Crossandra Seeds

Start some Crossandra flower seeds and bring a "bang" of color to your landscape or your home. Known as the Firecracker Flower or Kanakambaram, this flowering house plant is easy to grow, loves heat and humidity, and does well in partial shade. It is native to India and Sri Lanka, and features clusters of tubular flowers and glossy textured, oval leaves.

Crossandra care includes keeping the soil moist and applying a balanced fertilizer every month, spring through fall. For indoor use, mist the leaves regularly. Start Crossandra seeds indoors at any time. Very lightly cover the flowers seeds with a sprinkling of soil. Maintain warm temperatures for best germination. Blooms can appear 4 months after sowing. Treat as an annual or a container plant in areas with frosts. Bring container indoors, and the Firecracker plant will brighten up your interior during the winter months.

Germinating info: Soil Temperature:78 - 82F, Average Germ Time: 7 - 10 days, Light Required: No, Depth: 1/8th inch, Sowing Rate: 1-2 seeds per plant, Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination, Plant Spacing: 8 - 10 inches.

IP367 Yellow Splash ( Crossandra Infundibuliformis )
Enjoy this topical, flowering plant indoors! Very few plants will provide color for a long period of time indoors in bright indirect light, but Crossandra, also called Firecracker Flower, will light up the indoors. With it's glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of yellow blooms, the Firecracker plant is also great for those partial shade plantings outdoors along with impatiens and coleus.
Crossandra care includes regular watering as the plant does not do well if allowed to dry out. If grown in an arid climate or indoors, regular mistings are also beneficial. Soil should be well-draining and fertilizers can be applied through out the growing season. Removing faded blooms will encourage continued blooming. The flower seeds can be started indoors and should be left uncovered. The Firecracker plant can bloom in just 4 months after starting the flower seeds.
  10 seeds $3.95
  25 seeds $7.95
SF325 Tropic Flame ( Crossandra Infundibuliformis )
Popular as an excellent indoor pot plant during winter and summer months in the northeast. Loves heat!
Heat-tolerant continuous bloomer makes a premium landscape plant in tropical and semi-tropical areas from Florida to southern Asia. Transplant to finish: South, 10 to 11 weeks. Grows 10 inches tall and spreades 8-10 inches.
  10 seeds $3.95

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