Now you can grow your own black oil sunflower seeds that are frequently used in wild bird mixes! Its seeds' high oil content is highly prized by squirrels, chipmunks, and birds so leaving the stalks to dry will provide these smaller critters a nice food source. Or harvest the seeds earlier for sowing in next year's garden! With its bright yellow petals and a face full of pollen, bees are much attracted to this beauty as well.
Very tall plants reachin 12 feet produce huge flowers with gorgeous black seeds. Multi-use plant as leaves can be cattle food and stem fiber can be used for paper or dried for a firewood substitute.
TWT303 American Giant Hybrid
One of the tallest sunflower varieties we have ever seen, American Giant can grow to up to 12-16 feet tall, with stronger stalks than other tall types, and enormous leaves. Plants are topped by 10 inch golden-yellow sunflowers. It makes an excellent background plant or tall screen. To produce the tallest plants and largest flowerheads, plant in fertile soil and provide plenty of sun and water. This is an excellent bird food producer as the seeds are smaller than most giant types and have a soft shell that birds love.
JM208 Red Garnet ( Amaranthus tricolor )
Beautiful dark red/fuchsia blooms top large plants that can reach up to 10 feet tall! Beyond its aesthetic qualities, young leaves can be used for greens, and flower heads fill with seeds that can be toasted and eaten as grains. Because of its stunning height, seed-filled flower heads make a great source of food for goldfinches and other birds flying by. Makes a wonderfully nutritious micro-green as well!
JB270 Blue Globe Thistle ( Echinops Ritro )
Add a distinct texture to your xeriscape garden by sowing Globe Thistle seeds! They are a great addition to the cottage garden or a mixed perennial garden. Globe Thistle flowers are in shades of purple and blue and they measure up to 1 3/4 inches in diameter. The flower heads provide good color before opening, so the bloom season is prolonged. It has thistle-like foliage with 6 - 8 inch leaves with distinctive spines. Globe Thistle plants are fairly drought tolerant, low maintenance, and they easily establish from flower seeds.
If the initial blooms on Globe Thistle are deadheaded, several smaller, shorter blooms will appear. Globe Thistle has plenty of flower seed, so it is a good self-seeder, and deadheading will help slow that process a bit. In richer soils, the plant might grow so much as to require staking. The basal leaves deteriorate quickly, so best to plant low-growing plants next to the Globe Thistle. Hands can be cut by foliage and flower, so best to wear gloves when handling.
Globe Thistle makes a nice cut flower. These fuzzy blossoms also dry well. Cut stems, hang upside down in a dry, ventilated place. Sow Globe Thistle seeds outdoors after temperatures have warmed. Prepare soil, sow the flower seeds on the surface and press them into the soil. Do not cover the flower seeds, keep them moist, and soon you will be enjoying a new addition to your xeriscape perennial garden.
HR510 Safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius )
A wonderful plant for the flowerbed, Safflower, is a thistle that is grown commercially for the production of oil and birdseed. It also makes a wonder cutflower plant.
The orange flowers of safflower sometimes serve as a substitute for saffron, since they give a color to food. The cut flower is excellent for preserving and drying. Once dried the Carthamus flower is considered to be an everlasting. The Safflower herb provides a source of red or yellow dyes for coloring silk and wool. The Carthamus herb can be used as a saffron substitute in rice dishes. Commercially, it is important as a source of good quality cooking oil.
Dried flowers are used as a substitute for saffron. An annual plant that can handle a lot of heat in the garden, it grows about 32 inches tall and will bloom in 10 weeks from seed.
Dried safflower flowers are used in a lot of recipes where they help to improve the color of broths, soups and stews, without being expected to contribute any flavor. However, many cooks are unaware between the difference between safflower and saffron, and consider the former a cheaper grade of the latter, with saffron being very expensive in some regions.
Nutritious and popular, safflower seeds are a great option for many backyard birds while their unusual shape and bitter taste can discourage less welcome birds and squirrels. This makes them a beneficial addition to many bird feeding stations, and the birds are always grateful for a new and tasty treat.
BB100 Butterfly/Hummingbird Mix
An excellent
mixture of flowers for attracting hummingbirds and
Contains: Coneflower, Arroy Lupine, Mallow, Four-O'Clock, Nasturtium, Zinnia 'Pumila Mix', Bird's Eyes, Rocket Larkspur,
Sweet William Pinks, Spurred Snapdragon, Corn Poppy, Scarlet Sage, Catchfly, Balsam, Dwarf Columbine, Foxglove, Maltese Cross, Lemon Mint and Rocky Mountain Penstemon.
Sow seeds in February in South, April in the North.
18g package of seeds will cover 100 square ft.
PR14 European Bird Cherry ( Prunus padus )
European birdcherry is a deciduous ornamental cherry tree growing 20-40 feet tall with a rounded crown. Fragrant white flowers in pendulous 3-6" long clusters appear after the foliage emerges in spring. Flowers are followed by astringent, pea-sized, black cherries which ripen in mid-summer. As with the closely-related chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), the fruit is extremely bitter to humans but loved by birds. Serrate, dull dark green leaves. Foliage turns yellow in fall. Zones 3-7.
E3152 Button Bush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis )
Buttonbush is a very under-utilized plant. It has so many unique things to offer. Hundreds of tiny, tubular creamy white flowers are packed into large showy flower heads, which dangle from the bush in August. Butterflies and other insects find the nectar irresistible.
The fragrant flower heads mature into round fruits each containing hundreds of nutlike seeds that are eaten by waterfowl and other birds such as quail. Many birds use this deciduous shrub as a nesting site.
It is a tremendous source of nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators and should be grown close to gardens when possible to help with pollination.
Buttonbush is naturally found in wet areas that are usually too wet for other perennial species to establish and thrive, but will grow just about anywhere you plant it, including upland sites, but not in really dry soil.
If you have a spot that has standing water during parts of the year, this is the plant to make that spot beautiful!
It makes wonderful cover to protect ducks from predators, crappie absolutely love to spawn under them, bees utilize the flowers to make excellent honey, deer love the new growth, and the list goes on.
Thanks to its super fast growing root system, buttonbush is great to use as an erosion control and water quality tool, such as in stream bank stabilization and mitigation projects.
Aside from the many wildlife and environmental benefits, buttonbush provides a long lasting, unique bloom display, and the glossy leaves show streaks and splotches of blood red color before dropping in the fall.
Zones 6-10.
Z2827 Chia Seed ( Salvia hispanica )
Chia is an annual herb growing to 3 feet tall. Its flowers are purple or white and are produced in numerous clusters in a spike at the end of each stem. Very easy to grow, just be careful not to overwater.
The plant grows as an annual in all climates and as a perennial ornamental in Zones 9 through 11.
Makes a wonderful windowsill potting plant and an attractive addition to the garden.
Chia seed is the edible seed that comes from this desert plant, a member of the mint family that grows abundantly in southern Mexico. You may have seen chia sprouts growing on the novelty planters called Chia Pets, but historically, the seeds have been the most important part of the plant. In pre-Columbian times they were a main component of the Aztec and Mayan diets and were the basic survival ration of Aztec warriors. It's been written that one tablespoon was believed to sustain an individual for 24 hours. The Aztecs also used chia medicinally to stimulate saliva flow and to relieve joint pain and sore skin.
Most folks do not realize what a wonderful ( and cheap to grow ) bird food chia seeds are. They are high in Omega 3 and vitamins. Chia seeds (for birds) can improve feathering, help to keep skin supple and are a good source of Vitamin E and B, calcium and also contain boron that is good for bones.
If you grow more than you need for your feathered friends, then enjoy some for your self!.
Chia has a nutlike flavor. You can mix seeds in water and add lime or lemon juice and sugar to make a drink known in Mexico and Central America as "chia fresca." As with ground flax seeds, you can sprinkle ground or whole chia seeds on cereal, in yogurt or salads, eat them as a snack, or grind them and mix them with flour when making muffins or other baked goods.
TPF270 Pearl Hybrid Millet
An easy to grow bird food. Pearl Millet is a very tall grass that can reach 15 feet. High in protein, digestible, and free of prussic acid. Perfect used for hay, pasture, and silage for feeding cattle, horses, goats, and other livestock, it is also a very good green manure. Well adapted to low soil moisture, low fertility, and high temperatures. Cannot ship to CO or OR.
FDR15 American Filbert ( Corylus americana )
The tasty nuts are highly prized by cooks for their easy-to-crack shells and small, sweet kernel. Squirrels love them as well, most likely for the same reasons. Hazelnut hedges can be used as windbreaks, visual screens, and to attract wildlife.
American hazelnut is a thicket-forming native shrub, excellent for naturalizing, woodland gardens and shade areas. Showy male flowers (catkins) add early spring interest, dark green leaves turn a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors in the fall. The nuts mature from September to October, attracting seed-eating birds, such as blue jays and woodpeckers.
Also known as American Hazelnut. Good for Zones 4-9. Multi stemmed, branching shrub to about 10 ft. tall. Attractive,
pointed, toothed, dark green leaves. Bears loads of edible nuts in fall. Native to Eastern
IP114 Common Black-Eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta )
This familiar, yet gorgeous golden yellow wild flower is often seen growing in large colonies along highways, in fields, and in many natural settings. Black-Eyed Susan easily establishes from seeds, and it produces clumping, stiff, upright plants that are short-lived. Black Eyed Susan is native to the eastern United States and is probably the most common of all American wildflowers. They have the characteristic dark brown, domed center which is surrounded by bright, golden yellow petals. Black-Eyed Susan thrives in most soils, in full sun, and they forgive neglect.
Grows perfectly in gardens, in borders and in flower beds, and it is a great summer time bloomer. Butterflies of many species are attracted to its bright blooms. It grows in all regions of North America in any soil from sand to clay, but it must have full sun. Black-eyed Susan care includes deadheading to prolong the bloom season, but the plants will re-seed themselves readily if you leave a few blooms to go to seed.
JB126 Giant Teddy Bear
One of our favorite sunflowers that produces cuttings for vases, and attracts bees, birds and butterflies. These plants bloom heavily with large 8 inches wide, fluffy fully double blooms, resembling golden-yellow pompoms. Borne in clusters on stiff, course stems, the unusual flower heads continue over a long season and last a long time in a vase.
Although much taller than other garden plants, this multi-branching plant is not too tall to add to the back of a bed or border in a cottage, informal, cutting, or wildlife garden, where the flowers beckon to bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects, and the tasty seeds bring the birds flocking.
A favorite of florists for their unique texture, Tall Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a big hit with gardeners as well! Easy to grow, these fluffy headed beauties will reach nearly 6 feet tall! Be sure to cut sunflowers in the early morning to encourage longer-lasting blooms.
AW35 Illinois Bundleflower ( Desmanthus illinoensis )
Used in meadows, roadsides, and tall grass prairie plantings. Good for xeriscaping. Produces fruit in the form of dark-brown clusters of pods. Due to it being high in protein, it is readily eaten by livestock and wildlife. Fixes high amounts of nitrogen in the soil and can rejuvenate worn-out soil. Attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
Illinois bundleflower is rated by some authorities as our most important native legume and is included in range revegetation programs since the species is readily eaten by livestock. The lenticular seeds contain 38 percent protein on a dry weight basis, which compares favorably with soybeans.
Seeds are desirable for wild birds. The plant is considered a nutritious and palatable browse for wildlife.
Pawnee Indians used leaf tea as wash for itching. Hopi used seeds placed in eye for conjunctivitis.
A perennial growing to 3-6 ft. tall with cream colored flowers. Hardy to zone 5. The primary attraction of Illinois Bundleflower is the refined appearance of its fern-like foliage. The subleaflets of the compound leaves fold together at night, and they close partially during hot sunny days in order to reduce moisture loss. During the morning and evening, when sunlight is less intense, the compound leaves orient themselves in the direction of the sun in order to maximize the reception of its light.
IP025 Geisha Girl Calendula ( Calendula Officinalis )
Sow this beautiful flower seed and forget! It's easy and rewarding to establish in any garden. Notable for its striking double rich orange-red flowers. It has curved petals similar to some chrysanthemum. Geisha Girl has oval foliage that is light green. A common name for Calendula is Pot Marigold.
Calendula flower seed produces a hardy plant. It is happy in most soil conditions. It requires well-drained soil, preferring full sun to semi-shade. Calendula is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. An annual plant growing to about 20 inches tall. For outside flower beds in zones 4-10. Deer resistant as well.
HR167 Lemon Mint ( Monarda citriodora )
A wonderful annual that attracts beneficial insects. Monarda Citriodora is commonly called Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint, and Purple Horsemint. As the name suggests, it is an herb in the mint family. Lavender-to-pink, tuft-like, whorled flower heads attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The Lemon Mint herb plant blooms from spring into late summer. Often late in the season the scent is described as resembling oregano more than lemon. Plants will grow about 36" tall.
D1739 True Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia )
A beautiful aromatic perennial that is hardy to zone 5-9 and can
be raised in tubs in colder climates. The most fragrant
lavender. Beautiful lavender flowers on long stems and narrow
green leaves. Sow in fall or spring. When planted in the
garden, it will deter pests with its fragrance. When dried and
placed in closets and drawers with clothes, it will deter moths
and lend its wonderful fragrance to the clothes.
IP021 Teasel ( Dipsacus sativus )
A very dramatic plant to have in the back border as it can reach a height of 72 inches. Sometimes called Indian Teasel or Fuller's Teasel, it has comb-like flower heads that were used in the wool industry to bring up the nap in woolen cloth. It is also an excellent cut flower for drying. It is widely used in floral arrangements and crafts.
Teasel plants will perform well in sunny areas with well-drained soil. Once established they need very little care and are fairly drought tolerant. Deer do not bother the Fuller's Teasel plant. The Teasel flowers are very popular with bees, birds and hummingbirds who love the flowers and seeds.
Teasels are considered a biennial. The first year they will not produce a bloom, but the second year, tall spikes will form with flower heads that are 4 inches, cylindrical-shaped and made up of a mass of tiny flowers. The flowers are usually a lavender color and bloom in a band from the bottom of the flower head to the top, lasting about a month.
To keep a patch of Teasel plants in the garden, let a few of the flower heads go to seed. The Teasel flower seeds will drop and self-sow.
JB091 Blue Steel ( Perovskia atriplicifolia )
Shorter, bulkier version of Taiga, this perovskia's Silvery green foliage contrasts w/tiny blue flowers. Also known as Russian Sage, this is a perennial staple, and now there are seed produced varieties! Sky blue flower spikes beautifully set off slivery green foliage. Hardy in zone 5 and higher, Russian Sage is both heat and drought tolerant, perfect for landscaping and accent plants!
Ornamental Popcorn
These small kernels make a nice addition to your bird food blends, plus they make wonderful fall decorations, and oh yeah, they make delicious popcorn as well!
VL373 Strawberry Popcorn
Tiny 2" ears of deep maroon popcorn. A must for flavor and
ornamental appeal. 25 seeds per pack.
TPF204 Robust 997 F1 Hybrid Popcorn
7-8" ears on 8-9' plants with glossy, deep yellow kernels. Its high (45:1) expansion ratio makes it an extremely tender popcorn. Ears may also be used for fall decorating. The best variety for corn shoots.