonette seeds for the cutting garden and enjoy the sweetly scented flowers indoors. The flower is excellent for cutting and will retain its fragrance even once it is in the vase. The plant is also good in pots and containers and can be placed where the ambrosia-like ( some say with raspberry overtones ) scent can be enjoyed. The white Reseda flowers are attractive to bees and looking lovely in mixed border plantings. Sweet Mignonette blooms should be deadheaded to prolong blooming. Grows only 14 inches tall so it fits well in the flower garden. Annual.
JB122 Cherry Blossom ( Salvia coccinea )
Exquisitely pink color, a first for salvia! Well-branched annual to 24 inches. Salmon-pink and white bicolor trumpet shaped flowers form in tiers along 6-8 inch stems. Nicely fragrant blooms all summer. Also known as Coral Nymph Hummingbird Sage, for a good reason, as it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies like a magnet!
SF157 Sweet Woodruff ( Galium Odoratum )
Zone 4-8. Also known as Our Lady's Lace, this low-growing perennial is versatile and grows well from seeds. Often used as a ground cover, plants have whorled leaves and small vanilla-scented white flowers in spring.
It does make an excellent ground cover plant due to its low-growing nature and spreading habit. Historically, the herb seeds were grown for an aromatic plant that was used as an air freshener and placed in linen closets.
Plants are also natural insect repellents and gardeners often grow them around ornamentals like roses to keep the pests away. As a medicinal herb, Sweet Woodruff was used to treat numerous ailments and was often used for the treatment of wounds.
Plants emit a strong odor of freshly mown hay when
foliage is crushed or cut. Aromatic intensity of the foliage
increases when dried, thus dried leaves are popularly used in
sachets or potpourris.
Plants have also been used commercially in perfumes. Leaves are sometimes used to flavor teas and cold fruit drinks. Leaves are also used to make May wine, a punch made from white wine flavored with woodruff, orange and pineapple. Woodruff comes from Old English meaning wood that unravels, in probable reference to the creeping rootstock of the plant. Formerly known as Asperula odorata. Cannot ship
to CN, MA, NY, PA, VT
Sweet Woodruff seeds germinate best after a period of cold temperatures. Some gardeners will dampen peat moss, mix the herb seeds into the peat moss and then place the peat moss/seed mixture in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 weeks before sowing. Others will sow the herb seeds in a starter tray, water, seal the tray, and place it in the refrigerator. Finally, the last method of sowing would be to directly sow the Sweet Woodruff seeds outdoors in a prepared seedbed in late winter or first of spring while frosts are still expected.
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JB136 Sensation Mix Flowering Tobacco ( Nicotinia )
The most fragrant flowering tobacco is also the most colorful. Fragrant annual with mixed color blooms over a long season. Easy to grow pollinator attractor with summer blooms, also known as Jasmine Tobacco. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies love this plant!
Thrives in full sun or partially shaded areas grows 30" tall, blooms in 7 weeks from seed. Space plants 12-18 inches apart.
AW87 Perfume Deep Purple Flowering Tobacco ( Nicotiana x sandarae )
2006 AAS Bedding Plant Winner, hummingbirds love this plant! Pelleted seeds for easy germination.
Perfume Deep Purple flowers are shaped like stars. The stars shine at night and this is when Perfume Deep Purple begins its performance. The unique quality is the strong fragrance which scents the air in the evening. The fragrance is not wasted during the day when many people are working. The nightly release of the perfume will entice gardeners to relax and linger in their gardens. Consider Perfume Deep Purple as natural aromatherapy. The rich, lavish deep purple flower color is another unique trait, distinct from other nicotianas. Perfume Deep Purple is easily grown from seed, young green bedding plants or flowering pot plants. Nicotiana, named for Jean Nicot, who introduced tobacco to the French Court, needs a sunny location and is perfectly adaptable to container culture.
Perfume Deep Purple does not require pinching, pruning or deadheading to maintain a crown of starry blooms all summer. Quite heat tolerant, plants need minimal maintenance. Only water and fertile soil are needed for Perfume Deep Purple to bloom profusely all summer. Grow stars in your garden this summer – plant Perfume Deep Purple. Grows only 16-20 inches tall. Annual.
IM083 Midnight Candy ( Zaluzianskya capensis )
Wow, the delicious fragrance of this rare South African plant unlike any other. Most after dark, so plant it near a bedroom window or grow in a container on the patio to savor the intoxicating fragrance! An excellent container plant, grow in 12 inch hanging baskets or patio pots. After it flowers over a long period, simply cut back to 4” tall for a second round of bloom.
With the setting sun the 'night phlox' opens up tilling the garden, patio or conservatory with a delicious and powerful fragrance that gives the air, particularly on a warm evening, a tropical aroma. Easy to grow, sow this Zaluzianskya a little in many places, where you walk or sit in the garden. A wonderful annual ( perennial in very warm zones) plant growing about 12-20" tall and blooming in 12 weeks from seed.
JB160 Poached Egg Plant ( Limnanthes Douglasii )
Also called Meadowfoam, and it is not only visually very striking and attractive, but it also has a very nice aroma as well. Limnanthes is not fussy about soil, and it will easily and quickly spread, creating a low-growing, shiny, carpet. Each meadowfoam plant can spread up to 30 inches! It only grows about 8 inches tall and makes a fragrant mat planted in mass.
A very long blooming annual with a mass of charming, 1 inch clear white and lemony yellow 2-toned blooms on 8 inch stems. It easily sows its own flower seeds for next year's display. Meadowfoam plants are great as a ground cover plant, and they will grow well in pots too.
Sow Limnanthes Douglasii seeds directly outdoors in a prepared seedbed in spring after danger of frost has passed. Meadowfoam seed should be pressed into the soil and very lightly covered with soil. When large enough to handle, thin the seedlings.
TST190 Broken Colors Four O Clocks ( Mirabilis )
Broken Colors Four O’Clock has bi-colored and mottled flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, white, and yellow. This old-time garden favorite gets its common name from its late afternoon to early morning bloom time. It is a tender perennial that forms tubers, and flowers are fragrant and trumpet-shaped. Attracts birds and butterflies. Plants are easy to grow and thrive almost anywhere, reseeding readily.
A single plant produces myriad 1- to 2-inch trumpet-shaped blooms in all combinations of raspberry, lemon-yellow, orange-golden, and frosty-white. Grows from 12 to 36 inches tall.
SF397 Fragrant Butterfly Bush ( Buddleia Davidii )
This is a wonderful shrub with large, fragrant, colorful flowers that attract a flutter of butterflies into your summer garden. Butterfly Bushes are extremely easy to grow and any average gardener will have success with these plants.
From midsummer until frost, butterfly bush earns its name as hordes of winged beauties flit from flower to flower in search of nectar.
Fragrant, shades of pink, purple, white, first year flowers in summer, the cornerstone of a butterfly garden. Perennial to zone 5. Grows about 4 feet tall.
3352 Fragrant False Indigo ( Amorpha nana )
A compact erect shrub with green foliage. Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate up to 1-4 inches long. The fragrant pink flowers appear in May through July.
The pink flowers have a delightful honey fragrance. Excellent container plant for use as a fragrant houseplant, and does well outside in almost all soils, drought tolerant.
Perennial. Hardy outside to zone 3.
SF133 Sweet Everlasting ( Gnaphalium obtusifolium )
Sweet Everlasting, also known as Rabbit Tobacco, is silvery green due to the appressed hairs that cover its surface. The white flowers are clustered in quarter inch buds with many overlapping bracts. The tips of these buds are usually yellow or brownish. The bracts will eventually spread out and fall off when the seed ripens.
Sweet Everlasting’s fruit has a tuff of light brown hairs that will allow it to be carried off by the wind. The plant also gives off a wonderful maple syrup smell, making it a nice addition to any garden.
This plant is attractive to the Painted Lady Butterfly and the leaves are aromatic when crushed, making a nice potpourri component.
HR360 Basil, Holy ( Ocimum sanctum )
A very fragrant basil. Holy Basil is a widely cultivated herb plant. It is a tender perennial, and in many areas is grown as an annual. Holy Basil is a bushy, aromatic herb that is native to Asia but now is grown in many warm climates world-wide. It has a pungent, peppery flavor and can be used as a culinary herb. There are two main types of Holy Basil: green-leaved and purple-leaved, this is the green leaved type.
Holy Basil plants are extremely important in the Hindu religion. In the Hindu religion the herb plants, called Tulsi, are worshiped morning and evening. As a medicinal herb, Tulsi Holy Basil is used to fight fevers associated with malaria, dengue fever, colds and flu by making a tea from the leaves. The Holy Basil teas also soothe sore throats, coughs, and respiratory ailments. Holy Basil is considered to be an adaptogen and helps protect the body against stress.
HR330 Cinnamon ( Ocimum basilicum crispum )
Spicy, cinnamon sweet fragrance. Makes a comforting tea and
adds spice to recipes.
TPF244 Tetra Mix Snapdragon
Robust, scented flowers in an abundance of colors bring back memories of old-fashioned annual cutting gardens. This is a semi-dwarf snapdragon, which grows from 18-24" high, enlivens garden beds and borders, as well as bouquets and offers a delightful fragrance. This is a great butterfly and bee attractor!
Snapdragons have been a garden favorite since the 1700s. Originating in the Mediterranean region, this flower gets its name from its unusual blossoms that look like a dragon's head; the "mouth" even opens when squeezed. In medieval times, snapdragons often guarded the gates of castles because of a belief that they offered protection. Victorian women received bouquets of this flower with delight, since this meant a coming proposal; they also made infusions of the plant for cosmetic purposes.
Thomas Jefferson grew snapdragon plant seeds in his famous experimental garden, the first American to document their growth. In addition to being decorative in the garden, snapdragon blossoms are edible and can be used as a garnish for elegant desserts.
D5165 Sweet Shade ( Calycanthus floridus )
A fast growing shrub with very fragrant reddish brown flowers.
Calycanthus floridus thrives in a wide range of light conditions, from full sun to full shade, making it a good candidate for a houseplant.
It grows between 4 and 7 feet tall outside, but will grow much smaller in containers inside, and exudes a spicy fragrance from its brown flowers, particularly in the evening. The fragrance of a mature plant will fill your home. The leaves are a dark, rich green and are fragrant when they are crushed.
The bark of the plant can be used as cinnamon substitute.
Hardy for zones 5-9.
IP103 White Ten Week Dwarf Stocks ( matthiola icana )
Pure white color. Compact, large flowered, well branched, old fashioned scent, perfect for bedding, pots and baskets.
These delightful compact, bushy and easy to raise plants with a glorious fragrance which are ideal for bedding or for growing in drifts in the border. The large, showy richly fragrant flower spikes will really stand out in any flower garden.
Ten-week Stocks can be sown early in spring to give a good summer flower display, or can be treated as biennials. The extra trouble of overwintering the plants is compensated by the showy spring floral display.
If seed is sown in succession, they will provide continuous flowering over spring and summer. Stocks also make magnificent winter flowering pot plants for the cold greenhouse.
Eminently suitable for cutting, a fragrant bed of stocks in the garden makes spring and early summer delightful. There is very little to match stocks for their fragrance, flower displays and ease of growing. Blooms in ten weeks from starting. Grows about 12" tall.
IP105 Dark Blue Ten Week Dwarf Stocks ( matthiola icana )
Dark Blue color. Compact, large flowered, well branched, old fashioned scent, perfect for bedding, pots and baskets.
These delightful compact, bushy and easy to raise plants with a glorious fragrance which are ideal for bedding or for growing in drifts in the border. The large, showy richly fragrant flower spikes will really stand out in any flower garden.
Ten-week Stocks can be sown early in spring to give a good summer flower display, or can be treated as biennials. The extra trouble of overwintering the plants is compensated by the showy spring floral display.
If seed is sown in succession, they will provide continuous flowering over spring and summer. Stocks also make magnificent winter flowering pot plants for the cold greenhouse.
Eminently suitable for cutting, a fragrant bed of stocks in the garden makes spring and early summer delightful. There is very little to match stocks for their fragrance, flower displays and ease of growing. Blooms in ten weeks from starting. Grows about 12" tall.
3492 Pink Pop ( Agastache astromontana )
A flower plant for all types of gardens, this super-long blooming perennial will delight you with bouquets of fragrant, lavender pink flower spikes from midsummer through early fall.
Butterflies and hummingbirds find this plant hard to resist! The abundant flowers are presented atop very well-branched stems lined with small, aromatic, grey-green leaves. The plants are very uniform and compact with a terrific upright habit.
This plant is perfect for growing in rock gardens, flower borders, cottage gardens, herb gardens, butterfly gardens, and large containers.
Pink Pop is a very tidy Agastache, staying in a rounded 18 inch mound. It has tall soft pink spikes that are very attractive to hummingbirds. It will bloom June-Oct with deadheading. The foliage has a spicy scent and the flowers are also spicy flavored, making them useful as garnish in salads.
It needs good drainage and prefers full sun, although will do well in hot areas with a bit of afternoon shade. This variety is seed grown, so dead heading early will assure that the plant doesn't self sow. It is a vigorous rebloomer if deadheaded.
Long flowering pink spikes, flowers summer first year, well branched, fragrant ( delightful old time flower garden fragrance ), for pot or garden. Flowers in 12 weeks. Grows about 14" tall. Good cutflower and potpourri plant. Perennial plant hardy to zone 6.
D1711 Black Locust, False Acacia ( Robinia pseudoacacia )
Beautiful ornamental tree loaded with white fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in the spring, when showy, fragrant, white to yellow flowers develop in 8 inch long clusters that bees and hummingbirds love.
An excellent shade tree with acacia type foliage that will mature at about 50 feet tall and 25 feet wide. Normally has thorny stickers. The fragrant flowers can be smelled for hundreds of feet in spring. This is a tree that grows well in poor soil and can be an aggressive grower in good soil, so probably best suited for areas you want to dress up or hide, and do not mind the suckering growth.
The bruised foliage mixed with sugar will attract and kill flies, a useful attribute.
Cannot ship to New York state. Grows well in zones 3-9.
TRZ136 Copper Pod Tree ( Peltophorum pterocarpum )
This fine tree for warm zones has beauty, fragrance and makes a great shade tree! Also known as Yellow Poinciana. This upright, handsome, spreading, semi-evergreen tree has a rounded canopy and is capable of reaching 50 feet in height with a 30 to 50-foot spread. Form can be quite variable from tree to tree.
With proper training and pruning in the nursery and in the landscape, a more uniform crown will develop. The dark green, delicate, feathery leaflets provide a softening effect for the tree's large size and create a welcoming, dappled shade. From May through September, the entire tree's canopy is smothered with a yellow blanket of flowers, appearing in showy, terminal panicles and exuding a delicious, grape-like perfume. These flower clusters are followed by four-inch-long seed pods which ripen to a brilliant, coppery red.
Medicinal uses: bark for dysentry, tooth powder, eye lotion, embrocation for pains and sores; the bark gives a dye of a yellow color. Can be used as a shade or specimen tree.
USDA hardiness zone 10b. It is a fast-growing tree. Temperatures in the high 20's cause the leaves to drop but these are quickly replaced. Young trees flower in 2-3 years from seed.
SF082 Japanese Mock Orange ( Pittosporum tobira )
A beautiful broadleafed evergreen shrub or small tree can reaching up to 15 feet in height and about the same in width if allowed to, but often grown as a hedge or patio plant and pruned to a much shorter height.
Does well in the shade or full sun, making it a useful lawn shrub.
The leathery leaves are glossy on the top with undersides that are lighter and have a dull surface. These very ornamental leaves reach a length of from 1 to 5 inches and up to 1 inch wide.
However, our favorite feature is the waxy white flowers that add a delightful fragrance to the spring garden. Japanese mockorange is named so because the scent put forth by its blossoms is similar to that of the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). The small flowers are about a half inch in diameter and are held in clusters at the branch tips. They are pure white when they emerge from the bud and slowly age to a mellow creamy yellow. They appear in late spring and last for several weeks.
Native to China and Japan, it is used as an ornamental in milder climates throughout the world. In the USA, it is a popular landscape item in Florida, along the Gulf Coast and throughout the Pacific Northwest as well as a patio plant in cooler climates.
Hardy for Zones 8-10.
A good choice for screens and informal hedges. It can also be closely sheared to create formal hedges and will also grow well in containers. The beautiful evergreen foliage and ability to produce its fragrant flowers indoors make this a desirable greenhouse plant.
E3152 Button Bush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis )
Buttonbush is a very under-utilized plant. It has so many unique things to offer. Hundreds of tiny, tubular creamy white flowers are packed into large showy flower heads, which dangle from the bush in August. Butterflies and other insects find the nectar irresistible.
The fragrant flower heads mature into round fruits each containing hundreds of nutlike seeds that are eaten by waterfowl and other birds such as quail. Many birds use this deciduous shrub as a nesting site.
It is a tremendous source of nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators and should be grown close to gardens when possible to help with pollination.
Buttonbush is naturally found in wet areas that are usually too wet for other perennial species to establish and thrive, but will grow just about anywhere you plant it, including upland sites, but not in really dry soil.
If you have a spot that has standing water during parts of the year, this is the plant to make that spot beautiful!
It makes wonderful cover to protect ducks from predators, crappie absolutely love to spawn under them, bees utilize the flowers to make excellent honey, deer love the new growth, and the list goes on.
Thanks to its super fast growing root system, buttonbush is great to use as an erosion control and water quality tool, such as in stream bank stabilization and mitigation projects.
Aside from the many wildlife and environmental benefits, buttonbush provides a long lasting, unique bloom display, and the glossy leaves show streaks and splotches of blood red color before dropping in the fall.
Zones 6-10.
TPF241 Copper Queen ( Stylomecon heterophyllum ) Multi-Seed Pellets
Also known as Flaming Poppy and Wind Poppy, this is a wonderful patio or garden plant that produces different hues of copper red flowers with a sweet fragrance, some compare it to the Lily of the Valley scent.
This half hardy annual is easily grown as a pot plant or can be grown in the garden. Grows 16 inches tall, with blooms most of the season. Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds, for easy sowing.
IP109 Harmony Mix Stocks ( matthiola icana )
Uniform, dwarf, strongly branched, highly fragrant, 50% double, selectable, very early, mix of many colors. Grows about 8" tall.
IP111 Chabaud La France Fragrant Carnations ( Dianthus Caryophyllus )
Chabaud La France has double, fringed flowers that have a lovely spicy scent. The foliage is clump-forming and blue-green in color with long, wiry, sturdy stems that make it perfect for cutting. Can be grown as a perennial in frost free zones, or grow as an annual where winters are cold. Grow Carnation flower seeds in borders, planters, cottage gardens and rock gardens. Grows 24" tall, annual or perennial to zone 6.
IP112 Carnation Rose Fragrant Carnations ( Dianthus grenadin )
Grenadin Carnations are very popular with florists and are used in corsages, bouquets, and a wide range of floral arrangements. You can grow this lovely rose colored carnation from flower seed in your own garden. They grow big, full blooms on strong, straight stems. They feature a blue-gray foliage that stays attractive even when the blooms are finished. Their blooms last a long time whether left in the garden or cut for the vase. Also has a wonderful spicy clove-like fragrance. Good drainage is essential for winter hardiness. Grows 18-24" tall, annual or perennial to zone 5.
3553 Sweetest Silver ( Dianthus sp. )
Cascading, clove scented 3" double blooms, silver blue leaf, mix of many colors, grow as annual for baskets. Blooms in 12 weeks from seed
3385 Tea Olive ( Osmanthus fragrans )
Tea olive has deliciously fragrant flowers that smell a lot like those of fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), which is in the same family. Tea olive is a traditional element in the southern garden landscape and a whiff of its scent carried on a cool winter breeze makes a memorable impression.
Tea olive is a large upright shrub that can reach 20 ft (6.1 m) tall and 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 m) wide, but is usually seen in landscapes at 6-10 ft (1.8-3.1 m) high. The opposite leaves are a dark, shiny green and the edges may be finely toothed or smooth with both types present on the same individual. As the plant matures, most of the foliage is held at the outermost ends of the stems, but the plant retains a handsome appearance despite the legginess. In autumn, winter and early spring white flowers cover the shrub. It also blooms sporadically throughout the summer.
Individually the blossoms are small and inconspicuous, but the fragrance is powerful and exquisite.
Tea olive is rather slow growing and is usually quite long lived.
Tea olive prefers reasonably good soil, but is adaptable except in the poorest, sandy soil. May be pruned to maintain size and encourage branching, but thrives equally well with neglect. Tea olives are sometimes attacked by scale insects, but usually only when growing conditions are poor.
Light: Sun to partial shade; morning sun with afternoon shade, or high, shifting shade is ideal.
Plant tea olives where their lovely fragrance can be enjoyed! Situate a tea olive wherever there is foot traffic near windows or doors and in outdoor sitting areas. Incorporate tea olive into foundation plantings at the corners or use as an accent between windows. A row of tea olive makes a very attractive hedge or screen. In areas where it is tender, grow tea olive as a container specimen so it can be protected indoors in winter.
USDA Zones 8 to 10.
TRZ138 Fragrant American Olive ( Osmanthus americanus )
Also known as Devilwood, so named because the fine-textured wood is difficult to split and work. The fruit resembles the cultivated Olive in the same family. The genus name, Osmanthus, from the Greek words for "odor" and "flower," refers to the fragrant blossoms. This is a great lawn plant. The small, creamy-white flowers are extremely fragrant and are followed by blue-black fruit which resembles small cherries.
It is a small, evergreen shrub or tree with a narrow, oblong crown, 15 to 20 feet tall, and sometimes reaching 50 feet. The leaves, which last year round, are opposite with a smooth to slightly wavy margin and rusty colored underside. The bark is gray-brown and finely scaly. In spring, small, urn-shaped, fragrant white flowers mature on the previous year's growth. The small tree produces a dark blue drupe that matures in the fall.
Tolerates a range of soil conditions as well as wind. It prefers partial shade and moist, well drained soil. It takes well to pruning and can be shaped as desired.
For zones 5b to 9b.
H848 St. John's Wort ( Hypericum )
St. John's Wort is a versatile short-lived perennial. It is a short, woody shrub that grows about 24 inches tall and has fragrant yellow flowers from mid to late summer. Hypericum St John's Wort was apparently named after John the Baptist, and historically has been used to ward off evil spirits and witches. As an herb plant, the oil in the leaves have been used topically for wounds, sunburns, and general aches and pains. St John's Wort herb has also been used to treat mild depression and insomnia with some success. St. John's Wort ground cover is often used to cover areas along side walks and driveways.
A beautiful herbaceous perennial growing in almost any type soil. Has bright, cheerful flowers from June to August. Has been used medicinally for treatment of urine problems, diarrhea, hysteria, depression, hemorrhages, jaundice and more. Cannot ship to NV, OR, CA, CO, MT, HI, ID, MO
D9804 Giant Moonflower( Ipomea alba var )
What a delightful evening fragrance this flower has! The moonflower is a vigorous twining vine that is very fast growing in really hot weather. It is a tender tropical perennial but is now seeing popular use as an annual vine in colder areas.
This close relative of the morning glory has similar heart shaped leaves that are a rich green and 4-8 inches long. They provide a beautiful backdrop for the spectacular moonflowers.
This vine also known as the evening glory as its buds open in late afternoon and last only until morning's light transforms them into a limp shriveled mass.
Moonflower makes up for the brief lifespans of individual flowers by producing quantities of the big blossoms throughout the summer. These are held on a stem that bears several buds simultaneously, not all of which bloom the same night. The long 4 inch buds are also very attractive especially in the hours just before the flower opens.
And what a fabulous flower the moon vine produces! They are fluted funnels sculpted in purest alabaster white. About the diameter of a saucer measuring 5-6 inches across.
As if the moonflower was not already enchanting enough, it also has a delightful fragrance to complement its beauty and perfume warm summer nights.
FA01 Gardenia ( Gardenia Jasminodes )
Also know as Cape Jasimine, native to China, Gardenia's evoke
images of exotic, sweet-scented flowers and soft, island
breezes. Glossy, dark green leaves provide a luxuriant backdrop
to heavily-scented, double, creamy-white blooms. Grown in
dappled shade, Gardenia's like well amended and well drained (
5-6 pH ) acid soil and will reach a height of 4-6 feet. Blooms
are long lasting and are ideal for cut flowers. Hardy to 20 F.
and in zones 8-10.
D2932 Perfume Acacia ( Acacia farnesiana )
A beautiful shrub that flowers profusely. The flowers are so
fragrant, they are used to make perfume in France, especially
on the Riviera. You should have this plant in your garden.
Cannot ship to PR
HR350 Lemon Basil
Attractive, spreading silver-green plant with lemony aroma and flavor is great for potpourris, tea, chicken, fish, vegetables and herb vinegars.
Described as a combination of lemon and basil, this plant is most often used in herbal teas and stir-fry. Grows about 12 to 16 inches tall and is an excellent container plant.
HR320 Large Sweet Italian Basil( Ocimum basilicum )
Large Leaf Sweet Italian Basil is regarded as the essential variety for true Neapolitan cuisine, especially pesto. Sweet Basil plants are loaded with volatile oils, responsible for the heady aroma and strong flavor so essential to cooking. Like all Basil plants, it is easy to establish from herb seeds for the garden or to grow in a container on the patio.
This Basil grows 18 to 24 inches high and 12 to 15 inches wide. The dark green, shiny leaves grow up to 3 inches long. Pick the extra large leaves and use them fresh or dried in tomato dishes, pasta sauces, vegetables and soups. Basil is at its most flavorful when fresh. The best time to harvest is just as the plant starts to set flower buds, well before flowers bloom. Harvest leaves continually to encourage new growth. Pinch out growing tips to encourage bushier plants and to delay flowering.
FB163 Sweet Annie ( Artemisa annua )
An excellent multi use herb for all gardens. A graceful and sweetly fragrant annual with tall stems 4'-7' tall, with fine bright green ferny foliage. Though most often grown for fresh and dried arrangements and wreath making (it holds color and fragrance very well) it also makes a graceful accent in the back of a flowerbed or a pretty quick screen, especially behind other container plantings. "Sweet Annie" has a wide variety of uses both medicinal and for handcrafting and makes a nice addition to potpourri and sachets.
This is a tall ferny green plant that grows to over seven feet high and four feet wide in one year! Excellent for back borders or any area that you want to give a tropical look and feel. Sweet Annie has thick strong woody stems and branches out like a shrub. The flowers are tiny and olive green and can't really be seen unless you look hard. However sweet Annie is grown for it's foliage and mostly for it's lovely aromatic scent which can fill the whole garden when the breeze rustles it branches. It has been used for centuries in it's dried form in wreaths and other aroma projects.
Sweet Annie is one of the best natural air fresheners around. Have a aroma you want to get rid of? Just wave a spring of Sweet Annie in the air and it freshens the whole area with a sweet appealing smell illuminating anything else. Don't use air fresheners with unknown chemical ingredients use a natural herb to do the work for you. The plant dries very well and the will last for years all you have to do is gently move a piece and the aroma bursts forth. It is excellent for use in wreaths and other aroma projects.
Germination is about 50 percent, normal for this variety.
D4503 Coffee Plant ( Coffea Arabica )
Coffee can be grown outdoors in some parts of the US, but is often grown in pots. The world's most important trade crop also makes a wonderful house plant.
Click here for info on growing your coffee plant inside. The plants have dark shiny-green leaves and whitefragrant flowers. A very ornamental plant. Very unique.
Considered to be among the easiest and hardiest of houseplants, coffee plant is great for both experienced and beginner gardeners. Not only is coffee plant care easy, but the plant itself is lovely and makes a wonderful addition to the home. Coffee plants prefer bright, but indirect, light. This means that they should be placed near a window but not directly in the window itself. They also cannot take temperatures below freezing and will not do well in temperatures that stay consistently below 65 degrees. Keep them away from drafts in the winter. When growing coffee plants, the soil needs to stay moist, but not soaking wet.
Also, make sure that both the soil and the pot your coffee plant is growing in has good drainage. The humidity around the plant will need to stay high as well. Setting your coffee plant on a water-filled pebble tray will help with humidity. Like many houseplants, a coffee plant will need less water in the winter than in the summer.
Plant coffee plants in a rich, peat-based potting soil with excellent drainage. Coffee plants prefer acidic soil, so if your plant is not thriving add organic matter such as sphagnum peat moss to increase soil pH. Coffee plants can grow in soil with a pH range of 4 to 7 but the ideal pH range is closer to 6 to 6.5.
D2242CD Sweet William ( Dianthus barbatus )
Spectacular, multi-colored blooms add beautiful color to the summer garden or meadow. Grows in sandy, clay or loamy soil conditions and grows to be about 12-24" tall, making it an extremely versatile variety. This variety is easy to grow and the colorful blooms make for fabulous summer bouquets.
Very sweet fragrant flowers have fringed petals of red, pink, purple or violet. Vase life of 7-10 days. Will bloom in as little as 70 days from seeds.
A perennial for zones 3-8.
H540 Meadowsweet ( Filipendula ulmaria )
The whole herb possesses a pleasant taste and flavour, the green parts having a similar aromatic character to the flowers, leading to the use of the plant as a strewing herb, strewn on floors to give the rooms a pleasant aroma, and its use to flavour wine, beer, and many vinegars. The flowers can be added to stewed fruit and jams, giving them a subtle almond flavor. It has many medicinal properties. The whole plant is a traditional remedy for an acidic stomach, and the fresh root is often used in infinitesimal quantities in homeopathic preparations. It is effective on its own as a treatment for diarrhea. The flowers, when made into a tea, are a comfort to flu sufferers. Dried, the flowers make lovely pot pourri.
An herbal answer to aspirin that will not upset the stomach. An infusion made by steeping two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of water for 15 minutes can relieve discomfort due to fever, respiratory problems and arthritis. This infusion should not be given to children. The plant has very fragrant leaves that make a delicious herbal tea that is good for headaches. A hardy perennial that grows 4-6 feet tall. Best suited for zones 3-8.
IP332 Blue River ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Absolutely one of our favorite fragrant flowers. Flowers show off in vibrant purple hues, the intensely fragrant flower spikes attracts droves of butterflies and bees. An easy to grow variety that is perfect for edging, herb gardens or containers. Brushing the foliage when working in the garden releases a soothing lavender scent.
Plant near sidewalks or entryways where the lovely aroma can be enjoyed. Compact, uniform, floriferous, intense deep blue spikes. Grows 14" tall, hardy to zone 4.
HR154 Lavender Lady ( Lavandula angustifolia )
Plants flower in first season. Use for bedding plants, borders
in containers or in rock gardens. Delightful lavender
SF280 Ellagance Ice ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Also called Ellagance Snow. Grown readily from Lavender seeds, this white flowering herb plant is a stunning variety of English Lavender! Ellagance Snow Lavender plants measures 12 inches in height and will spread not quite as wide. This white Lavender has a dense, compact habit and loves a position in full sun and in well-draining soil.
If you have a sunny spot, this little white Lavender herb will not disappoint! Both the silvery green foliage and the delicate white blooms have a wonderful fragrance. It is irresistible to bees and butterflies, and just wait until the scent catches on the summer breezes! With a long bloom season, and a pretty display, this is a great addition. hardy to zone 4.
AW80 Lavender Vera ( Lavandula vera )
Sweetly fragrant blooms and evergreen blue-green foliage! The richest in essential oils, this is one of the most aromatic Lavender plants of them all. Reaching 24 to 36 inches high, it boasts 2 1/2 inch, linear, downy leaves on strong stems. The leaves first open white, then turn a pale gray-blue-green color. Stalks of tiny purple flowers grow up to 14 inches tall.
Lavender herb plants are prized worldwide for the gentle and soothing therapeutic properties. Lavandula Vera is one of the richest in essential oils, meaning more fragrance power both fresh and dried. Fresh Lavender flowers can be crystalized and used in candies and cakes; dried flowers are used in potpourris and sachets; oils are used in creams and perfumes. And these are only some of the more common uses - imagination can create endless more!
HR167 Lemon Mint ( Monarda citriodora )
A wonderful annual that attracts beneficial insects. Monarda Citriodora is commonly called Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint, and Purple Horsemint. As the name suggests, it is an herb in the mint family. Lavender-to-pink, tuft-like, whorled flower heads attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The Lemon Mint herb plant blooms from spring into late summer. Often late in the season the scent is described as resembling oregano more than lemon. Plants will grow about 36" tall.
D7939 Peppermint ( Mentha piperita-hyb. )
Of course a true peppermint plant is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. This is a sterile plant that does not produce seeds. We have tested many types of peppermint seeds over the years, and these seeds from Jelitto Seeds in Germany produce the closest thing ( we mean really close ) to the true plant.
A beautiful plant with purple flowers and purple tinged leaves.
Its fragrance is used in many different ways. The plant likes
moist areas.
Peppermint thrives best in full or partial sun, in a rich, drained loam that will retain water in summer. Not enough sun and the plant gets leggy. Not enough water or nutrients, and it can become susceptible to rust or mildew. Pests shouldn't be a problem.
During the growing season, keep cutting the mint to use it fresh or dry it (if you've got the space, freezing mint is one of the best ways we've seen to retain the herb's essential oils). Mint is a perennial that should come back easily year to year, although if your winters get really cold, a layer of mulch to protect the plant is advised.
Peppermint is used commercially to flavor a wide variety of products, from mouthwash to candies, ice creams to jellies. By itself or combined with other herbs to make a tea, it can't be beat, and adding peppermint oil to baths makes for a relaxing menthol soak.
Medicinally, peppermint has been used to alleviate a wide array of different conditions, including indigestion, sore throat, colds, headache, and cramps. By mildly anesthetizing the mucous membrane, it can prevent vomiting and help to quell nausea, and taken before eating it can increase bile flow, which helps to break down fats so your body can use them more effectively. It also may provide benefits for intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.
1A030 Chinese Jujube ( Zizyphus )
The tree has a weeping ornamental growth pattern. The fruits
are smooth and round like an apple and can be eaten right off
the tree. Very high in vitamin C. Very fragrant flowers.