Canna Lily Seed

Cannas are tropical and subtropical flowering plants with large, banana like leaves. They can be grown as annuals in cooler regions, where they add an instant touch of the tropics to gardens.

Cannas are often grown for their foliage alone. The large, paddle-like leaves resemble banana leaves and come in greens, blue-greens, variegations and stripes. Much hybridizing has been done to create more attractive flowers. Somewhat tubular and lily like, Canna flowers come in shades and combinations of yellow, orange, red and pink and are borne on tall stalks coming out of the foliage. Becausemost Cannas sold today are the result of many crosses, Cannas are rarely classified.

Cannas prefers rich, moist soil and full sun. Generally grown from rhizomes. Plant rhizomes 4-5 inches deep, after all danger of frost, or start indoors in pots. Keep the rhizomes moist, but not wet. Emerged plants can receive more water. Can also be grown in poorly drained areas and in shallow ponds.

Plants should be deadheaded for continual bloom. Cannas like to be fed. Fertilize in early spring and mid-summer. In zones 7 and below, rhizomes can be overwintered. Allow foliage to be killed by a frost. Dig plants, leaving soil attached to rhizomes. Allow to dry, then pack in plastic bags with some moisture. Keep in a cool location for the winter. Potted cannas can be brought inside and treated as houseplants.

Not often bothered by problems. Canna leaves are covered with a waxy substance, so water is repelled and fungus doesn't usually take hold. Grasshoppers and caterpillars may munch the leaves. Water stress will cause tearing or cracking in the leaves.

JB144 South Pacific Orange F1
2018 AAS Flower Winner. Sister to 2013 AAS Winner South Pacific Scarlet, this newest AAS Winner is compact in habit and well suited for both landscape and container use. This variety is more vigorous, more uniform, and has more basal branching than comparison cannas. It offers an outstanding bloom color in an attractive, vivid bright orange that contrasts nicely with the bright green foliage. Pollinator gardens will love this addition of an attractive canna that sports uniformly colored flowers over a long blooming period. Bonus: this canna is grown from seed, not tuber, meaning less chance of succumbing to disease.
For zones 8-11.
 5 seeds $4.95
LET697 South Pacific Ivory
Clear Ivory flowers bloom all summer. First F1 Canna, 4" flowers bloom all summer, 24" tall in gallon, 42" in garden, multi branched, early, vigorous. Zones 8-11 outside, in containers in cooler zones.
 5 seeds $4.95
JB195 Tropical Bronze Scarlet
The latest in the popular Tropical series of dwarf Cannas is this stunning bronzy-burgundy leaved variety! Sporting brilliant scarlet blooms in addition to its colorful foliage, it's a stunning addition to containers, the border, edging, and any sunny spot!
Tropical Bronze Scarlet has the same big, fiery-scarlet 3- to 4-inch blooms found on Giant Cannas, but on a lush 2 1/2-foot plant compact enough to grow in a container! And it blooms in just 90 days from seed, quick, economical, and so beautiful.
Use Tropical Bronze Scarlet in containers, mixed borders or waterside plantings. Though tolerant of wet soils, it will not tolerate deep standing water. Members of the Tropical Series grow true from seed and will flower in the first growing season.
 5 seeds $4.95
JB228 Tropical Yellow
Radiant Yellow Blooms Dusted with Pink. Tropical foliage and huge 3 to 4-inch flowers.
At last, oversized blooms on undersized plants! Tropical Yellow has the same big, abundant blooms found on Giant Cannas, but on a lush 2 1/2-foot plant compact enough to grow in a container! And it blooms in just 90 days from seed.
Use Tropical Yellow in containers, mixed borders or waterside plantings. Though tolerant of wet soils, it will not tolerate deep standing water. Members of the Tropical Series grow true from seed and will flower in the first growing season.
 5 seeds $5.95
SF337 Tropical Rose
1992 AAS Flower Winner. The first canna to be grown from seed that has typical canna flowers about 3-4 inches across. The soft rose blooms are produced on a spike held above the wide lush foliage. As the first flower spike matures, another flower spike will be initiated and fresh new blooms will be opening soon. To hasten the secondary spikes, remove the first spike. Tropical Rose continues to produce flower spikes all summer for reliable color in a garden. Grows about 32 inches tall. Zones 8-11, but will come back from roots in colder zones.
 5 seeds $4.95
LET696 Large Flowered Hybrids
This wonderful Canna brings a striking perennial to the landscape that gives a full season of color. This Canna Lily can grow up to 48 inches tall and gives a wonderful display with its colorful foliage and blooms of intense color.
 10 seeds $3.95