IP320 Dwarf Chinese Banana ( Musa acuminata dwarf )
This banana is grown not for their fruit but for their ornamental foliage that lends an exotic and tropical aura to the home or the garden. Musa acuminata is a dwarf variety that typically grows to about 4 to 6 feet tall. Extremely suitable for containers or gardens, it makes a much more manageable plant than other species.
The fruits are about 5 to 6 inches long, which are smaller than the common desert banana. They should be allowed to fully ripen before eating, and of course contain seeds.
2742 Cheeseman's Banana ( Musa cheesmani )
A nice addition to the ornamental banana line. The pseudostems are densely clustering, dark reddish brown, with a waxy white bloom towards the leaf stalk. The leaf is bright green above with a pale midrib and grayish below with a conspicuous purple brown midrib.
Although M. cheesmani has been described half a century ago, we believe this enormously attractive and colorful banana has been introduced into cultivation only recently.
This is a wild type banana plant from the rainforests of Northeast India. Giant, long green leaves . Hardy outdoors in zones 9-12 otherwise grow as a container plant for the yard or deck. Will tolerate mild colder weather. Produces small whitish - green fruits. Should be grown as an ornamental only.
Price per pack: $3.95
TRZ131 Musa Ensete
This bush type banana is cold hardy into and north of USDA Hardiness Zone 8. Regardless of your climate, you can always enjoy banana type bushes in containers or in greenhouses or as tender perennials. If you crave amazing, tropical, bold-textured foliage and exotic flowers in your garden, you should try growing your own banana bush!
Musa ensete is one of the hardiest types of the Musa family and has very large seeds. This small tree is ideal for conservatories, patios, or as a large potted plant. Only grows about 6 feet tall and is grown for its foliage; unfortunately, no bananas on Musa Ensete. Decorative, huge leaves rivalling any expensive mature house plants. Grows 3 feet in the first four months after seed germination!
Sow anytime of year after soaking the seeds for 24 hours in lukewarm water. Use a peat based seed compost and sow 1/4 inch deep. After sowing, seal the seed container inside a polythene bag in order to keep the compost moist. Germination is slow and erratic and can take 1 - 6 months at 80F. As each seed germinates, transfer it to a 3 in pot of good free draining compost, taking care not to damage the fragile roots. Pot on as required, the larger the container the larger the plant will grow.
Grow Musa ensete bush in warm, well lit conditions. During summer they can be stood outside or planted in the border but should be brought into well lit frost free conditions for the winter when it should be kept moderately dry. Some discoloration of the leaf ends may occur through the winter months but this won't harm the plant.
Zone 8 or higher outside, but often grown as a houseplant or patio plant.
2208 Blood Banana ( Musa zebrina )
This is a dwarf cultivar that is commonly cultivated for both commercial fruit production and ornamental applications. It typically grows to 5-6’ tall and makes a much more manageable container plant or houseplant than the other species. It is best noted for its large green leaves splashed with burgundy-red blotches and for its reddish trunk-like pseudostem. Zone 9b or higher outside, but often grown as a houseplant or patio plant.
Z2306 Velvet Banana ( Musa velutina )
Good container type of banana with dark green leaf blades to 3
ft. Produces erect spikes of white flowers, followed by softly
hairy, pink fruit. Good for zone 9 and higher outside.
W255 Burmese Blue Banana ( Musa itinerans )
This is a good cooking banana as well as a beautiful ornamental plant, best suited for zones 9-10 outside, or patio tubs in cooler zones. An exquisite new species of musa from a origin of Burma, it's bananas are shiny 6" to 8" in length with a pinkish-purple haze giving them the appearance of iridescent blue. A short growing spp. 8' to 10' with a beautiful golden yellow trunk. 14 to 16 bananas per hand, leaves are lightly pleated with light burgundy purple on the undersides and darker throughout it's midribs when leaves are young. It is used medicinally and for food in many cultural tribes of Indonesia. Heavily seeded. Very rare and one of a kind!
TRZ098 Musa acuminata subsp. acuminata
One of the ancestors of today's fruit bananas. Very robust and fast growing. Many of the modern edible dessert bananas are from this species, although some are hybrids with Musa balbisiana. This variety produces smaller bananas than seen in supermarkets, and of course they have seeds.
JB282 Darjeeling Banana ( Musa sikkimensis hookeri )
Wow! A rare and little known large banana species, new to cultivation, that sports a massive pseudo-trunk to 14 feet tall and 18 inches in diameter., tinged with red, and purple new leaves and leaf-midribs. A percentage of plants even exhibits beautifully dark red mottled leaves. The Darjeeling Banana is very hardy to cold coming, as it does, from mountain forests up to 6,000 feet in the Himalayas of NE-India. First trials outdoors in the US, Britain, Germany and Switzerland have shown an excellent resistance to cold and frost. Like all bananas, it is extremely fast growing, given rich soil and an abundance of water. The fruits have a sweetish pulp but are hard and contain a few large seeds. An absolute novelty that shows great promise as an ornamental for the temperate as well as the cooler tropical garden. We think this plant that has more potential than any other cold tolerant Musa in cultivation at the moment. Zone 8a and warmer.
IP333 Daj Giant Banana ( Musa sikkimensis daj giant )
A bit of question about the botanical name of this one, many think it's correct name is Musa griersonii, we are not sure so we will stick with the name most commonly associated with it.
A tall banana from the cool Himalaya region. Grows to 18′ and is hardy to 40 degrees. A beautiful banana, the leaves feature a purple hue to the reverse and a silvery bloom to the pseudostems. This is a very ornamental plant.
A note from one of our customers:
( "I was astonished when i recieved my seeds today. I
expected it to take at least a week to get here. You have a
very good service and i hope you stay in business for a long
time...If im ordering seeds, its going to be from you."
Thanks, A. Hill )
Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator
Please note that this is not a plant food or fertilize, this is a combination of natural ingredients intended to improve plant growth. Many greenhouse growers and commercial farms use a combination of these ingredients in their growing process. We have been using this formula in our gardens, fields and greenhouses since 1992, and we use it on everything we grow. We would not make this available to our customers if we did not firmly believe that it does enhance the growth and health of plants that it is applied to.
To see the results for yourself, we advise using it on some plants and not on others and see the difference.
Note: We only ship this product to addresses inside the USA.
The following ingredients are used in making Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator:
Gibberellic Acid
Gibberellic Acid is a member of a type of plant hormone called Gibberellins, which regulate the growth rate of plants. It was first discovered in Japan, in 1935 as a result of the study of a condition
common in rice plants called "foolish seedling" disease, which caused the plants to grow much taller than normal. The effects of gibberellins weren't widely understood until years later.
Gibberellic Acid is EPA approved, and is commercially used to grow most fruits and vegetables we eat.
B1 Vitamins and Plant Hormones
We add a blend of plant vitamins and hormones to stimulate plant growth and allow the plant to absorb food
from the soil quicker and also assimilate micronutrients that they may not normally be able to absorb due to various soil conditions.
All plants benefit from micronutrients, so we've added a humic acid base with Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Sulfur (S) and Zinc (Zn) in our solution.
Other ingredients
We also add a natural detergent additive that causes the sprayed on solution to "stick" to the plant leaves until the solution is absorbed by the plant, this detergent also discourages insects from feeding on the leaves for a short time after the solution is applied.
Each 8 ounce bottle of JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator makes 16 gallons spray-on solution, you can also use a drench and pour it around the base of the plant if you prefer. The bottle comes with a 1/2 ounce measuring spoon, simply mix a half ounce of plant growth stimulator with a gallon of water and spray onto the plants, or drench the soil around the plant. :
Spray plants weekly, best to apply in early morning/late evening. Start spraying when plants are young. Can be sprayed onto vegetable plants upto harvest. Mix 1/2 ounce stimulator with one gallon of water.
JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator
Banana Fruit
Facts from the California Rare Fruit Growers