Alyssum Seed ( Annual )
Alyssum are small plants, growing six to nine inches tall. They have a profusion of flowers, with white being the most popular. They also are available in in different colors.
Alyssum plants are a tender and delicate annual. They are small and easy to grow. Alyssum are usually used as a border plant and also look really good growing in the nooks and crannies of a rock garden. They are good candidates for container gardens, too. Excellent for Rock Gardens.
Seed Starting: Alyssum are grown from seed. Alyssum seeds can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seeded indoors for transplanting later. If planting outdoors, sow Alyssum seeds after the soil has begun to warm in the spring. Alyssum do not like frost, so if started indoors, transplant them outdoors after the last frost date.
If planting in a basket, put 6-8 plants per 10" basket for full effect. If planting in the flower garden, space plants eight to ten inches apart.
Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with soil. Water thoroughly once. Alyssum will begin to produce a continuous profusion of sweet smelling flowers by mid-summer.
Note: Alyssum are fairly easy to grow and tend to. They like full to partial sun. They will do well in average soils and tolerate dry soil conditions. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Soil should drain well. Add a general purpose fertilizer once a month.
Once they are established, they will grow well until the first frost. Alyssum are tender annuals and highly susceptible to frost.
Alyssum flowers form a striking border massed together as bedding plants. Mat-forming sweet alyssum stays short and complements taller border plants well: planted in front of taller plants, sweet alyssum won't obscure them. They're also popular in containers; as short plants, you can install them along the rim (they'll hang over slightly).
Their short stature also makes them useful as temporary rock garden plants or groundcovers. White sweet alyssum flowers are used with red salvia and blue ageratum in the U.S. in patriotic landscaping themes for July 4th plantings and for decorating cemetery monuments on Memorial Day. Use them with other white flowers in moon gardens.
LET962 Giga White ( Multi-seed pellets )
Large, fragrant white flowers fill pots, baskets and borders, blooming all season. Plants are heat tolerant when watered regularly. Big, pure white flowers on dense, well-branched plants fill packs and pots well. More vigorous with larger flowers than Wonderland varieties. Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds.
LET964 Wonderland Mix ( Multi-seed pellets )
Large, fragrant white flowers fill pots, baskets and borders, blooming all season. Plants are heat tolerant when watered regularly. A mix of all Wonderland colered flowers on dense, well-branched plants fill packs and pots well. More vigorous with larger flowers than Wonderland varieties. Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds.
JB188 Sweet Alyssum ( Lobularia benthamii )
What wonderful, honey-scented lacy white flowers that bloom quickly from flower seeds sown outside in early spring. The dense clusters of tiny snow-white flowers bloom continuously throughout the growing season if the spent blossoms are trimmed back. A compact, rapid growing variety which is drought tolerant and heat resistant and is excellent in containers or along the front of the flower bed. Sweet Alyssum can be used in a flower bed, container, hanging basket, or a window box and will attract many beneficial insects. Lobularia Maritima has been used medicinally to treat colds, coughs, abdominal pain, and rabies. Grows 6-8" tall.
With its sweet fragrance, Sweet Alyssum attracts bees, butterflies and many other beneficial insects such as lady bugs.
LET473 Tiny Tim ( Lobularia Maritima )
This dwarf Alyssum is a prolific bloomer with delicate white flowers that can bloom all summer long. Alyssum Tiny Tim only grows to slightly over 3 inches in height, and its flower seeds can be planted right in-between pavers. With its lovely honey fragrance, this delicate, re-seeding annual is an excellent choice for borders and containers too.
SF385 Rosie O'Day ( Lobularia Maritima )
1961 AAS Flower Winner. Nothing is sweeter growing in the garden than Alyssum, and these flower seeds make it so easy to have lots of it! Rosie O'Day is marked by clumps of foliage covered with numerous rich, rosy-pink, fragrant flowers, that bloom from spring through mid-autumn. Grows to approximately 6 inches tall. Even though this flowering plant is just an annual, it is a prolific re-seeder. It will drop its alyssum flower seeds at the end of the blooming season and those flower seeds often germinate the following spring.
2942 Aphrodite Red
Hot rosy-red color. The Aphrodite Series of Alyssum is an exciting
new line of colors for Alyssum. Grows only 8 inches tall, and
flowers in only 9 weeks. Annual. Excellent basket and container
2959 Wonderland Blue
Crystal clear blue flowers that shimmer. This beautiful blue alyssum shows off its very low growing growth habit making it an excellent ground cover. This Wonderland variety of alyssum only grows approximately 3 ( sometimes 4 ) inches tall and is covered with dainty, fragrant blue flowers. These alyssum plants are fast to flower in spring giving you an early unsurpassed ground cover beauty. Blooms in 9 weeks, annual.
2962 Wonderland Deep Purple
Deep rich purple color. Wonderland Series Alyssum features
Compact, uniform habit, bright distinctive, clear colors, 4"
tall, blooms in 9 weeks, annual.
2963 Wonderland Deep Rose
Beautiful deep rose color. Wonderland Series Alyssum features
Compact, uniform habit, bright distinctive, clear colors, 4"
tall, blooms in 9 weeks, annual.