Aster Seed ( Annual )

Asters are the September birth flower and the the 20th wedding anniversary flower. Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.
The plant's height ranges considerably, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!
Asters prefer climates with cool, moist summers, especially cool night temperatures. Select a site with full sun to partial sun.
Soil should be moist, well-drained, and average to humus-rich.
Plany asters in early- to mid-spring. Fertilize soil prior to planting.
You can start the seeds indoors during the winter by placing seed packs in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 weeks ( some gardeners do this, some do not, from our experience, the cold treatment does seem to improve germination rate and shorten germination time ). Sow the seeds in good potting and and place the seed trays in a sunny spot.
LET528 Gremlin Yellow
With an upright growth habit and reaching nearly 30 inches in height, these Aster Callistephus flowers are show stopping! Grown from Aster seeds, Tiger Paw Asters, are not only tall but they also have huge, double blooms that have many curved petals. This yellow one is brilliant and glows with color. This Aster variety makes a great cut-flower too!
  275mg package ( about 120 seeds ) $2.95
LET724 Gremlin Violet
This dark violet Aster is especially gorgeous, is a great addition to any cutting garden and has a long vase-life. This is a Tiger Paw, Tiger Paw Asters have an upright growth habit and reach nearly 30 inches in height. They are easy to grow from flower seed and so very rewarding as well.
  290mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
LET529 Gremlin Light Rose
Who knew that such gorgeous flowers could be grown from Aster seeds!?! This Callistephus Gremlin is a tall double variety of Aster, and it makes an excellent addition to the cutting garden. It has a long-lasting vase life, a long stem and makes stunning floral arrangements. This variety is commonly known as Tiger Paw Aster because the double blooms have twisted petals and somewhat resemble a tiger's paw. They are full and showy, and this light rose colored Aster flower is oh so pretty! Grows about 30 inches tall.
  295mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
3004 Milady Mix ( Aster )
Compact late flowering pot aster, bushy, large round double Duchesse-type flowers, grows 10" tall. Annual.
  75mg package ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
  250 seeds $5.95
JB185 Duchess Pink
Who knew that such gorgeous flowers could be grown from Aster seeds! This is a tall double variety of Aster, and it makes an excellent addition to the cutting garden. It has a long-lasting vase life, a long stem and makes stunning floral arrangements. This variety is commonly known as Tiger Paw Aster because the double blooms have twisted petals and somewhat resemble a tiger's paw. They are full and showy, and this light rose colored Aster flower is oh so pretty! Grows about 30 inches tall.
  310mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $2.95
LET531 Gremlin Lavender Blue
Who knew that such gorgeous flowers could be grown from Aster seeds! This is a tall double variety of Aster, and it makes an excellent addition to the cutting garden. It has a long-lasting vase life, a long stem and makes stunning floral arrangements. This variety is commonly known as Tiger Paw Aster because the double blooms have twisted petals and somewhat resemble a tiger's paw. They are full and showy, and this light rose colored Aster flower is oh so pretty! Grows about 30 inches tall.
  305mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $2.95
LET973 Bouquet Dark Blue
Dark blue color. Bouquet Series are fully double, midsize flower quilled in center, strong stems, mid season The plants are sturdy with an upright growth habit and reach 24 inches in height. Perfect for cutting!
  105mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
LET974 Dwarf Queen Mix
Fully double, ball shaped, flowers. Large, 3" fully double blooms on 10" plants in a beautiful blend of azure, scarlet, blue, crimson, light blue, rose and white. Very uniform habit.
  102mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
LET975 Rainbow Mix
Daisy flowers, large 3", double row of petals, yellow eye, mix of red, yellow, pink, blue, good cut flower, grows 24" tall.
  107mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
LET976 Andrella Giant Mix
Andrella Giants will definitely attract lots of attention as they are tall with large, open flowers with a double row of petals which are incredibly showy. This variety has a strong, upright growth habit and reaches nearly 30 inches in height.
3" flower, double petal rows, sturdy upright habit, full color mix, uniform flowering July-August, high quality cut flower.
  117mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
JB239 Tall Needle Unicom Mix
This mix will offer a delight of color and interest to the summer flower border or cutting garden. Colors of rose, violet, white and salmon will grace the flower border. Blooms are unique with their large, showy blooms of needle-like petals. The plants are sturdy with an upright growth habit and reach 24 inches in height. Perfect for cutting!
  325mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $2.95
LET646 Sea Star China Asters ( Callistephus Chinensis )
China Asters are good as cut flowers in bouquets, beds, borders or pots because of their longevity. Visitors will do a double take when they pass these lovely and unusual China Asters, in the garden or the vase. Big 3-1/2 to 4-inch blooms are full of brightly-colored, needle-shaped petals that are arranged in swirls atop tall, sturdy stems. These blooms are dense, deeply colored, and long-lasting. Best of all, they appear profusely on very vigorous, uniform plants.
This Sea Star mix contains 5 complementary colors: white, pink, deep rose, and purple. These large-flowered China Asters make a spectacular bouquet all by themselves, and their unusual form combines well with other flowers in the bed, border, or vase. Only grows about 24 inches tall.
  305mg package ( about 175 seeds ) $2.95
LET516 Color Carpet Mix
Compact, large flowered flat fully double, good basal branching, early flowering for bedding or pots. Pink, purple, red, and white blooms appear in the summer, thrives in bright, sunny growing areas. This lovely and compact variety of popular Aster is a seed not often found in the US of A. It's low, bushy growing habit makes it an excellent choice for borders, beds and containers alike.
Grows about 8 inches tall.
  350mg package ( about 170 seeds ) $2.95
LET439 Bonita Shell Pink
Light pink blooms deepen to darker pink as they age and have atrractive, soft yellow centers that whiten as they fully mature. This variety makes exceptional cut flowers with long stems and showy blooms that have a long vase-life. Annual. 36" tall.
 40mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
IP275 Duchesse Peony Apricot
What a rewarding experience to grow these spectacular annuals from seeds! These Paeony Duchess Asters are breathtaking, and this soft apricot colored flower is the perfect addition to the cutting garden. The flowers are very large with double incurved petals.
They resemble chrysanthemums that bloom in the fall, but bloom many weeks before. The plants have an upright growth habit and have 5 to 8 floral stems. This variety makes exceptional cut flowers with long stems and showy blooms that have a long vase-life. Annual. 28" tall.
 95mg pack ( about 25-30 seeds ) $2.95
JB096 Duchesse Peony Blush Pink
A little like a chrysanthemum, a little like a peony, who would believe that this beautiful bloom is an Aster? Big flowers on tall stems make Peony Duchess Asters the perfect addition to the cutting garden and their lovely, delicate, desirable blush pink makes them a show stopper wherever they are planted or displayed. Annual. 28" tall.
 85mg pack ( about 25-30 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $8.95
SF391 Duchesse Peony Coral Rose
Who wouldn't want this delicate color, coral-rose, gracing their flower borders all summer? Start these seeds to have your own display of coral-rose asters. This variety as a resemblance to chrysanthemums which are usually seen in the fall.
Aster blooms earlier than chrysanthemums but has huge, double incurved flowers for lots of magnificent color. The plants have an upright growth habit, and can reach 28 inches in height with 5-8 floral stems. Asters are a must-have for the cutting garden! Annual.
 100mg pack ( about 25-30 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $7.95
LET099 Dwarf Milady Lilac ( Callistephus Dwarf Milady Lilac )
Nothing is sweeter in the summer flower bed than dwarf Asters! They are easy to establish from flower seeds, and this Aster Milady variety will grow quickly, reaching 10 inches tall. This Aster plant has large 3 inch bloom that are lilac in color, and the butterflies cannot resist them! They are heat resistant and long-blooming to give color all summer long right up until the first hard frost.
 80mg Pack ( about 40 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $7.95
3001 Duchesse Mix ( Aster )
Double peony-type ball flowered mix for country garden or cut, stong stem, late flowering August-Sept., wide color range, grows 28" tall. Annual.
  80mg package ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $7.95
3472 Matsumoto Blue Tipped White Aster
Blue and white bicolor. Heat resistant Matsumoto variety produces 2" diameter flowers with eye-catching blue flowers with white centers on upright plants. Fusarium tolerance is an added plus. Excellent cutflower. Grows about 30" tall. Annual.

A good cutflower with long vase life. Cut when blooms are 2/3 open.

 60mg Pack ( about 35-40 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $7.95